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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Tortoise 9th on the list (The topic also tells you how to aquire it)
  2. And how do you feel about reworking all systems that included Lenses so far - trade, droptables, content that is made viable by this mechanic etc. These systems are connected and depend on each other. You cannot feel to change one and just ignore others completely. You keep comparing it to syndicate Sigils, where the systems are nowhere near the same or as intertwined (sigls are not tradable, droppable and there is no other system connected with them beside fashionframe. Only altenatives for farming Syndicate rep were medalions and limited amount of daily syndicate missions). This has nothing to do with me liking this idea*. I have simply been pointing the flaws in your thinking and showing you why this idea (in the fledgling state it is now) cannot work as well as the current system. As an alegory to current situatiion: Simply removing the Police will not solve the issues you have been having with it, it will just produce more issues.
  3. Just pick one good frame you gonna focus (sic!) on and you are golden. You can do your normal stuff, while focus just accumulates. Installing a lens on every of your aquired warframes is just dumb - you will not play with them all. It seems that doing this one small analysis and making this one small decision scares you so much, that you want to change whole system (and also certain connected systems like drop tables and trade). This is a grind shooter. We get gear, make decisions and grind more gear. It is not Raid: Shadow Legends, where stuff happens passively and you do not have to do anything.
  4. 2 - Ground Slam Attack’s Radial Damage now scales with Mods Since Slam Attacks are now purely Radial Damage, we’ve made its damage scaleable with Mods, when previously it wasn’t. This effectively buffs Ground Slam Attacks since you can now directly increase its damage and apply Weapon Status (inherited from Mods), which ultimately improves its scalability for late game content. It’s worth noting that all of the above changes only apply to AERIAL/JUMP Ground Slam Attacks (In air + Aim Downwards + Melee) and AERIAL/JUMP Heavy Ground Slam Attacks (In air + Aim Downwards + Heavy Melee). They do not affect Slam Attacks that are part of Stance Combos. For example, Slam attacks during combos deal flat damage amounts and do not scale with Mods. We currently do not have plans to change this. Are you using the aerial slams or the combo slams? Just read the patch notes:
  5. The main reason is that ESO is pretty convenient and fast way of getting focus (and a few relics on the side). Other option is Sleep Stealth farm. It is like ranking up weapons/frames. You technically can do that while "playing normally" but it will take substantially longer.
  6. 30% overcharge. Nice. Have you tried https://warframe.market/items/lato_vandal_barrel ?
  7. Your syndicate standing gain is capped by your daily cap. It derives straight from your Mastery Rank. Daily Standing Cap = 16,000 + (Mastery Rank × 500) It seems you may have done a few bounties before. Check whether that is not the issue.
  8. Heavy Slide does Heavy Slam now instead. Not only Zaws, everything. Rip Tenet Grigori as well.
  9. When in doubt just google: "stuff warframe" and check english wiki (not your local national wiki those are outdated as f): (where stuff is the name of an item, ability, weapon, mechanic, enemy, npc, etc. you would want to get more info about) https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Archon_Shard
  10. You are mixing two things. Damage type and Status Effects. All 3 status effects are aoe in certain way*, Blast status effect however, doesnt do any damage, hence its aoe doesnt do damage either, https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Status_Effect Which weapon we are talking about? If it does Blast it is either Redeemer or some kind of Launcher. Afaik all Lanuchers have radial effect (need to scroll down), Redeemer does not.
  11. We don't because it is very bad strategy. You apply them to 2-3 good nuking frames and maybe 2-3 your best weapons. You farm focus in ESO or whatever missions you are doing until the daily cap and you are done for the day. You stop in no time because there is limited amount of focus required (and you also get plenty for Shards). Hell, nowdays you do not even need a single lens installed anywhere to hit the cap. That's what the Eidolon Shards already do. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Focus#Eidolon_Shards
  12. Those are all English words, but this doesnt make sense.
  13. 35,5 is less than 40, so not 40+, but 40-. Enemies sometimes get stuck on stairs/corners. This fills in the limit per map and they dont spawn where they shouold any more. Picking Saryn with reasonable range lets you circumvent it (as every enemy that catches spores will eventually die, wherever it is).
  14. I see contradiction. On one hand you complain about the possibility of defense target being 1shot, on the other you think it is boring. Imagine how boring it is if the target is in no risk of dying ever.
  15. There is no reason to. All it gives you is a dmg multiplier. You cannot equip "acolyte mods" on it so there is no scaling crit. There are builds that utilise a game mechanic, where you build combo on your melee weapon, but not on your exalted weapon to capitalise on acolyte mods. But to me it is an overkill because Reactive Storm already gives you massive status and all you get for your hassle is a bit of crit (you do not even get the damage multiplier. You can build/sustain combo on Desert Wind by utilising slams.
  16. With such cases contact support, this is community forum. We cannot help you. https://support.warframe.com/hc This is not game bug. You most likely misunderstood something. 1. For protea check your inventory: Esc, equipment, inventory, type protea in search field.
  17. Haggling for one item is meh, but asking for a discount if you buy several items is acceptable (set listed as set doesnt count)
  18. I already got that in public games. Problem is I need to use text based UI to give them orders and they tend to not listen anyway.
  19. Zakkhar

    Daily gifts

    There is this many possible rewards: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Daily_Tribute Note: that all discounts have legendary rarity level.
  20. But why? Isn't if fun loading with random gear and on random frame?
  21. Endo is obtainable pretty much from everything. Rivens not so much. Transforming scarce resource into common one is bad idea from economy standpoint. You do not have to consider it anything. It is an option. It applies to everyone. If you do not find it useful, do not use it.
  22. New Warframe will be doing codex scans with its basic kit. This Sensor pack idea will be not cost effective to code.
  23. There is always gonna be higher supply than demand for rivens, Transmute is the way of regulating that part (some new player transmute to endo, but that is a mistake). Cause it is an old content that needs an incentive for players to play it? (other than "chance" for arcanes). You do not have to use 4, 3 is already high chance of getting the proper one. You can use the filter menu to filter by rivens, this way you can see which ones are primary/secondary/melee without additional searches. For you this is hoops jumping, for me this is gameplay and mechanic.
  24. You already have more options with Railjack and Steel Path. You just choose not to use them.
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