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  1. God forbid there's poor people attracted to a free to play game and willing to support the devs with whatever they can. Only to find themselves unable to send such support simply because the devs are asking too much but this wouldn't be the case if there was another cheaper bundle without all of the bloat. Here are a few (simple) questions for someone who claims to know a lot about marketing (but seems to be just Dunning-Kruger at this point): 1) What's better? •Selling X units of something for $90 •Selling 4X units of the same something for $30 Which one are people more likely to buy? •Something they want at a reasonable price. •Something they want but is only included in a bundle with other stuff they don't want, don't need, have plenty already or see no use for it which makes the price unreasonable. I'm all ears to hear your over 20 years of experience in the entertainment business and all of your experience with marketing, running businesses, ROI, whatever justify your answers, even if those justifications only end up explaining why someone who flexes all of that experience ended up "dirt broke".
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