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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. With all due respect. Bullsht. Get of your high horse. You may have not specced into attack speed enough. Stacking attack speed was always viable because it was end multiplier to damage. And still is. Most of the stances have a combo with best dmg/s that also happens to be the best forced procs. Only reason to ever use other combos would be for mobility reasons (or number of attacks in case of armor stripping).
  2. I never asked for auto melee and if I had, it wouldve been the same as here, an accesibility toggle. So dont put words in the mouths of others. Sorry, missing apostrophe. I meant OPs' proposals. Not you particularly, but plenty of people who wrote threads advocating for auto melee. And we got it. Hooray.
  3. It is something though. Writing posts on forums and doing the same thing you have been doing before, will not reduce your fingers injury. I am not advocating for anything. I am simply afraid that, should we get this update, it will be botched like auto-melee implementation.
  4. And the OPs proposals before were for auto melee option and see what we got.
  5. Kinda depends what softoware you are goinng to use for that. Some shady stuff capable of botting (different button presses queue plus some conditionals)? Probably not a good idea. The software for your programmable mouse and keyboard that is active anyway? Why not?
  6. Difference is it is human, not some global arbitrary setting (if there is a setting at all) who decides whether to use the scroll wheel input or just Lclick. So not only it can vary depending on weapons, but also depending on situation. It does not disable normal semi-auto lcliick.
  7. Not exactly. They made it clear the the usage of macros that play the game for you makes your account be in the line to be suspended or banned. This is an accesibility issue, you have to actually press the button for it to be pressed. And it doesnt do a complicated queue of button presses either. A lot of semi-auto weapons have substantial recoil so it is not like you are getting any unfair advantage or cheating. There are slim chances they make it an option by the simple fact auto melee has been introduced and has a lot of issues (no toggle global or disable for certain weapons). Plenty of semi-auto are like that for a reason (recoil, needing to aim, low magazines), can you imagine how it would look if they were going brr like auto ones?
  8. You are free to use repeated fire presses macroed or already within a mouse (eg. my mouse has a small button called 3Xfire and it does exactly that).
  9. Your own posts: And numerous other quotes I already adressed (and you ignored). Sadly it is public forum and I am free to reply. Here are a few of similar threads:
  10. And it is entirely doable and fun if you concetrate on the other features instead. I am aware that your disability is not by choice, but only reason it gives you this much pain is because you choose to focus on the feature of the mechanic you are lacking in, while you choose to completely ignore the other parts, you are fully skilled with.
  11. You seem to be deliberately ignoring part of my posts where I describe how I play completely ignoring souds. And how a fully deaf person would play. You seem very concentrated on your own case and the solution for your own problems. And you present it as an accesibility issue. Yet I do the opposite and do 1-2 hour* runs without any issues. Am I the Echo? (the comic Echo not the abomination Disney made). I did not say you want to cheat. I said it is cheatnig the system, because the mechanics is: hear whenever, see only when seen. You want to remove this mechanics. Oh, it is quite relevant because the fact nobody can hear it is identical with it not happening.
  12. No it's not. As I already mentioned it is often muffled and more silent due to walls/doors and distance. There are tilsets that you can see the direction, but there are two corridors in that direction and they enter the conduit area from completely different sides. Also, sometimes there are multiple Demo's incoming (2-3) and sound is not really a big factor in this case, because you do not know which beep is to which conduit you do not know that even with visual idicator either). Thats why you need to be active, not passive. And this is exactly the experience we get when we play loud outside music or no in game sound. And it is still completely fine, if you know what you are doing - anticipation, map overlay, good single target burst But you are asking for it.
  13. That's gonna be kinda cheating the system as it completely negates the need of anticipating the Demo's route.
  14. I often play Disruption with outside music LOUD (in fact I play most of lenghty boring missions like this). I cant hear anything in game usually. I chill. Tactics for getting Demos in this state is to either: be OP and be able to kill them pretty instantly, whenever they show near the conduit (and you stay in the vicinity the conduit yourself clearly) or anticipate possible routes they can come in, with high enemy radar range if they get into your radar area they get instantly marked on map for everyone. Being OP and being able to kill them in split second probably doesnt hurt either. Also map overlay (the Diablo style transparent thingy you get by tapping M) is a must as it least you see all keys dropped anywhere in the tileset as well as Demos. Thats not how it works. That is not how any of this works. Sound effect plays regardless whether any player came into close proximity of the Demo. It may be muffled or completely silent due to the walls and distance, but it is there. Just like a tree falling in an empty forest. Visual effect ONLY shows after any player came into contact with it (into the range of their enemy radar). If the visual effect happens MUCH later, it is a clear indication the squad/solo player sucks at anticipating Demo's approach and is either humping the Conduit or went completely wrong way.
  15. In case you were interested in the actual jump part of bullet jump, here is a little showcase that indicates that there is no need for any buffs in this departament:
  16. Actually the logical version is YYYYMMDD because it lets you sort by date without resorting to any programming/formats/formulas.
