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Posts posted by DalekBoy

  1. I have about 90 hours in the game so far and I just got up to mastery rank 5 last night. What you want to do is keep crafting new weapons and levelling them up as that's how you increase your mastery rank, mostly. Also if you have already done the assassination mission on Ceres where you kill Captain Vor and Lieutenant Lech Kril, you can farm that mission for the Frost warframe components. Also even earlier on Venus, you can farm for rhinos component blueprints from killing Jackal (which is apparently really good early game especially with the Hek shotgun, which as I have found out myself destroys.)

    So yea just keep crafting weapons and warframes and ranking them up.

    And for the mods you may need the wiki is your best friend. It sure as hell is mine lmao.

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