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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Cache locations are pretty limited, once you know every spot you just check for it, when you enter proper tileset. Here is a guide for this particular map. Steam Community :: Guide :: Hive Cache Locations Similar with tumors locations. They are even marked on the map and often killable with aoe damage. People have been speedrunning Warframe content forever. Profit taker, Lua Spy, Hive Sabo, Tridolon. It is a competitive sport.
  2. Something the developer/Q&A/Testing dept. did not test for. You know this joke about testers: Tester comes to a bar. Orders beer. Orders two beers. Orders 99999 beers. Orders -1 beers. Customer comes to a bar: Asks where the toilet is. Bar bursts in flames.
  3. Typical falling under the texture. Usualy /unstuck fixes it. Occasionally doesnt. When it doesnt, best thing you can do is Alt+F4. Sometimes it saves your progress. It happens to everyone really. You just happen to be in wrong place at wrong time, doing wrong thing.
  4. War doesnt have 40 mod points capacity. The additional 10 points you are noticing may be a result of installing a stance mod. Weapons that have 40 capacity usually get it by formaing it 5 times eg: Paracesis has 40 capacity, so do all Kuva and Tenet weapons. PS: You really do not need more than 70 capacity for a melee weapon* and 80 capacity with 5 formas installed is pretty extensive as well. PS2: Heavy Blades are a little outdated these days and War is not even close to the best Heavy Blade available. Sorry.
  5. It is a skill issue if you lack punch trough and grouping tools. Just because unmodded weapon shots one target at the time, doesnt mean it will shoot one target at the time when modded properly. Again, why do you say we, when you mean me? Do you have access to everyone else Warfarame and can tell when they are getting? Daggers have the highest follow through stat (0,9) and with right range modding are one of best aoe melees in game that do not rely on Melee Infuence. Bows have infinite body punch trough. If you line up your shots you can hit a lot of enemies with 1 arrow. Many of bows are actually AoE launchers. Shotguns? Why would you want shotguns? Classic pellet shotgun is a clunkly slow shooting single target close quarter weapon with lenghty reload. Not something you would want in Circuit. Also lets not forget about Warframes. Many do not require any weapons whatsoever. PS: Have in mind that the loadouts for Circuit are shared with loadouts for Duviri and need to be capable of dealing with Orovyrm.
  6. Contact support of the email or use password recovery. Longer. Your ticket is not the only one they got last night, and evening, and afternoon, and morning.
  7. That is exactly what Pillage does without aiming, clunky charge mechanic, weapon swithicng, augument and in AoE. I am not Hildryn main, I use her very rarely but i got preset for her. Does it matter to you, what I am finding relevant? Unairu is my least used school. I do not use Bramma either.
  8. Sound is fine and it is heard 30 meters away. You also get the yellow circle and the containers are marked on minimap. They can also be seen trough terrain and walls with a scanner. Only real problem is when some of the spawn underground, while rest are on the surface. It does, not just bonus objective. The control zone is much bigger than usual people vision range. Just because you cannot see enemies at the horizon, doesnt mean they arent there. They sometimes spawn in cave under you, sure. That is the best one, especially if you got loki/nova/wisp/volt to speed it up. PS: Some of the bonus objectives are counterintuitive and rather impossible to do. Like kill only the target you are hunting for. Why exactly? What do we gain by not killing other grineer on plains? (in order to do that you have to snipe him from away and leave you frame/pet/sentinel away and catch the guy with Operator while invisible). Why does this part need to be stealthy all of a sudden? Didn't we just kill enemies to make the boss even show?
  9. Yes. Consider I use it more often than Balefire. The forced Energy Orb is great utility to have, not only in low energy sorties. Guess you werent around on Orphix Venom, when we used to leave Hildryns in Aegis Storm between objective points to farm the orbs for Necramechs.
