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Posts posted by nickelshark

  1. 1 hour ago, pixelsafoison said:


    I am a casual player (Rank 13-ready) that mostly enjoys playing Loki Prime (full stealth) and Nidus (KILL THEM ALL).

    I'd like to join the clan, meet fun people and kick grineer rectums :3.


    Kindest regards,


    You must first leave your current clan if you wish to join. Once you have done so, let us know so we may send you an invite.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Vetem said:

    Hey! Me and my girlfriend would love to join your clan! We're pretty new, but we've been extremely active. We were looking for a clan to join and would love for it to be this one! We're both from the US. 


    My IGN: Vetem

    MR: 9

    Her IGN: Beancat

    MR: 4


    Thanks in advance!

    Invite sent for Vetem. Your girlfriend needs to leave her clan first however, before we can send her an invite.

  3. They could start things out easy like they did with the PoE sorties. First sortie mission so it's not too hard and make it an exterminate or sabotage so it's quick and see how players react.

  4. Excalibur/Excalibur prime. Not much of a exalted blade spammer, but it feels awesome when I do occasionally use it.

    Second would be Trinity. I love pulling off clutch heals and saving peeps.

    Mag is third. Just love pulling suckers around the map and killing stuff with the bubble.

    Special mention to volt though, cause gotta go fast!

  5. 1 hour ago, xxStackersxx said:

    Heya, Im Vince from Philippines, pretty active player and looking a for a clan to play with. Currently mr8. My ign is xxstackersxx

    Welcome to Tempest Tribunal!

    1 hour ago, MrSummers said:

    Hey there, Australian, 24, Male new to Warframe and looking to join a clan to enjoy the game with.

    MR 4


    Invite sent! Welcome to the clan!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Skyfangs said:

    Hello I would like to join. I am actually new to the game. At the time of writing this post, I am 2 days into the game. Still honestly trying to learn the game and getting use to a lot of the functions. I am wishing to join a clan because it can get lonely playing by myself and I am hoping to be around some people who just wish to chill and play. The clan seems right now to be at the point where I would not feel lost in a sea of people and enough to where there will probably be some activity happening most of the time. I live in MST zone in the US. I would tell my play times, but I have not been playing long enough to give an average.


    Hope to talk to you all soon.

    Invite has been sent. Welcome to the Tempest Tribunal!

  7. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)bigmacdaddyg25 said:

    How do I get Chroma parts if I accidentally sold one and completed all the quests? Do I have to buy it with platinum now?

    You can try asking support. Next time try asking in the players helping players sub section to help keep the topic on topic.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sevenof9 said:

    Say, you guys still recruiting? Just got back into Warframe after a 2-year Hiatus and would need a group of players who are willing to show me the ropes again.

    And on another note, what timezone are you guys in?

    Hoping to hear from you soon!

    Sevenof9 (MR14)

    Welcome Aboard! We are based in EST, but we have people from various time zones globally.

  9. I would only purchase him if you actually enjoy him. I would suggest you get the regular hydroid first then see if it's worth it to you to buy him or just farm him.

    Overall he is a decent frame. Nothing special imo. But that's just my opinion. He has good cc and some utility with augments.

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