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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. You cant in Zariman lift. It blocks everything. And if you arent in a lift the countdown doesnt start/continue.
  2. Is it in all Deimos? It happens in certain nodes, but havent seen it more than one at the time. If it is everywere it may be your graphic settings and ennergy color (the dots are the color of your WF energy).
  3. Or just ask them politetly to have at least one player assist you during extraction. Communication. I know. PS: Did something change? Cant anyone (host included) just push the button?
  4. Wdym not working? Are you using it correctly? It works for me.
  5. You can make any single target weapon AoE (punch through). Also melee exist. They are not suitable for anyone who has more than 200 hours in this game and knows how to mod.
  6. You can, and you should. Mouse scroll is not meant to be pressed this often (I broke two mouses before that realisation). There is also a Railjack action bound to scroll (Ordnance i think).
  7. Cute, but not another powercreep, please. Fashionframe prizes only. 25k kills, those are rookie numbers. I've got weapons that have several milion kills.
  8. Well, depends. I got it on Ivara and she rolls in Prowl anyway. Also considering you can get to 588% (850%) crit chance on those two shots without any rivens, they are well worth rolling for. Amalgam Barrel Diffusion and you are fine (you can roll sideways and backwards).
  9. We already have that: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Archgun_Deployer It is not that kind of game. It is pve, plan ahead. There will be no surprises.
  10. Oh, no! Enemy variety! Only thing that doesnt get moweed down in Laboratories are Necramechs (SP or Netra, cause normal ones do get 1shotted), Whisper and the Fragmented One. And the triple hand flying ones who have immunity zones on pretty much anything other than very small hitboxes on the arms, but those I just ignore most of the time, AoE kills them eventually. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Severed_Warden
  11. No, they don't. Unless every single console host I encountered in SP runs previous generation console. Every single one. What is the probability of that happening? Previous generation are really bad (like non-sp amount of enemies or even lower), so it is visible, but other consoles have also very noticable difference.
  12. That is true for missions that have a screen in between rotations that lets you leave or continue (eg. fissures). For missions where you end the mission by simply extracting, player being afk just pre and during extraction is enough to flag them for the whole mission rewards. Especially if they are dead during it.
  13. Clearly there is something wrong with it if the game is limiting the spawns. Maybe it not the hardware but the code itself, but there had to be a reason they coded it like that. I am guessing it has something to do with stability.
  14. Adequate for what? Clearly not. Yes, console Hosts have lowered spawn, but it is especially visible on previous generation consoles.
  15. Make a ticket to support, there is nobody that can help you here. https://support.warframe.com/hc You could also make different account and use valid e-mail this time (the code is only needed on first login or on 2FA).
  16. Yes, it is the same premise as Hentai Lolis being demons or whatever and 5000 years old. Or as Claudia (book/movie) and Armand (book) characters in the Interview with the Vampire.
  17. What? What chaos? How are you dying there? You just need to get to the lift. Stopping to kill anything on the way is waste of time. I could run on 10/10 frame and get to the lift unharmed. PS: She is transparent.
  18. Whole alienware thingy was a scam since the start of the partnership, when they bought like 200 keys but claimed it is unlimited and people kept getting errors when redeeming.
  19. Check if you chat box havent moved below you edge of the screen (typinng field may be lower). Sadly this game doesnt allow locking the chat box in place.
  20. The evolution demand states that you need an incarnon weapon in every slot. It does not mention Zariman. It used to work only on Zariman because of oversight.
  21. Erm, Styanax is a grown "man". Operator is a child. Drifter is a teen. Do you really want to go there?
  22. You must have been flagged for inactivity. Dont afk next time.
  23. You know what would be even better? If you made a shhort video of that and maed a ticket with that as an attachment. I know it is better to just press the button and have someone else do more work than that.
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