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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Shadow Stalker is technically pumped up version of a Stalker.
  2. Go play sims or whatever crazy sex game you want. Or check rule34 for warframe content.
  3. This will sadly lead to numbnuts deleting majorty of their inventory to only have the best outcomes, like they did in Duviri/Circuit (and still complained they cannot delete certain items).
  4. This has nothing to do with the drop and most likely nothing to do with consoles. It is combined: Low spawn rate due to players' actions + Idiot players nuking everything in range before it has a chance to get corrupted. It only affects Steel Path - spawns on normal for PC and consoles are the same. Also Players scattering the hell around for unknown reason (searching for enemies, I guess) This may only affect Survival. All other missions should go fine as they are not timed. Since some people have problems with figuring out how enemy spawn works: Near obj (if applicable), near players, out of line of sight (unless corruption), in the nearest tileset. Also, reactant is markable and most often there is most of it right near the extraction.
  5. You may have obtained Orokin Reactor Blueprint, not the actual Orokin Reactor. It needs to be crafted before using.
  6. Anyone can report you for anything. Whether it is based on evidence or completely made up. It is the decision of the site owner to ban you based on the report. May want to read the thing you agree to before agreeing. https://warframe.market/tos 2.2. Do not change the standard copy-paste message from warframe.market. If you are interested in bartering with the other person, do so in a second message. Doing so may lead to leaving our terms of service and with that the ability to report users for any action they commit after doing so. This sparks joy.
  7. Company can strenghten their sealing if you strenghten your translation game.
  8. It most likely needs fixing one-two particular spot in texture (because datamass drops under it) in one particular location and none of you guys posted a screenshot with location. In order to find it someone would have to check every Mobile Defense location on every Planet's texture inch by inch (because clearly it doesnt occur every time) Keep expecting results of others, while not doing any input yourself. See where that goes.
  9. There is not going to be Prime Dante in over 3 years as further ahead we got (in order) Protea, Xaku, Lavos, Sevagoth, Yareli, Caliban, Gyre, Styanax, Voruna, Critrine, Kullervo, Dagath, Qoorvex. That is 13 frames, minimum 3 months each. Umbra formas are much more common than you may think. If you were just to buy one from Steel Path shop that is one Umbra Forma every 8 weeks. And it is not the only source by far.
  10. Be marked at all times (what I used to do when hunting for Smoking Body Ephemera was kill all the basic bosses on all basic planets and keep the Stalker messages so I could keep track what I was marked for and what not, and once he showed up I deleted that message and assasinate this boss again right after). You just need 1 mark for him to show, but having all of them doesnt hurt. I have 86 BP's of Dread, 1 Crafted and probably sold 1 ages ago. 5 BPs of Hate, 1 crafted and sold 1 ages ago, 4 BPs of Despair and sold one ages ago since it is mastered. I guess they are pretty rare. I havent hunted Stalker for ages and only do basic Assasinations if its for NW/Sortie/Invasion. BTW according to my Wiki the chances are: Despair Blueprint (5.53%) Hate Blueprint (5.53%) for normal Stalker and Despair Blueprint 2.77% Hate Blueprint 2.77% For shadow one. So if you run this with someone who has not completed certain quest your chances double.
  11. It seems all your spots are from Kuva Fortress. May wanna check this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2830852141&searchtext=Cerca+tra+le+guide+di+Warframe (it has links to other planets/tilesets).
  12. Ah, right murmu also gives you 1 rune (not necesarily in order). Still, I do not get this tactics - each showdown and failed guess gives you some murmur (no stabbing no murmur) I guess it is for people who cant handle high level missions.
  13. The point of murmur is to give you a chance of showdown. There is literally zero difference (in time spent) between you using your showdowns to check for combinations before your murmur fills and ignoring them and filling the murmur and then getting some showdowns. It actually is more time. Or do I remember it wrong and after each showdown+stab murmur resets regardless if you guessed the right combination or not? In this case I completely do not understand, why would you waste more time to let it fill if it is gonna reset after you guess wrong anyway.
  14. I do not get this part. If you do not use finisher, how do you know what the combination is?
  15. Press enter every now and then when you finish one thought. It is unreadable in this state for most humans. At least there is a bit of punctuation, though. Some people do not even use that. It is RNG, you can have Lich/Sister spawn imidiately and guess the combination right away, or it can drag a lot up to 10 tries or more. System is pretty similar and I do not like either, so I am not doing it. It is entirely optional.
