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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. You can train however many times you want @Simaris in a Relay (when you enter/teleport to Simaris room, take a corridor to the right, there will be consoles corresponding to the MR tests). When prompted pick Practice over Qualify. Also https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank#Rank_9_ What you want: quick swinging, convenient range melee (they got 1 HP so the damage doesnt matter) enemy radar mods: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Radar#Mods_2 patience and observational skills being able to abuse soft cover in third person perspective (if you stand close to a column you can see the enemy coming and they cannot see you) You can use ranged melee (glaive or gunblade) if you are not patient enough You can use map overlay (tap M) if you arent good at minimap reading. NOTE: the enemy doesnt need to be killed by Stealth Finisher (X) at all. Quick melee, melee slide or melee slam will suffice (and are faster to execute). Pick isolated targets and have in mind they have pretty narrow and short line of sight (you will see in my video, how forgiving the movement can be): https://streamable.com/f70fle
  2. You play for 11 years and do not understand how Radiation works?
  3. Before I read the rest. It is possible to enable friendly fire when you are hit by Radiation status proc. That occurs mostly in Void (those lasers do Radiation damage long with Status) or in a Sortie with Radiation mutator. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Confusion Players cannot normally attack each other, so if he irriadiated himself and shot you, you still cant do anything to him. Normally the occurence is an oversight, accident etc. But there are certain players who like to abuse this mechanic to be mean to others and kill them on purpose. Ah, sortie: Current sortie has the mutator I mentioned: Assault - Nabuk (Kuva Fortress) Environmental Hazard: Radiation Pockets Mouseover on mission to get the describtion. Probably Void Slinging on Operator.
  4. It is average. Crit damage is good stat. Crit chance is perceived as good stat (but it is not that great because of Blood rush). Elec is not so great, but it has synergy with potential Melee Influence, although Nikana (Prime) is heavy Slash oriented and going for Melee Influence build is a waste. You would want Unranked Viral+Slash build or pure Slash with a Viral CO Primer. For those builds cd, range, aspeed, cc are best positives. It lacks any negative so the stat budget is low. It is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. There is no way to track all the trades that are taking place and therfore determine the actual price of that riven (or such with similar stats). Median of Nikana Sell listings is 300p. Your riven should be around that. Is it worth 300p? Hell no. Would I put it on my Nikana Prime in this state? Also no. But you can list it at it, since other players list theirs at this price.
  5. You ARE projecting and what is worse - you can't even see it. What I said: "Leave. Find another game. Problem solved." What you cited: "Shut up or leave" Do those statements look even remotely close to you? Both in terms of sense and tone of speech.
  6. Reporting in game = completely nothing. Ticket with an evidence = there is a chance No autokick and do not know which wiki statement you are refering to. From my experience they are most common in open world bounties.
  7. Congratulations. Most players who did Circuit when it came out, experienced that at least once. Yes, there were some outrages and tantrums on forums, Just because it may be your first time (and many more to come), I'll give you advice. You never leave (abort a mission) when something like this happens. You alt+f4 (especially if you are a host and it may fix itself by reloading the mission on host migration) and you recconnect to the mission. Exactly. Plus it is a F2P game, so not like you can demand anything from it. If it happens too often and it frustrates you, just stop playing it. Come back when it is fixed or dont.
  8. You can say it could be better all your want. But it will not be better because you are not a hammer inventor. Your hammer happens to be made out of marshmallow.
  9. That requirement basically robs a player of any feeling of progress if they are to play only on public. Also there is no reason for them to upgrade their RJ at all. In some time all those T3 guys just stop playing RJ (because they already have t3 stuff and maxing the rest is not hard) or start playing solo because AI crew is more reliable than random people (and they do not need any intrinsics). I know thats what I do, because i play RJ when there is NW challenge or something and I really do not want random people to mess it up for me. Also there are mission tiers. Going into Earth Proxima in unmodded RJ is just fine. Unlikely it is gonna happen in Veil Proxima, because with current system there is incentive to progress the RJ before player hits the hard missions. Nobody said that. Are you projecting?
  10. You missed Dethcube, Shade and Carrier from Sentinels (and Taxon), as well as all Vulpaphallas (guess Helminth Charger goes into Kubrows). Only use for Smeeta atm is as a Kuvat (but considering there are so many other sources of Kuva that do not involve Kuva survival, even that is scarce) and maybe in new maps/hubs for initial resource boost.
  11. Just start installing it on steam. Once it determines the directories, cancel, copy your standalone game folders into the steam chosen ones. Complete the installation process. I did that with epic and worked fine.
  12. Would help if you had a screenshot or a clip.
  13. It is not gonna be better. It may be better for you. At least you may think that atm. Matchmaking is peer to peer. DE has trouble determining fast enough whether the host will have a good quality internet (because frankly it cannot be done fast if someone's ping is jumping up and down). You want itt to also determine whether their RJ meets minimum requirements? How do we measure it? Mods? Items? You know how many mods and items are in railjack? You want the matchmaikkng to check whether potential host has every single one of them and depending on number of 0 and 1 determine whetther they are over or under the arbitrary "gear score"? All you gonna get is a lots of code and longer queues. You sound like a dude who wants to ban all the Taxi's which arent luxury cars, because you cant handle a little bump and no champagne.
