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  1. I think that might have to do with the size not the loading itsself, as i said before, you don;t have to keep assets loaded after you step out of the orbiter. For Railjack on the other side you have to keep everything loaded at all times, this is not the case for normal missions I completely agree with this but in my eyes this will make the game feel more modern. This is the trend I noticed over the years, reworking old UI and systems to bring them up to speed, why would the loading screen not be one of those changes?
  2. you don't have to keep everything loaded, only the cockpit in which you'll be put which is something but not much. the memory can be released as soon as you step foot on mission so it wont affect mission performance.
  3. I can debunk that again with Railjack; you can jump from any node to any node in Railjack while staying in the same Railjack, who says that i cant start another mission from my orbiter after I extract from the previous one? and on top of that, after you finish your mission, the landscape changes according to the planet, if you look outside, this doesn't have to be changed. No, they wont since like i said the animations and mission start are the same, the "travel" is the only thing that will change
  4. With the new Whispers in the walls update and a new area with missions from a hub I kept asking myslef: Why cant we have that from our ship? which in essence is a hub; Why do we need to enter a loading screen while jumping to a normal mission? and 2 answers came to my mind: Its an old system and if it works don't touch it. It would be a time consuming task. For the 1st point I agree, tinkering with old systems could only spell trouble and the outcome in the end might not be worth it. For the 2nd point would be a yes and no, since the animations required for this task are, I believe, 90% complete: We already have landing animations with the ship descending from space for each planet and location all we need is something to replace the loading screen. And I guess most of you already figured it out by now: Hey this is already a thing in Railjack! You don't have to sit in a loading screen while doing rj, you sit in you ship and you still retain the freedom to move while passing through the void. Now imagine this for your orbiter: you will be locked in the cockpit from the start of the timer until it is canceled or paused if you are not in the cockpit when the mission's "loading screen" starts you will be teleported there you will be able to move and look out the window while traveling you will be able to see other players's ships coming into view when joining your party you will not be able to access any systems during loading to prevent swapping builds/mods/companions during this time because let be hones this will break the game Other than this, you will be able to do anything you can do in a Zariman elevator. How will it work? I took my time to do some sketches and take some screenshots of how this should play out: - Starting mission -> Travel Took Earth as an example here Before: Mission select: Loading: This is the traveling through void part, as mentioned before, it should be the same as the Railjack After: At this point after 0.5-1s the screen should change to the one with landing crafts descending on location and the infiltration as it is right now on the live build This should be it! - Other players joining while loading Because the FashionFrame is the endgame and we fashion even the landing crafts that we travel in, we should be able to se them, unfortunately you will no longer be able to see your own for obvious reasons but we will still be able to see other's ships. Below I sketched an Idea of how this will play out: Now to explain: Your point of view will be from your ship. All around will be the void tunnel which I tried to illustrate on the left and the right parts of the sketch. Depending if you are the host or not I thought of 3 animation methods for players to join your party: METHOD 1: ship comes speeding from behind and slows into your FOV METHOD 2: ship comes into FOV from the side of the tunnel METHOD 3: ship comes into view from afar, you are speeding up to catch with it - If you are NOT the host and you are not in party at the start of the mission If you are not the host and you join an already started mission or a queued mission, then all players will come into your view using METHOD 3 - If you are NOT the host but you are already in party when starting the mission If you are already in party when the mission countdown hits 0, then all players in the squad will come into your FOV using METHOD 2, my reasoning being that you are already gathered before the mission and enter the void tunnel almost at the same time. Any other player joining after that point will join using METHOD 1. - If you are the host If you are the host then you will never see a player entering FOV through METHOD 3, depending if the player was or wasn't in the party you will see them enter in your FOV using one of the 2 points described above And that is about it! Quite simple really. I am open to more suggestions, leave your ideas in the comments and let make this thread WORTHY FOR AN UPDATE!
  5. I created a post some time ago about this, it was concerning not only Wisp but all Warframes that have a prime models for their abilities, could we please get all of them fixed? Another annoying case of this would be Garuda's dread mirror when paired with any tennogen skin, it would display the normal version of the frame and not the prime one. Edit: I just read the other comments and saw some people raising this topic too, sorry for spam
  6. It is still not fixed in Garuda's case, just tested
  7. This is the same topic I've created some time ago, its not targeting only wisp's motes but all prime abilities in general Here is the post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361346-tennogen-skins-revert-prime-abilities-look-to-default/
  8. As it was stated many times in the past, it is very hard for them to change the UI to facilitate this change. Adding a toggle is no easy task. Instead what they can do is say: if a warframe is prime: display prime abilities models. Of course this is not a perfect solution; for the small minority of playerbase that prefers the normal abilities look this will be an unwelcome change. Overall from what I've seen so far in the community, players either don't care or they prefer the primed version of the models. Even tho this change might upset some people, there will be many more that will find it welcome and for some, a long awaited dream.
  9. I am not sure that this is the correct place to put this but here we go: Whenever a new prime warframe comes out there are a few design changes, the most noticeable is the look of the frame, the main model; that change is noticed right away by everybody. The other not so obvious change is for the abilities. 2 of the most recent examples I can give you are Garuda and Wisp, in both of theese cases the difference between the normal and prime version of abilities is like night and day. Wisp motes Normal vs Prime: (as of Hotfix update 33.6.1 Wisp's motes are fixed) Garuda Dread Mirror Normal vs Prime: Did you notice anything in Garuda's case? Mind you, I havent changed the colors at all, nor in Wisp's case. All I did was to change the skin(Garuda Successor Skin(TennoGen) with Garuda Prime Skin) and my lovely ability which has 100% uptime and it is in my face throughout the course of an entire mission turned from looking like the old boring version of it to the good looking prime mirror frame that it should have been in the first place. Adding any tennogen skin on any prime warframe make the abilities to revert to their ugly(compared to the prime version) normal counterpart and this should not be the case. I know why that is, its because the tennogen skins are created from the base version template of a warframe but I think it should be tied by whether or not the warframe is prime; I know that there are some deluxe skins that also change the look of some abilities(eg. Protea Caladrius) but those should be special cases, having all skins tied with abilities is dumb just because there are 5-6 skins that do change the look of them. Theese are 2 particular cases that annoy me the most and I consider them to be the most obvious ones but there are many more out there. I mean, we pay a premium for theese skins just to have the abilities look worse than if we went with the included prime skin. I really wish that this would get changed so that we wouldn't have to consider this tradeoff when buying a Tennogen Skin in the future; for the love of FASHIONFRAME, THE TRUE ENDGAME.
  10. Hi, I love your work and dedication and i have a request from you: Wildfire from Honkai Star Rail, I was thinking either the beginning with the guitar solo and the drums, because that guitar is a good background since its repeating over and over or the refrain, the first instance. I tried doing both on my own and lets just say it was a mess :)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxlW79tDhCA Thanks and Good Luck!
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