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Posts posted by nickelshark

  1. I like "hunting" in the plains. Just about the only thing I do there. Just go solo and bring your favorite sniper rifle and snipe groups of grineer w/o them spotting you.

    Also I always try to change my load out as much as possible. I almost never bring the same frame or weapon more than twice unless I am leveling them.

  2. I'm sorry but I don't see the connection between Mirage Prime and Excalibur Prime at all. Also, how does Mirage Prime devalue the quest? It's still a fairly early quest and players are more than likely to complete it and build Mirage before they obtain her prime.

  3. 2 minutes ago, AyaHoneycomb said:

    But then my point is, would you bring him all the time? 
    Is he THAT worth it?
    When you have other frames doing better jobs in certain mission types?
    (my brother insists that excal is best with every mission type he'll not bother using other frames.)

    Because people like playing Excalibur? I've played a ton of Excalibur and never have had any trouble with any particular mission type with him. Your brother likes playing with him and what's so wrong with that? 

  4. Just now, -Temp0- said:

    He's not the jack of all trades, he's a murdering machine. That's what he's good for. Killing ****t.

    That's not even remotely true. Many dps frames do, like valkyr for example hello? Equinox takes more work and more squishy but thr potential is even higher.

    Right but with chromatic blade it's hard to beat his dps. Also, equinox can drop massive bombs, but by the time it's built up to that Excalibur would've already dropped more damage then that. Not to mention the stealth bonus from radial blind.

  5. 10 hours ago, Zephyr_TheMLGPro said:

    It has less damage than telos but has base 35% crit and reaches to 103% with just primed pistol gambit. Not to mention you can pretty well hit orange crits with a good riven

    I knew holding off on rerolling my crit riven for the akbolto was a good idea.

  6. 7 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    Are you sure we are on the same page on this one?


    "Reticle will turn blue when targeting allies and red when targeting enemies.
    Reticle will show different states for hip, aim and sprint.
    Context actions will dim when aiming while they are active."

    Which is not present on 22.3.5 which is the PS4 build. Now you do have some console specific changes as well considering sprinting and melee, but do you have the exact "your reticle blurs during sprint" which is the main culprit behind people feeling ill after a game session?

    Not to mention that "I like it" it cool statement - I am happy for you - that does not mean that people that have a non small issue with this change can't comment on the fact that there no way way to disable it outside of either putting a post it note on your screen or not sprinting at all.

    I can confirm it is in fact on the console build. However, it's slightly different. It is a static effect versus the dynamic one we have. For console it's just one blurred reticle that drops and stays as such. It does not move. I'm still not a fan of it, but it's a lot better than the PC version.

  7. It can't be that hard. I have put in ZERO investment into my operator and it was still super easy. All I did was just run in a large circle picking up the energy orbs as I went around shooting the orb. Just practice it a couple times and you should be good.

    Also I use a controller for WF, albeit a Xbox controller, but a controller none the less.

  8. Build everything. Get it to 30 and if you like it keep it, if not sell it if you don't need it to build another weapon. This is what I did when I was new. I just built and tried everything out. Also keep in mind that just having the highest base damage doesn't necessarily make it the best weapon. There are lots of factors when it comes to damage output. Look at the Soma prime. It has a really low base damage but is one of the strongest weapons in game due to it's crit stats and fire rate.

  9. I would like to see a small change to Trinity's 3rd ability, Link. I would like to be able to cast this ability while in the air. It seems like a small thing, but for someone who plays a lot of Trinity like myself, this could make a world of difference. It would just help keep the game play smooth and quick. It would also be nice for the more aggressive Trinity players who like to cast link before diving into crowds and messing stuff up.

  10. O Come all ye Tenno


    O come, all ye Tenno,
    Deadly and descructive,
    O come ye, O come ye to Eidolon.
    Come and behold Him,
    Born the King of Grakatas;
    O come, let us adore Clem,
    O come, let us adore Clem,
    O come, let us adore Clem,
    Clem the Lord.

    O Sing, choirs of Darvos,
    Sing in exultation,
    Sing all that hear in Cetus Clem's holy GRAKATA.
    Give to our Royal glory in the relays;
    O come, let us adore Clem,

    O come, let us adore Clem,
    O come, let us adore Clem,
    Clem the Lord.

    Orignal Carol: O Come all ye faithful by John Francis Wade

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