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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Hoffentlich nicht. Lichen und Prime mods* sind nicht zeitlich befristet. *) Log-in-Belohnungen sind nicht umtauschbar. Um die orangefarbenen Scherben zu verwenden, müssen sie zunächst mit dem Cavia-Gerät erstellt werden, indem die gelben und roten Scherben kombiniert werden.
  2. Khora has two Strangledomes on default.
  3. Nidus Larva, which Proboscis Cernos resebles is however slowed down by anything.
  4. I meant DA, Deep Archimedean, or w/e it's called. Alliance? No thanks, Horde here.
  5. Phenmor, Laetum/Synoid Gammacor, Innodem. Mostly Innodem - it is so fun and strong, I already got 4 buils for it I use on daily basis. I replaced Verdilac, Gram P and Destreza P with it. It feels better even though I have pretty op rivens for those. I have used Gammacor as secondary before the incarnon already so still using it (I do not activate Inarnon mode ever, unless I misclick). Letum is a good secondary pick if I want to be able to kill stuff with it. I used Phenmor for Archons mostly but it fits on many of the frames/setups better than what I had there before. I got most of the new ones and forced myself to use Boltor/Latron/Boar for some variety but I'd only pick those in Duviri/Circuit/AD. Lex is fun, but it kinda doesnt fit because non incarnon is single target and the incarnon is aoe, so picking good primary to pair with it is a pain.
  6. Even if it doesnt have use for you now, it may in the future. At some point endo stops being useful completely and you get it everywhere anyway (loot tables are poluted with it). I currently got about 600k endo and over 300 ayatans sculptures (and over 1k of some of the most common mods as I havent been dissolving anything for ages) with every mod maxed and couple of deranked copies. I never farmed for endo and nowdays only play latest content and weekly stuff. Kuva can be turned to plat (you can roll other people rivens for them, but it requires a lot of trust) I wonder if in 6 months or so you gonna make another topic, but this time "Endo to Kuva". But if you really want to do it, how about trading other players that need the diamonds instead of grinding them yourself to sand.
  7. But why? Endo is singificantly more common than Kuva. It is like saying: I want to turn my diamonds into sand.
  8. It only takes twice as long if you do it in squad of random pubs. If you do it solo, you control the action, you control the defence target movement. And if you stick to the center, so does he. It is not the missions fault. It is players' fault. Moving target has pros and cons. Pros are that you can rez him and give him a weapon (unlike the coffin), cons are the his movement is tied to one squadmember (it can change each round) and if they run like an idiot over whole map, so does he. And it is not like Operator defense is a new format for Archon hunts, it was like that for ages with sorties and alerts (also 10 waves). Hell, we even got 15 waves for Grendel.
  9. So you are comparing average times for all defence missions to top times on best possible map. Interesting. Show us yourself smashing defence waves in about 1 minute not on Hydron. Hydron is Hydron for a reason.
  10. You can operate Necramechs. Leave Boards and Archwings to warframes.
  11. I saw it. And I strongly disagree. If you you read mine, you would know.
  12. But why? Sell it for ducats if you really hate to have it.
  13. Most non-fodder (with cc &/or status above 20%) properly modded weapons will do. It is not really about a weapon if you are struggling so hard. Are you modding properly? Are you aiming for the heads? Do you have ways to ignore armor (either armor strip or Bleed) for Grineer and Corrupted? Can you name equipment you are currently using and list the mods? I feel that you will doing yourself a disservice, if you simply get a weapon someone said is good or blindly follow a youtuber advice.
  14. Oh, you can. There are plenty over the wall/level nuking possibilities. Even on the dreaded Corpus Ship. No need for them to get to you, just kill them where they stand. Also, as I already mentioned, if you are solo it goes faster due to lack of the 2 slowing mechanisms pubs do and less enemies per wave.
  15. Excuse me sir, but you seem to have no idea what you are talking about. I expect gas soon to get a nerf due to Melee Influence interaction. We already discussed this, here: It is not. If the host target dies, Gas will continue to tick damage on all enemies caught in the host's radius for its remaining duration. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage/Gas_Damage#General Guys, could you please educate yourself a little bit before you come on forums and ask for changes? It is not even funny at this point. It is like you live in completely different dimention and we discuss physics. I am not even gonna adress what OP said, because he keeps mixing Damage with Status.
  16. You can totally go over 100% and still use Duplicate. Actually damagewise it is better to be just over 100% than just under 100% eg. with 80% cc you yellow crit 80% of time and white hit 20% of time, while duplicate procs 80% of time with 120% cc you yellow crit 80% of time but 20% of time you orange crit, while duplicate still procs 80% of time on the same yellow crits. You do more damage on average by the margin of 20% orange crits vs 20% white hits. You can use deranked Blood Rush to reach to 100% sweet spot.
  17. Why is it a bad thing? You can manipulate the mission by bringing different frames in oder to customise the speed and excitment for yourself, so that it is not global and whole community doesnt have to endure it. It is only moving because whoever its following is moving. You wanted it less boring and faster and when it becomes less boring and faster you complain? I doesnt have to be 10% Speedva, it can be less extreme, hell it be Maim Equinox too (Rage offers similar bonus as Speedva). You just boom booom bang - no need for meta weapon. Or you can bring Gara and constantly nuke whole map. The problem with public squads is people tend to bring cc frames and often cc the enemies in places they cannot be harmed for a long time. Or tuck the defence target in the very corner of the map (instead of center) and wonder why it takes so long for the enemies to travel to them.
  18. It looks good on paper. But have in mind that mission is done not only by try-hards, but also casuals. In Circuit you get Decrees to balance it out (yet we still have numerous forum threads about waves being too intense, especially for solo player). Plus in Circuit you can die and ressurect. If you die in Archon hunt, you are toast.
  19. That is an average time for defence. Bring speednova. It will become fast and extremly hectic. Also if you do it solo, there is less enemies per wave so it goes faster (if you can handle).
  20. Have you tried Smite Infusion? I have no problem dealing damage to enemies. Hallowed Ground is not a damage ability (the damage is just a bonus), Reckoning is a damage ability same way as Mag's Crush. The damage is better than on Hallowed Ground, but it is still not the main purpose of the Ability. I assume you are comparing to frames whose Abilities main purpose is damage (and may offer small bonuses to other stuff).
  21. How did you check that? I do: Esc, Equipment, Inventory, Type in search field: "Tag " (with empty space at the end so it doesnt catch everything that has tag syllable inside.
  22. After 2/3 years you haven't learned how to do bug report properly.
  23. But you do not copy the game at all. You are installing it and saving yourself 2 hours of updating.
  24. It can be pretty fun with Skijati + aspeed/runspeed/parkour velocity mods. Finisher attacks with this weapon turn the user invisible for 5 seconds. You are invis, you just gotta go fast.
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