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Posts posted by Unibot

  1. 24 минуты назад, Kilmir сказал:

    They were? Any numbers on how much the reduction of damage we're talking about?

    If they lose a ton of damage they might not be able to keep the ship safe when I'm doing side areas. This might be a major problem for solo players.

    50-60% less damage vs corpus units (but that might be due to my weapons having more puncture so it goes well against shields)
    VS grineer on the other hand it feels way worse. Like 8-10 times less damage. I'm literaly killing grineer fighters faster with my particle ram that my gunner crew do.
    Well... we had our fun while it lasted.
    Now its time to put railjack missions back to where they belong... in a dumpster.

    • Like 1
  2. How about no ? PVP has zero potential in warframe. Proved multiple times. About that "huge" draw of players - look how many of them play existing pvp modes.
    Also pvp players are the worst - salty, toxic and uncooperative. None of this is needed.

    • Like 1
  3. 41 минуту назад, (XB1)R3d P01nt сказал:

    When you join a PUB, you get what you get.  I've previously supported the idea of having a vote, like when starting any other mission.  I don't support the idea that someone is a captain and can tell others what to do.  If you want to be a "captain" and dictate to others, then go to Recruiting chat and get a like-minded group of people to join your squad.

    If people refuse to use the tools the game gives them...

    That applies to both captain and guests. Neither of them should be telling others what to do. They may suggest, but should not force. At the same time - guests are visiting captains ship. Captain ship = captain rules, you don't want to respect the rules - you are free to leave.
    Most of people I have played with did respect others opinions and did not force their rules on others (so did I) and everybody did their best for a common mission goal. Though I did met subjects that actively tried to force their will onto others. Mostly during that diorea spear event(maybe cause that was the first time I started to host rj missions). I also came across said persons during regular missions as captains who just sit afk not responding to chat or endlessly farm resources after mission rewards were distributed. And then I just add them to my ignore list, abandon mission and move on. Sure I maybe did not get some rewards, but I won't come by them again so it was ok for me.
    I did not play after so called "rj revised" update, cause not much changed. It does not even deserve revised title, its just some buffs and nerfes, nothing was changed fundamentally.
    And now I don't have much insentive to play it either, cause it appears that the numbers of bad mental health players just rised by a lot.

  4. Fully agree. The whole thing as extract for all just because somebody needs to - is a bad design. One should not decide for others when to extract. If somebody is done with railjack mission - let him extract while others can continue.
    Also captains should decide wherever or not others can take control of HIS/HER ship, not those who are GUESTS on that ship.

    • Like 2
  5. Considering many of augments should be base functionality I want it.
    Considering many of augments are just not worth mod capacity - I don't care if it will ever exist.
    Considering DE have a habbit to twist good concepts into disgusting abominations - I don't even want this to be implemented by DE.

    • Like 1
  6. What are you talking about ? Hildryn augment is poor designed and about as poor executed.
    Additional shield regen for pillage? NO. Haven eats shield on execution and drains per enemy. 25 shields unmodded per enemy per sec (+ activation if you want to take it in account).This constant drain per sec from haven pretty much nullifies this regen. You would probably be more efficient using streamline instead of this.

    Getting that fire proc for more armor strip ? You'd gain better results with casting 2 and more pillage in a session(and lets be honest - thats what you do) with 200+% ability strength(and thats not hard to achieve btw).  And it will be constant for armor and it will also affect shields. Not to mention you will also get more shields that way. Oh and BTW those heat procs don't affect TAU.

    Additional damage ? Laughable. Haven on its own scales badly and has a same starting damage(but its damage overall is better, since no delays due to casting) as this augment. And it does absolutely nothing to high level enemies with 300%+ strength on its own. This 200 starting heat per cast(or two) changes nothing.
    Did not test it as dd ability with faster casting, but I'm not even going to try speccing hildryn into fast casting.

    Getting shields from armorless/shieldless enemies - is a nice touch, but not worth the mod slot against infested, since multiple higher lvl chargers will shred it apart even with adaptation in seconds anyway. And heat proc does about as much as cc barrier againg those. Better mod your belefire and use its augment to get shield and deal damage to infested.

    Its not an ability augment - its a poor attempt to make us use questionable ability(Haven) constantly to get questionable "benefit".
    Good on paper, poor on practice and waste of mod slot as it is now.

    Augments for abilities should NEVER be dependant on usage of other abilities.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 минут назад, trst сказал:

    Reworked or polished content just can't bring in or retain players the way new content can though.

    Take Liches where DE could take the time to flesh it out and integrate them with Railjack and whatnot but it won't matter for all the players who already finished it or for a lot who already have written the content off. They would need to not just be changed and fixed but be re-released with entirely new content and rewards where at which point they may as well have made something else entirely. It's why reworks to existing things usually only happen when something new related to it is coming be it an event or update.

    Thus the best hope Liches have currently is as DE already mentioned before: when they get expanded on with Corpus Liches.

    I disagree here. It strongly depends on what they rework. If they rework tilesets, sure its not much interesting for me. But if they expand on gameplay features - then it might be interesting enought to get back in. But as it is - they mostly cut gameplay, not expand it. Or bloat it with new underdeveloped features that get stale fast cause they are undeveloped enought to hold on their own. Bloating gameplay with useless shawzin is not expanding it btw. Archwing is the same thing. Melee is still lackluster compared to slasher type games. They have a room for improvement, thay just don't want to improve. Add new useless stuff, drop time/rng/grind wall, sprinkle it with carrots for players and call it a content and hope people will return. That is what railjack was, that is what liches is and that is what SS still is. They got the skill and got the tools, thay just choose to do it lazy way.

