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Posts posted by TheIvoryKitty

  1. TYPE: In-Game, UI, Stops Progress
    DESCRIPTION: Immediately after finishing and returning to the Orbiter from the Chains of Harrow quest, I walked to the foundry, started construction of Harrow, and then walked into my chambers to touch the blue light at the window. As expected, this immediately teleported me to the Apostasy Prologue quest, which I then completed. Upon returning to the Orbiter, I was immediately taken to my inbox, where I received the mail "An Offering of Gratitude" from Palladino for the Chains of Harrow quest I'd previously completed. I was unable to leave the inbox menu by either the close button, or hitting escape on the keyboard, nor anything else I tried at first. Eventually, I (luckily) realized I had a "1 Item Ready To Claim" icon from the foundry at the top right of the screen, and clicking that closed the locked-in Inbox menu. It appears that beneath the Inbox menu, the Apostasy Prologue end of mission screen was on. That seems to have been what was stopping me from closing the Inbox, and the end of mission screen wanted to take precedence but was hidden under the inbox. If I had not had the foundry icon, I'm not sure what I could have possibly used as a work-around to get out of the locked screen, besides restarting the game.
    (1) Finish Chains of Harrow quest
    (2) Return to Orbiter
    (3) Without opening the inbox, go directly to the Tenno quarters and touch the blue light to begin the Apostasy Prologue quest
    (4) Finish the Apostasy Prologue and return to the orbiter
    (5) See the inbox open automatically with "An Offering of Gratitude" from Palladino, and find that you are unable to close the Inbox.
    EXPECTED RESULT: I should have been able to close the inbox, or the inbox should have opened after I'd seen and closed the Apostasy Prologue end-of-mission screen.
    OBSERVED RESULT: The inbox appeared and I was unable to close it by regular means.
    REPRODUCTION RATE: This can only occur once per game, so unable to reproduce personally.
    Use the 'claim item' icon for the foundry at the top right, if you have one.


    • Like 1
  2. TYPE: In-Game, Railjack
    DESCRIPTION: While playing the mission at 'R-9 Cloud' in Railjack, I made my Titania a giant within the Railjack by exiting the Missle or Shipkiller platform in Razorwing with my Tenno, appearing in space seemingly still tiny, and then using the OmniTool to return to the ship as a giant.
    (1) Select Titania as your Warframe.
    (2) Go on a railjack mission.
    (3) Go into a 'platform' (shipkiller, missile, etc).
    (4) Finish platform tasks (hacking/etc).
    (5) Use Titania's 4 (Razorwing).
    (6) Go to the green marked exit of the platform while in Razorwing.
    (7) At the exit, use 5 to switch into Tenno form, and click x to exit the platform.
    (8) If you are leaving via a DOOR from the Missle platform, you will appear in space seemingly still tiny. If you are leaving via an OPENING from the Shipkiller platform, everything will be black on your screen. It doesn't matter which for the next step.
    (9) Use the gearwheel to select the Omni tool, which will automatically transfer you back to the Railjack as a Giant.
    EXPECTED RESULT: The Omni tool should have returned me to the Railjack as a normal sized Warframe.
    OBSERVED RESULT: The Omni tool returned me to the Railjack as a giant Warframe.
    REPRODUCTION RATE: 100%, ever time I left a platform while in Razorwing using Tenno, and Omni'ed back to the ship.







  3. Hello! I'm not sure if this is a suggestion or a bug!

    I often play Warframe with my German family members. My game client is in English and theirs are in German. Because the names of mods are obviously different in each language, and because they almost never translate exactly one-to-one, we often have a very difficult time explaining builds to each other (e.g. "Do you have the Mod 'Pilfering Swarm'?" "...I don't know...").

    If I link the mod in chat, via the regular '[Pilfering...]' method, we were hoping to use that as an easy way to show the other party exactly what Mod we mean, such that when they clicked the mod, they would see the German named version. Unfortunately, the mod is not clickable by my German family if I link it in chat!

    This would make a huge difference for multi-lingual groups! Please help! 🙂

  4. 5 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    Just had an idea for a Samaris Sentinel Arcane..

    Will not fire on Samaris Scan targets.
    Lvl 0 has a 25% chance of casting kinetic siphon trap when a point is scanned. (Once every 30s.)
    Lvl 1 has 50%, etc..

    Depends whether it's easier/better for DE to program that arcane and arcane slot for sentients, or just remove the enemy marker against Samaris targets.
    The arcane could have potential for other features in the future.. like Precept cooldowns, circumstantial damage or fire rate boosts, etc. Just brainstorming.

    This is a really interesting idea. On the one hand, I feel like your sentinels shouldn't be doing anything actively against your current objectives in general, and so for them to attack conservation animals or scan targets that you're not supposed to kill just feels wrong. Also, I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't want to give up a mod slot to tell their sentinels to do something that it feels like they shouldn't be doing in the first place. On the other hand, though, if there was a mod like this that could make my sentinels possibly cast siphon trap for me instead of me old-people-style fidgeting through my gear wheel trying to cast mine and then switching back to my scanner with similar ineptitude, I would 100% apply that to my companions every time, and would LOVE it.

  5. Hello all!

    I'm sure that this has been mentioned before, but maybe not for some time --

    I think it would be a big improvement if our companions (Kavats, Kubrows, and Sentinels) did not attack Symaris synthesis targets.

    Often enough, even when my husband and I are standing around desperately trying to scan all the parts of a target as quickly as possible, and no one is trying to kill the target, it still ends up getting killed before we can finish scanning. Even if we do finish scanning, the process feels anxious and rushed, because we're trying to scan faster than our sentinels can kill, and that depletes from the fun of the mission a little bit.

    Thanks for reading!


