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Everything posted by 7endings

  1. Brief testing. Slam attacks either don't register or deal significantly less damage when you're not the host on acolytes. While hosting in squad of 4, a single powered up (shroud of dynar, wrathful advance) x12 heavy slam erases them, full shield and all. While client, heavy slams don't even dent their shield. Tested a similar set-up on the Sibear incarnon and had zero problems, either as host or client. Tests were only done in Albrecht's laboratories. But I'm going to assume it's the same outside of it as well. Url isn't working so here's the set-up I'm using. Mod hidden by the riven is organ shatter. https://imgur.com/a/eyszJrR Incarnon perks are edge of justice, seismic slam, critical parallel
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