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  1. Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. All conditions for Deep Archimedia are on a weekly reset, so the Loadout Modifiers follow this standard. Please have this be a daily reset. If you get awful choices for your frame or weapons, you are essentially screwed for doing Deep Arcimedia for the entire week until reset. With a weekly reset, players will log on, see that what they rolled for the week is bad and then log off. With a daily reset, players are incentivized to log in more often to check their options. Eventually, they will roll a frame or weapon that they like and is strong and will play the gamemode. The only reason I was able to unlite the Elite Arcimedia today was due to my loadout options rerolling to a frame and weapons that I actually had and liked to play.
  2. Happy Tennotober everyone!! Can't wait to see everyone's art!! Day 1: Portal What lies beyond? Is the one who enters curious, or are they reckless beyond belief? Day 2: Fangs The sharpened teeth, ready at all times to leave a bloody scene behind. Day 3: Decade The years go by, both in an instant and painstakingly slow. Yet, not a single moment was wasted. Day 4: Crystal Does the gemstone merely reflect power or is it a conduit in its own right, waiting for its power to be unleashed? Day 5: Beetle The natural cycle of decomposition. What is old becomes the soil for new life and new beginnings. Day 6: Throwback Time moves on, yet our memories etch the past into something that we carry for a lifetime. The second piece is a redraw of my first Tennotober drawing from 2020! Day 7: Knives The blade must be sharpened, or it will eventually rust and break. The state of the blade is just as important as the skill of the wielder. Day 8: Whisper Out of every tool available to the warrior, knowledge is the one that ultimately decides the battle. Day 9: Man in the Wall Who is it you see smiling back at you in your reflection? Whose voice echoes across your dreams, transforming them into terrifying nightmares? Day 10: Orowyrm Far from their wild counterparts, the domesticated wyrm is a friend for all Tenno, loyal until the very end. Day 11: Inspire Even in the darkest of nights, the voice of the people will be there, lighting the way until morning comes. Day 12: Solidarity Against a common enemy, the brothers stand united to pave a brighter future for all. Day 13: Courage To stare down your darkest fears and make the choice to face them anyway is the most difficult, and yet the bravest decision of all. Day 14: Rally The mark of a true warrior isn't refusing help, but rather knowing when you can't fight alone. Day 15: Uplift While the universe may try to keep them underfoot, their spirit remains unbroken. One day they will rise and take their fate into their own hands. Day 16: Family Whether they are formed by blood or by choice, we surround ourselves with people we care about and who care for us in return. Day 17: Dedication Where others may quit, there is no greater test of strength than to be the one who keeps going. Day 18: Kaithe The companion whose thundering steps will herald the coming of change onto the desolate landscape of time. Day 19: Cave The open plains. Above and below, adventure and fortune can be found. Day 20: Spiral The same day, over and over again, hoping for a different outcome. The eternal chain must break at some point. Day 21: Assassin A contract forged. Blood will be the only thing left afterward. Is it worth the price for peace? Day 22: Bombastine The thief of all joy is envy. How can one be happy with what they have when they are constantly comparing to others? Day 23: Hunt The true hunter knows that the thrill of the hunt isn't just in the chase but also the anticipation in waiting for the right time to strike. Day 24: Beard The face of greed, twirling their mustache as they condemn those below to sate their own desires. Day 25: Hammer Retribution comes with the decisive strike of the hammer of justice. May its impact ring true as it decides the enemy's fate. Day 26: Mirror Tell me. Which one scares you more? Looking into your reflection and seeing a lie or seeing the truth? Day 27: Crime How far will you go in pursuit of victory? You may be able to wash the blood off of your hands, but will you ever be able to remove the weight on your soul? Day 28: Bat Fly creature of the night. Let the midnight winds carry you as you hunt your prey. Day 29: Crown You who have suffered so greatly at the hands of our enemies. Take peace in knowing that you have more than earned your strength. Day 30: Prison The chains that bind. They can not remain strong forever. Count the days until you are free and can bring your reckoning. Day 31: Faceless Though the hero's face may fade, the tales of their deeds will echo throughout history. Eternity encapsulated in a story. And that is all 31 days!!! Happy Naberus everyone!!! As always, this was so much fun!!! <3
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