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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Why though? This is why they give the loot anyway? To boost the numbers. I feel your pain, but it seems it was intentional. If you cant watch for some reason, you can have the stream in the background or open in different browser/tab with quality reduced and sound muffled to lets say 10% (if you mute it it may stop counting). That is the whole point. You really cannot rely on Twitch only. Official Stream Schedule is known ahead: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/113-livestreams/
  2. You want Diriga with Arc Coil, Manifold Bond (do not use Calculated Shot) PS: I am sorry that the upper dude did not bother reading more than title.
  3. I think I see your problem. You played it too much. You got everything and you "finished the duviri". That's entirely on you. But why? You supposedly have enough stuff for next incarnon release.
  4. Mats from Fishing, Kullervo, 3 Optional portals (SP Arcanes). Also Lore parts.
  5. Oh how the turn-tables. Gamers who had this system of recoil for ages go out of their way to make a simulation of screenshake and you have a screenshake and want to change to the CS. You already have aiming assist on console. How do you know their inteded purpose? PS: Screenshake option affects only external sources of shake (try Eidolons without it disabled).
  6. No need to get out of any way, you get all the software with your hardware (or at least links to it). I am not against the option, as long as it is an option. I am simply proposing is a placeholder fix that works that is in fact an option, double time.
  7. They took out the microtransaction, yes, but not the boring grind system that was supposed to force player to use them.
  8. You mean that extremly boring, grindheavy and heavy microtransaction game that somehow masks itself as action rpg?
  9. Maybe in verb form. In noun form it may also describe the currency of the trade. Also DE are canadian, they are well known of reversing the meaning of the english words (eg. the rescue target when rescued says something along the lines of "thankfully you have not come too soon")
  10. Prime Resurgence is on rotation so chances are it will come back in couple of years.
  11. You can try, bit if you have been able to figure it out, chances are many more people did and some of them will share their finds. It not like any of the examples you have given were particularly hard to find. You just insist on closing the door leading to a parcel with no fence. PS: I still use Catchmoon. What was the nerf? Range/falloff? It was not a nerf, if was fixing it. It was not meant to be a long range weapon.
  12. Good weapon, although somewhat forgotten due to Ammo Nerf. Stats are not bad bu are not good either. Riven can have certain stat combinations: 2 positives (like here), 2 positives 1 negative, 3 positives, 3 positives 1 negative. Having a negative increases that stat budget for positives. There is also forth way. Use any available tool (Discord bots, certain sites) to evaluate the riven for you (forum or public chat are not a good idea) OP should try this: https://semlar.com/rivenprices (wholle riven section really), just have in mind the site havfwe not be updated for a long time and a lot of new weapons are missing. I have this general rule. If you do not understand what makes a good riven and what makes a bad riven, and what stats you are looking for on certain rivens and what stats are bad, you should really stay away from Rivens: do not roll them, do not buy them, do not sell them, do not ask for prices. Just gather them in your Orbiter until a moment comes when you start to know stuff.
  13. You mean fixing the bug exploits? Yeah, keeping those hidden will definately make them last longer.
  14. On the side note, how is your weapon/warframe build private information? What may happen if someone knows this? You know you can click on anyone's profile and see their Stats (that have far more individual information about the account), owned items, rank of those items, usage and so on. In any other MMO (eg. WoW) you can inspect a player and see their gear. How is that breach of privacy? Yes in WF there is currently no way of checking the builds other person has, but if it were, it woulnt be a big deal. It is not hardcore competitive environment where builds are state secrets.
  15. It is not silly - it's placebo effect for people who are too lazy do make a proper complaint. Significance of in-game report is slim to none compared to the ticket with hard evidence. Any action depends on the amount of reports on that player and if nobody else reports them most likely nothing happens. With screenshot/video evidence you are giving the support all the juice, they do not need to search the logs or anything.
  16. Devs may think it will buff Contagion, but it doesnt as combo multiplier did not affect Aerial heavy slide ever, but they may get more crit from BW/Glad.
  17. Does it not work on aerial heavy slide either? Guess I am the one who gotta test it, because you probably have no idea what that is and how to executie it. Tested. It does reset the combo and doesnt use the Tennokai proc either.
  18. There is no way of checking the value of the riven. You can check the prices people listed their similar rivens for, but have in mind anyone can ask any price for anything. We do not have any access to the prices of the actual trades going on (and that would be the value to estimate). Those will probably be much lower than the asking prices. You can check this site: https://semlar.com/rivenprices/torid but have in mind it has not been updated in the long time (and it may not have your weapon or value its stats differently than currennt meta). The price history works fine, as you can see it has curent dates.
  19. Clouds from Incarnon offer flat amount of damage and building the weapon with them in consideration is a mistake. Incarnon Form creates a Toxin Damage field after a kill. Fields do 440 Toxin damage and last for 7 seconds. Fields have 0% Critical Chance, 1x Critical Damage. and 50% Status Chance Whether you build is effective depends on the conntent you do. On Base SP everything works really. However. considering Dual Ichor is heavily Status oriented weapon (Evo V) using normal PP over CO is a waste. PS: The bug that caused the Toxin Clouds to proc and spread status with Melee Influence was fixed.
  20. Reporting through report system will do nothing. If you want to report, just make a ticket with evidence. Also solo/invite only exist for a reason. If you choose to run public you have to take into account that not everyone will have the same goal. Some players eg. may prioritise getting high amount of kills (or attempt and fail to have high amount of kills) over doing the mission fastest and most efficient possible. Some will ofc freeload/afk, some other will do something else that doesnt contribute to group at all. And some will just try to be as distruptive as possible (I refuse to call this behaviour trolling, because it is not).
  21. Pretty much everything changed. You do not need to catch to the meta, you can play at your own pace. This is not a ranked game. Still works. Actually on base level SP anything works. Meta used to be either full armor strip + any damage or Bleed/Forced Bleed + Viral, I guess. But some of the new mods/arcanes put that into question. This link should tell you what has been popular in 2023. What you do? Quests Starchart Get Galvanized mods (Arbitration) Unlock Steel Path and weapon arcanes Build Railjack Build Necramech PS: Do not execute a marked grineer in lvl 20+ non-endless missions before you are ready for this mechanic or you may regret it.
  22. You got a few choices: Get better at noticing notifications and politely answer saying you are in mission and how much longer it will take. If you happen to be selling somethign rare or at very good price, they usually wait. You can macro such response to one of your buttons. Ignore everything and everyone and keep doing what you are doing (complaininng included). Do not play missions longer than 60s capture when you are visible for Trade (online in game status).
  23. Excelent example showing exactly why you shouldnt be talking about this. Why would anyone use forward block combo that has 571.4%/s dmg 2.5s duration and no forced slash over neutral combo has 730.8%/s dmg and 2.6s duration with forced 200% slash at the end? That is entirely your individual preference. Forward block doesnt have forced slash, it has meh slam. I do not see how spamming E as fast as you can until enemies are dead is constricting antyhing. It doesnt matter if you "interrupt" the combo (as in stop attacking in the middle of it) if the enemies are dead. High KPS is what matters, not some kind of rhytm.
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