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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. I would assume so. Neither Gas nor Electricity offer enemy centered DoT. They work differently. Only Toxin, Heat and Bleed. Simulacrum gatekeeps your damage numbers on the EHP of the enemy. If enemy dies it will not show the actual damage (overkill) at all. If you want to test damage that nukes enemies instantly Simulacrum is a nono (or just use tougher enemies that do not get 1shotted). It works on every source of Status.
  2. Ignis has only 1 element - heat. If you mod to viral heat, thats is 2. It may hurt your Gun CO stacks compared to Zenith that has IPS and high slash weighting (I assume we are talking about auto mode). Also it has slightkly lower fire rate (but its aoe, compared to Zenith single target, so comparing them on single target is not a good idea). Ignis has much smaller base damage as well (because again, it is aoe). Ignis needs Hunter Munitions and crit scaling to perform on SP, have in mind that Status chance is not as important because viral can only stack to 10 and you will more likely have higher weighting of it than heat. It is not the slash damage that made the difference but slash status proc (Bleed) that does True damage (ignores armor redution, units on SP have it in high 90%'s). SImilarly Viral+Heat comp is not about the damage type, but about the status proc it offers. Viral increases the damage from 100% on 1 stack to 325% on 10 (max). Heat decreases armor by half and offers infinitely stacking Damage over time. Viral+Heat will not work as well on a weapn that has very low status chance and slow fire rate (eg. Zenith single shot mode). https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Status_Effect
  3. Applikation is not longer supported. Only website. Instruction are different (name of the bot).
  4. Jokes and what other people already wrote aside. Why are you posting about this? What you expect is gonna happen?
  5. Zakkhar


    It is an animation bound to stance: Gleaming Talon | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Astral Twilight | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Both throws have a jump/flip n third consecutive attack or so... It will occur on every Thrown Melee.
  6. We do not have that here. Any character can be mdded as squishy or not. Of course some have better base stats and defensive abilities which makes them befier, but in general due to shield gate mechanics you do not need to be. You can survivel as squishy character solo if you are properly modded, keep moving and pay attention. There are certain abilities that redirect the enemy attention, but as a general rule most enemies attack first thing they see that is in range and line of sight but may proritise someone that is actively smacking them.
  7. This may be a secret room. You need to press certain buttons or take different route and open it from the other side. Chances are the corridor to the mission is on completely different side.
  8. Chances are these two new weapons arent added to the challenge, since initially only Zariman weapons were added, then they added the Duviri ones.
  9. I imagined Bob Ross firing a pallete. Probably a typo, but
  10. Why should it get damage from ability it has no interaction with? Splinter Storm (2) gets a scaling damage from Shattering her 4 (MV) with your 1 (lash). The augment does something when you shatter her 4 with your 1. It has no interaction with her 2 whatsoever. Also that would make her absolutely busted, because it would quadruple dip to infinity. You MV shatter damage comes from Power STR (twice, because it affects both base damage of yoiur stat stick as well as base damage of MV explosion), damage on your stat stick and combo. It is stored in 2. Then it affects another shatter and is stored again. And again. With simple math. Lets say your initial MV shatter damage is 1. You do it once and your Splinter Storm stores 50% of the damage so 0,5. You do it second time it does 1.25 damage (1 + 50% of stored 0,5) and stores another 0.625 resulting in 1.125 stored. That makes for 25% increase. You do it third time and you do 1,5625 damage (and half of it gets stored again). another 25% increase. Basically every time you do explosion your damage increases by 25% (compared to previous time). To infinity.
  11. Gara has an augment for her 4? Is it new? PS: Imo aug for her 2 is trash. Gara doesnt need health regen.
  12. But it is not any other weapon. It is a second melee slot with innate 5% lifesteal (as you propose). That means you would need to balance the frames in question. Neither does any actual Exalted. Why would pseudo-exalted have them?
  13. I do not think you understand. I am not asking for you to give me this example as a requirement for me to agree with it. I disagree with it even without it - out of reasons mentioned above. I am simply curious if any other game does this. Also you havent answered my second question. If you have in enabled at all times, what must occur for you to need to disable it and fast (so you need a hotkey).
  14. Ah yes, tha infamous host migration. Sadly, the issues with this are much more severe than just this and it has been like this forever. Not possible to fix, due to machmaking mechanics.
  15. But then it would need any surviving, would it? They would have to cut the Life Support drop again and people would complain again.
  16. I am aware. Just give me one title that has this option as a hotkeyable toggle. Either you need it and enable in or you do not need it and disable it. In which scenarios would you want to disable it, if you have it enabled normally? PS: There are problems with bindable hotkeys for cecrtain abilities we need to cycle through, because of console peasants and you want a hotkey for this? Good luck.
  17. I find hard to believe those conversations were entirely one sided and you were just silently playing doing nothing wrong. Also, out of experience many people nowdays (not just players or warframe players) consider that insulting, when someone says anything they disagree with. And harassment when someone gives them unsolicited advice. Does it happen to be the case here?
  18. You can just G on the target and it will mark them as Ally/Enemy. Guess that is what you mean by point me. PS: No other game I know has this kind of option (toggle hotkey to enable/disable enemy highlights). There are some that have enable/disable enemy HP bars.
  19. Why is it so expensive? It is just a niche* Nightmare mission mod. Did a youtuber make a video featuring it recently?
  20. How do you propose to balance that? Currently all these abilities have fixed base stats. Just make pseudo-exalts moddable like Noctua and we are fine.
  21. Are you sure you are using the same color pallete? Certain reds may present themselves as orangy/pinks. Try other colours. It may be GPU issue EDIT: Ah, yes. Console. You don't know that. Maybe they have it wrong and you have it right.
  22. Check the setup. Options, System, Enable Legacy Color Palette must be Off. Also Accesibility: Color Blind Cmpensation should also be Off.
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