  16. They are and they arent. I have done DA yesterday and once in a while I had a Rogue Necramech flick to red for 1-2 seconds and then back to armor. I did not have any armor strip, just cold proc so maybe someone from the team. So if they are immune it is some kind of spaggetti code "loop if armor.stripped=false; do nothing if armor.stripped = true;add max armor".
  17. Loki was always a trickster, never an assasin. Ash was/is an assasin.
  18. This is not that kind of game where auto install works or color/rarity of the mod automatically makes it better. First of all every weapon (and frame) has 3 modding slots (ABC) (no need for second weapon, mate). Second, on base SP there is no need for faction mods or modding for element that faction is weak to because that element only grants you 75% bonus damage. It is good if you are facing bosses that are immune to status. But Viral status offers already +100% damage at 1 stack of status and +325% at max 10 stacks. Going Viral for everything that is not status immune is no brainer, preferably Viral/Heat with Bleeds on top. We mod the weapons attempting to scale the stats as efficiently as possible, so it means we try to add a little bit to every basket (they multiply each other at the end). So for example lets say you got two baskets, which start with 1 egg each. Multiplied, they result in 1 egg. You got 2 eggs (mods). If you put both in first or second basket you get 1 basket with 3 eggs and 1 basket with 1 egg. Multiplied they give 3 eggs. But if you were put 1 egg to each basket you get two baskets with 2 egss each ad multiplied they give 4 eggs. Weapon modding works very similar, there are just many more baskets. For Tenet Arca Plasmor (assuming no primed and galvanised mods) I would use something like this: % damage scaling (Point blank, arcane merciless), crit scaling (Critical Deceleration, Ravage, Hunter munitions), fire rate (shotgun barrage), reload/elemental (arca plasmor is known for its very long reload - chilling reload), multishot (hell's chamber, but preferably galvanised hell), now to get viral you need a toxin mod (unless your arca plasmor already has toxin from the lich). You should be having 1 free mod slot and 1 free exilus. If you do not want to invest much just slap the Fatal Acceleration into free slot for now (once you get the Galvanised Savy you can use Fatal Acceleration in Exilus instead). Why is Projectile Speed important? Two reasons: 1. The faster the plasma flies, the faster it reaches the enemy and it dies faster 2. (more important) most shotguns are meant to be used close combat, therefore they have a stat called Fall-off, which basically means at what distance your weapon starts to hit like wet noodle, Projectile Speed increase increases that range. For Ignis Wraith you just need typical crit/status hybdrid build with viral slapped on top: %dmg (serration, arcane merciless, if you got Galvanized Aptitude you can drop serration in favour of it), crit scaling (point strike, as I disagree with using negative fire rate on beam weapons, but you can use critical delay if you feel like following the sheep, Vital Sense, Hunter Munitions), Viral (any toxin and cold mod, they can be 60/60 mods or 90 ones, check what feels better for you, if you went for slower fire rate, you will need bigger status chance). multishot (split chamber, but preferably galvanized chamber). You will have some flex slot left, you can use fire rate Vile Acceleration or Gunslinger, but at harder content you may run out of ammo, so better just slap another heat mod instead.
  19. Exalted weapons are stupidly overpowered as is (most of em). You can use Tennokai.
  20. Not only from Dev standapoint. This game is F2P. It makes chunks of money whenever new content/items are added. Fixing bugs that have been there for over 10 years doesnt show on the income table (but stll costs resources).
  21. Baro Kiteer ist ebenfalls zeitlich begrenzt, aber wenn es vorhanden ist, kann jeder eine beliebige (unbegrenzte) Anzahl von Modifikationen erwerben. Dies ist bei Scherben nicht der Fall, jeder Spieler kann im Laufe der Zeit eine begrenzte Anzahl von Scherben erwerben.
  22. Zakkhar


    Ich denke, es geht darum, aktive Spieler zu belohnen, die sich auf der Karte bewegen und Gegenstände sammeln. Du kannst das Sammeln von Gegenständen erleichtern, indem du einen speziellen Mod auf dienem Begleiter installiert: Vacuum | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom für die Roboter https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Fetch für die Tiere (Katzen, Hunden) viele spezielle Gegenstände und Materialien haben ihre eigenen Symbole auf der Minimap (Moden, Endo...)
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