  17. It doesnt. But being able to kill level cap enemies surely makes a weapon plenty popular. Add a youtuber showcasing killing lvl cap enemies and it makes it even more popular.
  18. The wording is pretty funny to me and it may not be your fault because DE balances more around popularity than power. But this implies that popular = powerful and unpopular = not powerful and this is untrue. There is definitely a correlation, things become popular because they are powerful but a lot more factors play into popularity than just power. The wording is just fine. I havent used the word power or any equivalent even once. It is entirely your idea to introduce it. I did not imply anything either. This, again, is completely made up by you. It is part of the balancing system but not the only one. Others are: amount of existing weapons, diluting the pool of possible unveils - making certain amount of unveiled rivens simply unusable for anything other than transmute or meme builds amount of positive (17 for primary/secondary, 16 for melee) and negative (15 for primary/secondary, 13 for melee) stats possible on a weapon as well as varied stat ranges of those stats. Some of those stats are, even though seen as positive by the system, nearly useless and definately useless compared to normal mods. Some have zero impact on certain weapons (+slash on slashless weapon or +crit on low cc/cd) weapons. Similarly some negatives do more harm than good. possible combinations of 2 pos, 3 pos, 2 pos/1 neg, 3pos/1neg, where 3 useful stat pos and 1 harmless neg are ideal 2 and 3 can ONLY be changed by rerolling the whole Riven and it will change them indepedently of each other. Kuva needed for rerolling is hardly a limiting factor or part of the balancing system currently considering how many easy kuva farms are present. You want to put it on its head by removing crucial part of the balancing system. Rarity. If getting the exact right riven requires terrific luck or tone of grinding & a bit of luck, most players view this system as OPTIONAL (as intended) because they either have no luck or do not want to do a lot of grinding for miniscule results. If you change the system and make the exact right riven obtainable in straight correlation to the amount of grinding, you are substantially reducing or even removing the luck factor. And that will cause the exact same players to pursue this because suddenly it is within reach, It becomes MANDATORY, just like maxing mods and weapon arcanes. Yes, DE wants players prone to hazard to grind kuva and roll rivens untill they hit lucky roll because that makes them play the game. If luck stops being a factor the prone to hazard players may be gone, because suddenly there is little to no hazard involved, but it may also make casual players revolt - because all of a sudden they got another mandatory grind. Not to mention time to get the lucky roll drastically shortens, because the luck factor is removed. How this may affect whole population in-game time, I have no idea. Too many uknown factors, really, Anyway, this discussion is great, but like I said this change as been proposed multitude of times and the threads either die or DE says: "no way".
  19. Prices are not the problem. Players treating the system differently than Devs intended are (you are one of them). Adding this feature may drop the prices, but it will be developing the unintended usage of the system and transforming it from Optional to practically Mandatory. So called "god rolls" are meant to be a rarity. Making them easier to obtain breaks the game balance.
  20. No offence to you, but warframe is a game with co-op option. You can play solo if you so please and game fully supports that. I play like that all the time and nobody bothers me, so I wonder whats the OPs problem.
  21. What message do you get when you tyope in your login and password into the game? It is entirely possible your ingame account has been blocked if you havent played for a while. DE does that for security reasons. If this is the case, you need to contact support.
  22. Stop, no. Reverse, no. You can supposedly sell prebuilt parts for ducats, just like you would blueprints. I havent tried myself though.
  23. Exactly that. Whole riven system is OPTIONAL. You are able to create proper builds for your weapons with available mods and arcanes. It is also somewhat "probability-based lucky draw feature", which kinda makes it risky in China. In Diablo your prefixes and suffixes on the items are what makes a build work (base stats are the same for every item on that item lvl). You want some defensive stats like elemental resistances/armor and you want some offensive stats like boosting your core ability of choice or some completely original effects that synergise with your playstyle. Getting the right gear for the builds to work on higher and higher levels is half of the Diablo gameplay and min-maxing those is absolutely MANDATORY. Else you may just die or not be able to clear the "rift" in time to get the rewards. In Warframe this is not the case. We have mod based system, not item based system. Rivens were (at least orginally) suppose to make unpopular weapons competitive. Popular weapons can just pop cookie cutter meta build and go to town on lvl 9999 SP. It is players who started to use these to min-max the meta weapons and the players created massive plat market for those. DE doesnt seem to be very happy with the route it went and most likely will not put more wood to that fire with any changes to the system.
  24. Faster yes, but for way shorter duration. Base duration on speed boost on Molt (5s) is much shorter than whole ability (40s). Molt purpose is to get you out of hairy situation - short but substancial speed boost, cleanse statuses, redirect damage to Molt. Completely different case with Fire walker. Those two abilities serve different purposes therefore they have different stats.
  25. And run least one of the least useful/popular focus school for the rare occurence you may need an armor strip when you die to self revive? Very reliable mechanic, indeed.
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