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  1. Ephemera (and the Bloodshed Sigil). Well, not really but kinda? Okay let me explain. It's sometimes really hard to use some ephemera when trying to pair it with Attachments, Syandana and Signia. Most Ephemera such as raptwing, naberus lotus and whatnot aren't specifically the issue since they extend from your body (I personally call them Extension Ephemera), the issue are the ephemera that affect your whole body (Body Ephemera) such as Frostfall, Kudzon, Spore, Spinnernet and many more as well as the Bloodshed Sigil as they only affect your frame and frame only meaning that external attachments and syandanas and yada yada won't be affected by it resulting in weird/ bad fashion most of the time. Please make those types of Ephemera affect your Attachments and Syandana (and maybe weapons aswell?) that would be really cool. Alrighty small rant over, enjoy the game lads.
  2. Somethings not quite right https://imgur.com/a/hbBjpx1 https://imgur.com/a/ITwveym
  3. Same here but you know what the most annoying part about this is? It's not the first time this specific bug has appeared. This bug, for some magical reason, always reappears in every large-ish content update and tends to get "fixed" by doing what I presume is another band-aid fix just for this same bug to appear the next update.
  4. Is Kullervos 2nd abbility being worked on? Like adding a gate or being able to work with armor and damage reduction?
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