  10. Or just completely change this obviously failed mechanics. I guess charged shot use requires augument. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Balefire_Surge I dunno how other Hildryns, but I subsume on 1.
  11. Same thing with arcane shards for crit damage.
  12. Would seem so, but no. Either you really do not undersstand warframe or troll.
  13. Does it protect you against toxin damage? Because that also bypasses shields. I have been 1shotted by Toxic Ancient on full Vex Armor STR Chroma. All in all what kills you most of the time is getting into melee range of lots of enemies or standing still for 1 second too long. If you remember to not do any of those things you are gonna be fine.
  14. It is fine as is. Getting multiple items and ranking them up to max is not a feat that needs any more rewards than it currently has.
  15. These mods do cause direct damage same way crit, multishot or status chance causes direct damage. After I read the title, i thought you wanted to kill Grimoire, but after reading this sentence, I think you are just dreaming.
  16. Because people keep spreading for no valid reason. RJ spreading (and also shared Reactant) has point - there are multiple tasks that need doing: RJ mainenance/defence, Outside tasks (can be done simultenously) , Piloting, Gunners etc. People being alone in every corner of the map of Survival is counterproductive for enemy spawns and player safety and shared reactant will only popularize this behaviour.
  17. Any "parkour" involving challenge I cheesed with Titania Razowing. This one probably too. Second Youtube video on wiki site shows this a bit (although this guy is not using his Dex Pixia for some reason). It kinda depens on the weapon you give him. If you are not 1shotting the enemies maybe there is the problem. You should be able to get from orb to orb while killing the enemies on the way. What weapon do you you run? What build? Aoe is a waste most of the time because the enemies do not spawn in groups, but 1by1.
  18. You can buy 3 prebuilt forma for 35 plat or for Pathos Clamps from Duviri shop. These sure take less than 24 hours to farm. Also, you really do not have to put forma in every new shiny weapon your favourite youtuber is promoting this week.
  19. Guess you do not understand how experience works. Let me explain in simple words. I used to play those games 18 years ago. I do not play them any more. Warframe is not like that, if you log off, you lose nothing. There is nobody attacking you while you are not online. You do not have to think about the game every living hour, you can stop playing for however long you want till you fancy again and you come back to the state you left off. All in all it is always the person who chooses the game, not the game which chooses the person. Yes, but it is all people agency. Not the games. Sure, developers of certain Pay2win mechanics are surely taking a page ouf of psychology book, but it only works in weak minded people with low life experience (or in low places in their lifes, when they are vulnerable for that kind of thing). They gotta get that experience somewhere. Creations of habits may be not concious, but the impact those habits have on the rest of the life, should.
  20. I think there may be a bias here. It has been occuring forever (before cross play) in premades on defense (everyone just nuke nuke nuke, you have to tell the to not nuke before we got all the reactant). If you know something is up you adapt and overcome. You do not simply dedploy the same strategy as if you had the same amount of enemies as on PC host. Stay with your mates, do not kill stuff, wait for the void to hit, use loot frames. Each corruption only spawns 3 enemies, If you are scattered - less corrption happens, if all enemies are dead - there is nothing to corrupt and only those 3 spawn. Maybe 1 drops a reactant.
  21. If you do not want to play you do not play. I do not see how the game creates that habit to you. I have experience with games that go on 24/7 whether you are at the computer or not (Ogame, Travian) and have a hindsight how destructful they were on my actual life. When I do not want to play I simply do not play and do not even think about it. I lose nothing by not playing. It is not the game that creates habit, it is the person. Whether it is drugs, alcohol or gaming. It is always the person. And until the person stops blaming the drugs, alcohol and games, the habit will keep going.
  22. Wukong clone kills count as ability kills. Wether his weapon attacks also count as ability attacks I do not know.
  23. It is necesary so that people do not binge play warframe in one go. It is not healthy for them and not profitable for the developer.
  24. Totally not a single one: OP's thirst oozes out of this sentence.
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