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Posts posted by MagicBolo

  1. I get to fish Tromyzon without Tromyzon bait. They spawn when the weather just changed. I get 2 or 3. Same with Recaster fish, though the Recaster spawn about the same time with the Sapcaddy and the Tromyzons a bit later.

    About the dye disappearing, it might be that you threw it on a shallow part, because i make the same error on PoE.

    I have no complains that the baits cost standing, you get more than return of investment after fishing anyways.

  2. I have not seen this myself but have you tried the ENTER or ESC key? My mouse has a special 'back' button that is meant to work on web browsers but apparently works on warframe too, just saying.

    But to really solve your problem, them people need to learn the proper etiquette to wait for the whole team on the extraction point.

    And why are people farming bounties when they can just farm index and buy debt bonds from ticker? Getting those orb vallis resources are easier than bounties.

  3. Guys you are throwing it wrong if the dye disappears, throw it farther into the water. You might be standing too far from the shoreline and throwing it on shallow water. I make this mistake too in PoE. Trust me, I do fishing for standing.

  4. In orb vallis, I notice a stuttering, a sound distortion, when going near the water. Does not happen in plains of eidolon. Already on the lowest settings.

    edit: I'd like to add that my laptop can run another game that I install high resolution water graphics mods and not experience this stuttering.

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