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Posts posted by Frostosti

  1. they added an invulnerabilty timer after you spawn. But if your game loads slow, your character is already spawned while you are still loading.
    And if your game loads slower than slow, the invulnerability timer will expire before your game is loaded.....

  2. I completely based my choice on which syndicates to support on the tier four reward packages, now that they ate gone there is nothing interesting in the syndicate store anymore.

    useless sigils, since there is nothing left to buy, point increase doesn't matter

    or some useless spectres that barely do any damage or poor mods that take up a mod slot and are thus only bought yo complete your mod collection.

    only thing worth buying is that one weapon for mastery rank.

  3. if you look at the weapons section in the codex

    it shows only the weapons that you can acquire, not the past event weapons. UNLESS you own those. should be the same for mods at the very least.

    what else is the point of the codex, they can just as well delete it altogether and add a link tip the wiki instead.

    and also bring back mods / total mood count in codex that you took pot a few updates ago for no reason

  4. iirc 397 R5 cores is needed to get a rare mod to 10/10


    And basically T4S is the only way to get them, however you can get T4S keys for free from the syndicate. Since each run gives you plenty of reputation to buy more keys.


    Edit; also only the max the mods you need. E.g. a normal flow, i only use it on 1 of my 25 frames, so maxing the primed flow is at the bottom of the priority list.

  5. unfortunately i missed the first trader, but i just logged in and bought the entire batch of this second trader, however the primed point blank and primed flow do not appear in my codex under the mods section

  6. It will be totally fun when the void trader will appear on Strata, ooops, there is no more Strata.

    only saves you from wasting another 400 r5 cores on a rank 10 rare mod. Since if no one can get the mod, there is no problem.

    But if others have it but you dont, then there is a problem.

  7. depends.

    if you play for rewards only, then extract. Since at wave 40 the reward rotation resets back to wave 5 again.

    if you play for fun and dont give about any of the rewards at all, try to revive them. Because in worst case scenario you all die and have to use revives / fail the mission. But if you do not care about the rewards, nothing is lost.


    Personally i would move towards them, but not on the ice area and shoot the enemies around it. Then the guy that is almost dead can use a revive (he was the first fool to die) to save the people that tried to save him.

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