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  1. Well from a strictly lore perspective it makes sense that Caliban's Adaptation would only work at 50% efficiency creating a Sentient Warframe Hybrid would in theory have its drawbacks you are in theory merging two completely different and incompatible entities thus the their Adaptive systems would work at a reduced rate due to IDK instability or perhaps just incompatibility. But I suppose when Caliban Prime rolls around in MAYBE 3-5 years we might finally see him be "Viable", I mean really when I play him the only ability I use is is Lethal Progeny infinite overshields plus if you have all the Umbrals installed his Sentients spawn in at above level 50. I've also frequently wondered if his passive effect applies to defense targets (So long as he remains in close proximity) but I can find no information proving or disproving my theory anywhere, but it certainly does feel that way for example when camping on a hijack target while his sentients repair his shields and keep the crowd busy. I do however have to agree with you Chroma hasn't felt "Powerful" for me in at least 4 years, his spectral scream I think would be better if it dealt the 4 primary elements simaltaniously as for his sentry ability I think it would be better if it IDK maybe had the ability to fly around and not be a sitting duck, anyhow...I remember I abandoned him as a "Main" when Inaros Prime Launched I vastly prefer his tool kit of life stealing best choice I ever made. A bit more wordy then I anticipated but it happens.
  2. There I was laying in bed trying to sleep when suddenly I remembered something Lotus said a LONG time ago: "Chroma is the "MOST" adaptive Warframe", so how exactly does one explain Caliban I wonder? Sure it is Erra's experiment but in theory he was there for the old war so the Lotus would have known about Calibans existence in some form or another, I said it once I'll say it again Vex Armor SHOULD be Chroma's passive and while not taking damage both percentages decay at a rate of 2% just like Calibans Adaptive Armor does...clearly the technology for those calculations exist. Anyhow just a quick ramble from my sleep deprived mind, have a good evening all, I should also mention I know something that magnitude would never exist but its fun to think about.
  3. My Nidus and Inaros thank you immensely, on the other hand it did create a real sense of danger in missions so there is that too. XD
  4. Wow I wasent expecting this to blow up like it did but I do have to agree What I dislike about this is you are saying that if you dont crit you may as well do 0 damage every single hit, heres a concept dont heavily rely on crits and a new world may just may open up. I genuinely dislike mindsets like this because you imply anything not a crit doesnt exist which is completely untrue no matter how you look at it.
  5. An interesting perspective I honestly never really considered making certain things crit immune a shame it will likely never happen.
  6. Okay so this is just a quick observation I had while ranking it up, first off the 15% chance absolutely phenomenal my issue however is certain enemies in the game are still status immune and this things passive is rendered useless against said NPC's examples being Grineer sensor drones in spy vaults or perhaps more notoriously...Eidolon Limbs. The basic point I am making is when you have a passive that is activated by applying a status effect it is useless against Status immune targets, why status immune is STILL thing after all these years is completely beyond me since status builds have existed since the beginning...just throwing that one out there, don't get me wrong im still going to use it from time to time but that status immune thing really has to go, would rather have status limited like Acolytes and other mini bosses have.
  7. I am no expert but this looks like a bug, last a checked when a capture target dies over an endless pit they are supposed to reset, this guy however doesn't seem to care. XD
  8. Always wondered what the Stalker's Loadout was, a real shame he hasent been a threat for several years. Edit: I realize in hind-sight that this could be the rank 10 opportunity thing....oh my god I feel so dumb. XD
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