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  1. More difficult? More like an annoyance brought to the extreme. We get the same penalties/limitations as in Archon Hunts and Netracells. Ok. Additional penalties to increase rewards (which are still random). Sorely limited loadout selection (yes, you can actually play anything you like, but you'll never get all the rewards) like in Circuit, but no default loadouts (meaning you basically have to make a build for every piece of equipment, even if you hate it and never want to use it) and nothing like decrees or anything to make up for it. Basically, you have all your nice builds only to see big numbers on the kill counter in long Star Chart missions, they're no use in what's supposed to be "endgame content"; they give you good stuff, but then (provided they don't take it away entirely by nerfing it to oblivion), they just make sure you won't be able to use it where it matters. You get in and have to play these missions in the slowest way due to all the above limitations (and not because you need to be careful, but because you just can't go faster), where the endless-type missions are also 2 rounds, because one wasn't annoying enough. And then you finish it, annoyed like hell, and have to redo it from the start with even more penalties for a couple more (still randomized) rewards and a couple of trash rewards... (Let's be serious... Vosfor? VOSFOR? Why not Rubedo, then? Does anyone perceive Vosfor as something worth all that hassle? You can get tons more just by playing with your brain turned off while watching Netflix on your second screen...) This mission annoyed me beyond words. It's just a joy-sucking soulless time waster; instantly goes in the "never touching that again" zone, unless in the future it gets changed drastically.
  2. Thanks to the guys who "oh, no, the new frame is OP, he does in six ability casts what at least two other existing frames do in one, outrageous". (By the way, this was totally expected, it's never "small tweaks", it's always public execution.)
  3. As per title. I don't know about other platforms, but it certainly happens on PS. Happened to me a few times, at first I wasn't sure I hadn't selected normal path, but then I made sure and still happened. Dunno if it can happen if you're the host, for now, or if it only happens when you aren't hosting and the matchmaking puts you in the mission of someone who started Steel Path. Also, I can't say for certain, but I think it may have happened in some other bounty-based zone too (Zariman, I think), not sure it's exclusive to Sanctum Anatomica.
  4. Not that this is a bug or what, but, at a general look, the fact that Sanctum Anatomica now has 6 different missions while retaining 5 bounties generates a slight inconsistency (compare to the Zariman, that has 5 missions and 5 bounties) and a little loss of quality of life. To some it will be irrelevant, to others it'll be a little more relevant, thing is that, objectively speaking, unless you're going for endless missions rotating rewards, boss loot, Dante-related items, or some other specific stuff, the ideal bounty you'd want is Nex (Exterminate) as the highest level bounty, since it's the quickest and simplest to do. Before the update, at every rotation, you had an 1/5 chance to get it, and if it wasn't there, maybe it was the second highest... or, going further down, at the very worst, you could have gotten it as the lowest level one and say "meh, it's still the fastest" and go with it. Now, with the new disruption node added, but no additional bounty, one mission always remains out of the rotation, so not only the chances to get it as the highest one is reduced, but it might not be there at all. This, albeit probably much less common, affects you also in case you want to run a specific mission (say you're farming Dante, Tome mods, or Tennokai in the endless missions) and want to run it as a bounty for some additional reward, but now nope, you won't get it. And, you know, not everyone is on Warframe 24/7, maybe in the time one can play daily they'll only be able to see one rotation. Suggested solution: one obvious thing would be to add a 6th bounty as an even higher level one, so all 6 missions are covered again, but that might scramble a lot of things for rewards. A much easier and quicker thing would be to add a second lowest-level bounty, identical to the first in regard of enemy levels and rewards, except that it's obviously in a different node, and all 6 missions are covered again.
  5. My take has always been: unless you put out something actually harmful to the game due to initial bad assessment and low testing (not even wanting to consider predatory monetizations), rather than nerf the good stuff, try to improve the bad stuff. It goes for Helminth abilities, weapons, frames, and everything else. No need to put big efforts and do things like the Incarnon adapter system (which re-incurs in the same issue, some weapons jump from trash to divine, others just from trash to trash+, I wonder if they were worth the devs' sweat), just a few tweaks. There are Helminth abilities that no one used before the nerf of the good abilities and that no one still will use after those nerfs just because they remain trash, not good on their own, not good for synergies, etc. Nerfing the most used ones doesn't encourage new builds with the others, since they stay as bad as before.
  6. The energy color of his 2nd and 3rd ability is tied to his attachment energy colors rather than frame's energy colors. Also, the two energy colors for each type (frame and attachments) don't blend very well, the abilites all result in being mostly monochromatic with just some particles of the other color. I hope these truly gamebreaking bugs are fixed ASAP, since they make only one color (per type) dominant and are very disruptive of fashionframe.
  7. Just happened twice in the current Archon Hunt Defense. One at like the 3rd or 4th wave, the second at the very last wave, with two or three enemies remaining. The humanoid target gets pushed by a Fire Eximus, falls out of map, and mission fails instantly. That's very, very, VERY irritating, hope it gets fixed ASAP, it's already one of the most annoying mission types, it doesn't need a "random fail" factor too.
  8. The caches aren't appearing at all. Where they should be you can hear the "humming" sound, but no caches to be found. They don't seem to be just invisible, because I tried blasting the plasma torch and slashing everywhere, but didn't get a single cache for the challenge. They also don't appear on the minimap. Also, could we stop having mutually-esclusive challenges, like finding 10 things around the map and at the same time having to finish the mission in 15 minutes, forcing us to always repeat the mission at least once (not even counting these bugs)?
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