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Posts posted by DoomHarbinger

  1. Going 90+ minutes and the host freezing and 3 people getting kicked out only to lose 1400+ Mutagen samples each because the host had a hiccup makes no sense or at least make it so if you "lost connection" when you join back you get all the stuff you had not just the 5 min rewards  https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/779533148950872177/D4E49880DA1EF498BD420F1C384FC5DAC3426412/ this is how much samples i had after reconnecting, so I suggest you do what you did to the void that lets people just host migrate if the other host dissconnected if that makes sense lol

  2. ^But you weren't exactly supporting the game when it was in it's early stages, you got the game that was already pretty polished. I wouldn't mind if ps4 and xbone get some exclusive skins for some frames, corpus themed for PS4(since they are blue) and grineer(green for xbox one) for example. Just don't ask for excalibur prime and other goodies which were only available to pc founders.


    well im pretty sure all the warframes are of tenno tech and or void, the only thing close to representing a diff faction warframe isnt even a warframe thats zanuka ~ but they should do something special but at the same time let the founder migrate there exclusive over and vise versa ~ 

  3. from my understanding if you want a duel secondary you need 2 of them to craft, instead of duel skana and aklato why not just make a duel dakra and aksicarus prime? 



    if this was to pass would't people then want to ask for excal prime or a "skin" similar to it.  people on here are arguing over that it doesn't exactly mess with the terms but is a sneaky part on DE's end, without founders who know's how far this game would have gone and to then have them come out with a dual variant of those exclusive items is not a smart choice on there end as they smash any trust they had with founders who spent there money to help pave the way to what warframe is now. 

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