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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. If only we had recruit/ally/clan chat and discords. Imagine what we could achieve.
  2. This google doc uses uses terms and phrases that predate Focus Rework and is therefore severly outdated. So is what you considered Meta then (2 years ago at least) and what is meta now.
  3. Average. No combo mechanic like sniper, very low fire rate, below average base damage. The gimmick it has (infinite punch through) is not used on Eidolons whatsoever.
  4. It is ok. Could be better, but it is ok. Ideal stats would be cc/cd/multi. Neg status is meh in general, but Eidolons are immune to status anyway (and semi mode has 8% base status chance) Why though? What is wrong with everything else?
  5. To scale something it has to be already high so the mods actually do something. Low crit? No hunter mu. Low status/slow firing? No Viral/Heat. In my country we have this saying: (losely translated) "you won't make a whip out of poop". I envy your optymism. This may work fine in basic starchart, maybe arbi/sortie. But SP and beyond is uncharted territory.
  6. They do. If your base stats suck if you apply certain modifiers to those stat the final result will still suck. These weapon often have no crit scaling, no status, low base damage, low attack speed/fire rate. To give you an example. Last week I had the Primary choice between: Javlok, Harpak and Scourge. Not only I have none of these weapons set up (because they suck), but also they suck. So that cuts my Primary slot entirely. On secondaries I had Acrid, Twin Rogga and Furis. I do not think I even still own those. Yes, Furis has an incarnon, but that is an investment I do not need. Melees I do not remember, but they were so trash I decided to pick my own. On frame to chose from I had Ember, Frost and Rhino. Tried Ember, but she did not work well in first mission (with enemies immune to damage and constant energy drain), so I just grabbed Rhino (which I do not have a build for, just slapped some mods to increase Iron Skin) and my trusty melee. If I had all squishy frames to choose from I would be toast.
  7. But there is, Majority of weapons are mastery fodder and a lot of frames are basically glorified weapon batteries. No amount of investment will make weapons that have no scaling, good. I disagree. You could make that work in Circuit due to decrees giving you bonuses, but AD not only doesnt give you bonuses, but also gives you handicaps that affect your build in a major way in addition to enemies being buffed. No amount of modding will make bad weapon viable vs 450 lvl armored enemies. They were just introduced in Dante, so it is an entirely new mechanic. I think they are immune to strip after certain hotfix.
  8. It's cricticm has nothing to do with it being hard. It is the way they are attempting to make it hard. If you roll bad frames/weapons you are completely screwed for the week.
  9. Have you been playing Netracells/DA lately? Because they are not that easy to kill any more. Actually previous week they were completely immortal in Netracells due to nearly instantenous full hp regen.
  10. DE doesnt want players to stay longer than 1 hour in anything and will never produce mechanics that incentives this approach. Want to play long endurance missions? Go ahead. You can.
  11. Maturity is being able to control yourself and refrain from using foul language in public.
  12. Bosses and mini-bosses would lose their boss status if they were fully armor stripable. It is not silly.
  13. Once the objective of capture have been done there may be decrease in enemy spawn. A few pointers: not mindlessly kill anything that you encounter stick to other players, as enemies spawn near players and the more players are closer together the higher the chance of a spawn wait for the fissure to hit, each one spawns 3 corrupted units but also corrupts anything alive when it hits loot frames exist Anyway I was always empathethic on low level exterminations/captures fissure enemies. They must have a day of their life. Not only bunch of space ninjas massacres them in a blink of an eye (they killed Kenny!), but also they get corrupted with a void.
  14. You can get energy generation and management from other sources. Best one would probably be Dethcube with https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Energy_Generator and Mystic/Manifold Bond Combo.. Also Zenurik Exist.
  15. No i didn't. Maim's passive Bleed ticks do not build up the explosion. It doesnt do anything for the xplosion. It is just there. No relation. Kills within the range of the aura do. Mentioning the laughable damage the passive does is like mentioning Equinox's passive all of a sudden when describing Equilibrium mod. That is what you got weapons for (also your team can do kills as well). How am I on my ass with (Creeping) Terrify and Brief Respite, hmm? I have done SP up to 4500 on that build and haven't died once. Proper Maim build also keeps you alive, slows (and fears) the enemies and reduces their armor to zero making them susceptible to any damage including your own (you can increase that damage vulnerability with 2). The damage reduction on feared and dead enemies goes up to 100%.
  16. Nothing. Empty, modless Railjack suffices to do the story (just have at least basic weapons/equipment from Dojo). I cant remember whether Necramach is used for any actual fighting, but likely not.
  17. The other party can pull out of the trade at any point. If you sell ranked up mod and you agreed on price for ranked up mod I see no problem. If they pull of the trade, just find another. Just like with any other item. You invested already into getting the mod (whichever means). What makes you think they will not be able to pull off the trade after the option is marked or do you want it to happen after the trade takes place? Also Credits and Endo may be a big cost/profit for someone relatively new, but is practically nothing for anyone with experience*. If it is a high risk for you, just do not trade in ranked up mods (plat difference is usually not worth the plat equivalent of Ayatan Endo worth).
  18. Looks similar to mine, I just prefer Umbra Intensify over Precision Intensify. 44% for all 4 Abilities vs 90% for just one.
  19. 3 AM. My reading comprehension goes down. BTW: You plan to put any Tome Mods on that Noctua? I do not think Creeping Bullseye is synergistic to the rest. Less fire rate, less shots, less heat procs, much less damage. With Primary weapon it is sometimes worthy tradeoff (as only alternative has 150% cc) but with Secondaries it is 13% difference from PPgambit.
  20. You do not understand. I do not mind Prep. I am simply questioning the reasoning to use one Fully Ranked as every warframe starts with certain fixed amount of energy (depends on the frame) + some added for unused capacity https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Energy_Capacity#Starting_Energy so 100% starting energy is complete waste. Dante's starting energy is 50, with your setup it is another 40 from 8 free Capacity, adds up to 90 starting energy. 90/769=11,7% this means rank 9 Prep full still give full energy annd rank 8 would give 93,7% = 720.
  21. Additive. Damage is affected by Ability Strength and most secondary weapon mods. The mods that affect Noctua include: damage (e.g., Pistol Amp and Hornet Strike) elemental (e.g., Convulsion) multishot (e.g. Barrel Diffusion) critical (e.g., Pistol Gambit and Target Cracker) status chance (e.g. Jolt) fire rate (e.g. Gunslinger) faction damage (e.g., Expel Infested) punch through (e.g., Seeker) The increased damage from Ability Strength is base damage, meaning Status Effects such as Noctua's innate Slash or modded effects like Heat gain increased damage
  22. Primed Continuity+Fleeting Expertise, gives you a net worth of 60% efficiency and -5% Duratiion for the cost of 2 slots and 25 capacity as opposed to good ol Streamline 30% 9. Also why fully ranked Preparation?
  23. Open map overlay. Keep going to the "wrong" white marker way. Eventually there will be yellow marker. Follow it.
  24. I am not. Azima, Zenith, Sigma&octantis take up slots, many people who do not know better may sell them to free up slots. Selling mods (especially primed) gives you nothing, but an important lesson in life. Btw, apprently it is untradable, so unless it was tradable at some point, he dissolved a primed mod for endo.
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