    • Like 4
  8. Date: 05.04.2020
    Time about 10:13 GMT (and about 40 min before that)
    Flutila number: 13
    Tons of kill codes were sent, but only some of them recieved. Ground squads 19, space 10 - thats about 2x ratio for space, yet kill codes do not arive after sent. Chat is swarming with killcode sent messages, but we are not recieving them during space missions. I was curious and played ground mission after. And you know what ? I sent codes, but others did not progress, cause they were not getting them. This makes us unable to complete space missions -> unable to drive murex raides for flotila -> unable to get bonus payment for everyone who used that flotila. When are you going to FIX you bug spear DE ? When ? Its been 2 weeks now and killcodes are still buged. Why are we punished for playing your event and making your game online stats ? Are we third sort customers to you ? Cause that is what we are getting.
    Get rid of your faulty bonus payment, pay all upfront as soon as mission is complete. I am tired of your excuses.

  9. 1 час назад, (XB1)DefyByBlood1030 сказал:

    I actually don’t understand how that would even function, it’s not a limitation to play the Shawzin it’s a recreational item, it’s an emote, being able to use weapons and abilities would make it completely impossible to play because you need every button or key to make complex music or your own songs. The Shaw’s in is a recreational item and if you think it’s a waste of time then that’s your personal opinion, but there’s nothing wrong with it and it doesn’t have really any limitations. The only ones it has are the ones you place on it, and obviously they aren’t going to sound like the real song when you play them, but the fact that you even can is amazing. This is a video game about killing enemies and blowing stuff up, being able to play a guitar and mimic a Metallica song has never been done before in the history of ever. Especially with the interactivity for the guitar they provide. My original post was about making more instruments anyway so your comments have gone off topic. 

    Thats the point. Its implementation is so bad, that its very niche. DE already implement a lot of niche and questinable aspects of the game, yet you want more of it intead of developing it to be less nich.

  10. At first I thought you are refering to the old melee system... You know the one we had since open beta started with charge attack spam and melee coptering... Simple yet effective.. Oh those times... But then you mention combo system and its clear to me - you want the first implementation of combo system.. And to be honest it was clunky and painful to use. Yup some moves got changed and yup some combos got butchered, but its much more fluid now. I regret the changes they made to blade guns, but overall its an improvement over the old combo system.

  11. 1 час назад, sonyseva6055 сказал:

    yes true,i just find it "odd" to use 200% str and still see no difference, again i just hope them to make aegis storm activate automatically balefire and maybe make the 3rd abilty do something more than just a shield buff that even now no one besides my sentinel likes it sadly.

    Go beyond 300% to see the difference.

  12. 9 минут назад, (XB1)DefyByBlood1030 сказал:

    A lot of players use the Shawzin as a fun recreational item in the game, my point is it could become much more than that with more player interactions, concerts, bands, etc.Also there aren’t a lot of limitations with the Shawzin, there’s a Shawzin for almost every type of guitar-type instrument. A pipa, an acoustic guitar, and an electric guitar. I’ve seen players do some pretty crazy stuff things as well, like play songs in real life on them by transferring the melodies into the Shawzin keys and then playing them. You can check it out on youtube. My main point was how do you primarily get your platinum? You either buy it or you trade parts for it. Players have been doing that for years, so adding more instruments and allowing them to be played in dojo’s would allow for some really cool bands that players (if they decided) could charge a small amount of platinum to see them play kind of like irl. The band makes platinum for creating original songs and performing them, and players get to watch their favorite warframe bands present music in the game. Actual rock concerts in warframe would be f***ing amazing especially with the Corbu Shawzin because it sounds amazing. I recommend you try it out they aren’t too expensive.

    I went and looked those on youtube and just as I expected they are limited and far from sounding like real songs. Also what bothers me even more is the need to just sit in one place doing nothing but playing your shawzin. If it was integrated in a proper way with the movement flow like you can use your abilities, shoot gunz, melee and still play shawzin non stop in the whole flow of movements - then yes, it could be a thing. As of now - its very niche and not worth my time.

  13. 34 минуты назад, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu сказал:

    Lol you guys are like those people that cant get over the fact that politicians lie:

    "Hey!...That guy didn't do what he said he was gonna do!....Can you believe something like that would happen? I never saw it coming!"


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  14. Только что, BDMblue сказал:

    I don’t mind complaints but can people complain about real issues. 2 out of every 3 people *@##$ about something that is 100% made up. 

    Right now we have the *@##$ thread about DE ling about the arcane grind. Guy needs 40 to finish his set. Spent god knows how much time hunting Eddy’s to get it. Now it takes him 6 more #*!%ing hours and he calls DE a bunch of liers.

    we have the Railjack grind? Took me 2 weeks to get everything when the drop rates were low #*!% off.

    Liches had a few problems but still people make threads and complain and it’s obvious they had not even tried it.

    On and on and on.

    Complain about bugs lack of content. S#&$ weapons lack of rewards nightwave something that is legit in the game (or not in). Don’t just listen to a friend and make some elaborate thread about your lack of understanding....

    Now you are just making things up.

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