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Everything posted by Lucy_Lycan_05

  1. I have two monitors, one for my game and one for everything else. I use the windows to allow my mouse to move off my game so I can use the stuff on my second monitor, and still be able to see my game. but in the past month or so my Windows key just stopped working in warframe. I don't know what's causing it besides warframe. I have checked every setting, my ICUE, my computer settings, my Steam settings, my warframe settings, everything. But nothing has changed, I have played with the exact same setting on warframe for 2 years and only now is the Windows key not working. Warframe loads up for 2 minutes and then it stops working and even when I'm tabbed out on in windowed, the key is shut off completely, until the moment Steams says "Play" instead of "Stop". This #*!%s with the Game Bar as it is completely inaccessible while playing warframe, Playing warframe breaks Game Bar as after every time I play warframe the Game Bar just won't open no matter where I try to open it from. I have to restart my whole PC to use the game bar only for it to break again the next warframe session. I don't know what's going on, why can't I use my Windows key? How do I get my Windows key back?
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