  14. I am in. It is hard to track it with 2 rows of buffs. All newer frames have custom tracking on bottom-right for any frame specific stuff.
  15. Not my build. I give credits where credit is due, if you wanna check how good weapons are and their general builds (or ideas for builds, because I do not agree with a few of them, while I copied a few 1:1 and am very happy): https://www.cephalonwannab.com/ Just do not copy top builds from overframe.gg in general, because most of them are highly outdated and they are not being downvoted when that happens.
  16. Leave. Find another game. Problem solved.
  17. By better weapon I mean pretty much anything that is not a shotgun. Incarnon maybe. Felarx if you are into shotguns so much. Classical pellet shotguns without a gimmick are pretty niche choice nowdays. Because they do not work very well. Cedo is good but it has gimmick, Sobek can be made good but even has even bigger gimmick, Tenet Arca Plasmor is good but it is not a pellet shotgun AND it has a gimmick. Bubonico, Zarr, Phantasma, those are not typical pellet shotguns either. I do not mean it is not good. I mean that there are better mods to use if you are playing formaless/potatoless. You want mods that increase your damage always, not give you a chance to increase it by a lower margin than rifles (Rifles Vital Sense adds 120% cd, compare to normal Ravage 60%). You should not bother with doing any builds on a weapon that is just mastery fodder, because that would require (wasted) catalyst and forma investment. I assume you already slapped Catalyst on it. If you want to see how a build looks like if you have everything and infinite resources to use it would be something like this (it is actually both crit and status) https://overframe.gg/build/10364/ If offers massively lower %dmg compared to its Pistol (Magnum Force) and Rifle (Heavy Caliber) counterparts (both at 165% dmg/-55% acc). Accuracy loss on a shotgun is massive. WIth most weapons you should always be aiming for the head (on humanoid enemies as most of them offer x3 damage multiplier compared to body shots) and high accuracy ensures all pellets actually hit the head. With low accuracy some pellets will hit the air, body and other enemies. Only Shotgun that can actually benefit from this mod is Phantasma (and I stopped using it), because the accuracy loss actually makes it attack in a wider cone (it is like flamethrower, but shots electricity instead). %dmg is extremly popular buff and at some point you got way too much of it (eg the build I pasted above goes to 165 from PPB, 360 from Primary Merciless, and about 320% from Galvanised Savvy), so using another %dmg mod than not only adds small fraction to the damage (initially the bonuses give high damage increase, but once you got so much increased already each next bonus gives relatively less. This mechanics is called dimishing returns). You with your mods would get 165 from PPB, 60% from Blaze and maybe another 90% from Vigilante mod.
  18. I wouldnt invest Forma or Catalyst into this weapon if I were you (unless you plan to never get anything better). Just put anything that fits: %dmg, multishot, crit chance, crit damage. PPB is good, Blaze is ok. VIcious spread is not good. Critical deceleration is fine although because of how low budget Ravage is crit scaling is not best. As for charged shell, I would stick to 1 basic element for now. Heat is great all around (from Blaze), Electricity is kinda meh at your stage, Toxin is great vs Corpus but pretty average vs everything else, Cold is pretty good vs everything. If you slap Charged shell+Blaze you will get Radiation, that is used mostly for bosses and current Hub faction called Murmur (spoilers).
  19. People who tell others what they can or cannot discuss are the true annoyance.
  20. Not letting someone tell you something and preventing yourself from hearing it are two completely different behaviours. I disagree with first approach (not letting people say stuff) as it is an attack on freedom of speech. Also it has this "you go girl, do not let anyone tell you, you are wrong, even when you are clearly on the wrong" vibe. Which problem it solves? I see couple: 1. Player/Person not being able to handle criticsm - not solved. 2. Players offering unsolicited advice/critique too often - unsolved. Needing to vent is not a problem that needs solving in this case.
  21. Not exactly. You can play whatever you like wherever you like. But you can also be told not to by other players. Chat is part of the game. They may not like your frame choice, weapon choice or fashionframe choice and they have a freedom of expression. They can totally tell you whatever they please. And you cannot simply forbid them.
  22. How exactly did you verify this if it was multiple missions? Did you count the starting amount on every player? I find this hard to believe, unless you were expecting the result.
  23. Hardly anyobody here can figure out which bounty you mean by this describtion. It misses the keyword: Zariman. I do not quite understand this statement either. Is that one exterminate mission spanned over 40 minutes or multiple extermmination missions within 40 minutes? How long per run? How many runs? We do not measure most missions in time (only Survival), because how the prices my vary depending on the pace you go through the mission. For someone 40 minutes can be 1 rotation, for someone else's it can be 5.
  24. There is no need for the Bleed to be higher for it to hit shields, because it will always hit shields first, no matter what. Bleed does not bypass shields. Only Toxin (damage and status).
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