    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Dukinie said:

    Actually we thought the same this morning, but you're able to upgrade if you to into profile while on your orbiter, then you have a menu there for it.


    * Although I'm not certain if perhaps you need to have done some of the first parts of the ship quest to gain access to it, or if it is there for everyone, I havent checked with anyone that hasnt done atleast some of the building of the ship, maybe you can let us know if you do have access or not?

    You are totally right, I can still add intrinsics points via the Profile -> Intrinsics screen! Boom! Thank you so much!

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Dukinie said:

    Actually we thought the same this morning, but you're able to upgrade if you to into profile while on your orbiter, then you have a menu there for it.


    * Although I'm not certain if perhaps you need to have done some of the first parts of the ship quest to gain access to it, or if it is there for everyone, I havent checked with anyone that hasnt done atleast some of the building of the ship, maybe you can let us know if you do have access or not?

    Oh snap, I'm going to check shortly! Thanks!

  8. 4 minutes ago, Leyla said:

    And as it is right now, the only person who get the resources when doing the railjack missions is the host. 

    This isn't actually true, I don't think. It doesn't show in the mission results, but after the mission we looked in my inventory and did a search for those materials (diodes, titanium, etc) and I had a number of them. I shouldn't really have any because I don't have a railjack myself. So I think we are getting them!

  9. It appears that a player (like me) who does not have their own Railjack is unable to use Intrinsic to level jobs to become a more valuable crew member. Since any Tenno can be a crew member, it seems like everyone should be able to work on their crew abilities equally.

    In my case/example, my husband has a Railjack, and so we just always planned on playing in his and building his up, but I planned on working on being the best engineering crew member I could be for him and other people.

    I haven't done the quests to get Railjack because SPOILER ALERT (highlight to read): I don't want to lose my space-mom, so I haven't moved forward with the quests. 


    So, that would be an awesome change!

    Also, the update is great - thank you so much for all you guys do!

    • Like 5
  10. My husband and I play Warframe all the time (because it's awesome, duh!), and so we have received all of the rewards from the previous Nightwave episodes. We noticed that the Nightwave Intermission gives players the opportunity to earn some of the rewards that they missed during previous episodes, which is totally great!

    However, we wanted to suggest that those items in the reward list for Nightwave Intermission which are not helpful to have a second time (e.g. Tenno costumes, Warframe Costumes, the Wolf emote, etc) instead turn into Nightwave credits for those that have already earned them before in a previous Nightwave episode. As it is, I don't believe there is any way to sell or otherwise use these items a second time, and so it would be great to receive some other reward for our efforts!

    Thanks for reading; loving all of the changes lately!

    • Like 1
  11. I already made a post on this, here:

    It appears that Rebecca has made a statement about that:

    "Regarding the Simaris Gameshow stuff, we know the site went down and people were kindly waiting, so we WILL be figuring out a way to make that issue right another time (maybe for a devstream, etc). Expect something, but later, for now we eat dinner."

    The stream itself and Megan said that the codes would be available well after the show, as in this screenshot:


    But the official Warframe account contradicted that, and stated that that wasn't the case, here:

    "Unfortunately, the Simaris Showcase codes were a limited time promotion during TennoCon and will not work now that the event has ended. Thank you for understanding!"

    So, you can do with that information as you will.


  12. 32 minutes ago, BigIron45 said:

    Regarding Drops: It's said that it could take a few hours to a few days because the server has them staggered so the load is smaller. 


    The Simaris Code are no longer valid, because they were only usable during the streams. Rebb has said that yes, they know the site 💩 the bed. Yes, they realize people are upset. No, the codes will not be reinstated. For now, nothing will be done. They haven't had time to talk about it and some of the DE team have been on stage all day doling out content so they haven't had the time to fix it anyway. 

    It was actually stated on-screen with the code that it was available until 11:59:59 PM ET July 6, 2019. It is currently 9:53 PM ET. So, it should still be available at this moment.

    See the bottom of the screenshot from the stream below.


  13. 9 minutes ago, Xantheis said:

    reb tweeted that they know the site went down and they will work on a way to get us the items



    Thanks for this tweet! Glad to know they recognize there was an issue. Sad to know they wont/can't fix it until some later date, perhaps at a devstream, because that means I won't have the 500 ducats for the special baro relay, but still happy to know they're going to do something about it. I figured they would - they are always good about that kind of thing. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Brech_o7 said:

    There was an asterisk next to the code stating these codes expire at 11:59:59 PM ET which is in 4 hours, so DE must be having issues on their end. Megan mentioned there shouldn't be any rush to enter our codes, hopefully we'll get an extension if this problem persists.

    Thank you for this information - I was really worried when someone told me it was only during the show. I was like, "But... but... the site wasn't working!? *cry*" I mean, it's still not working, but at least I know I still should technically be able to get them.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Daiwulf said:

    I got the ducats from the in-game market during the stream, but didn't see the other 2 until the stream was over. Now they are invalid. (at least the 500 ducats was the best one for me, so I'm happy)

    Yeah, I really kicked myself that I decided to try the display first. I mean, I like the display - I wanted the display - but if I knew I was making a choice, I would have gotten the ducats. 😛

  16. While watching TennoCon all day long, I saw the three codes come up on screen for ducats, the display, and the credits. I went on the site to redeem them (https://www.warframe.com/promocode) but the site was down and when it wasn't, the redemption wasn't working (returned an error code that the server was not responding). So I just said "Oh well, I'll keep trying," and did so throughout the show.

    Then, after the show, someone told me you can actually redeem codes from the Market in-game, which I had no idea, so I tried to do that. I got the display one to work, but the other two both say 'invalid code'.

    The ducats are kind of a big deal for me... is anyone else having this problem? Someone just said that the code was only valid during the show, but... the site didn't work... so that would be really unfortunate, you know?

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