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Posts posted by nickelshark

  1. I mean I joined update 10 but had no idea a new update had just dropped with loads of new content. That being said, I think that a game going back and trying to fix old problems would be pretty attractive in itself. It shows that the devs actually care about their game and not just stacking more and more new content for the sake of having new content. I don't think the problem would be trying to attract new players though, but keeping vets and longtime players happy. If DE were to just focus on fixing old stuff, there would be for sure plenty of people who would be appreciative of such, but there would more than likely be those who would complain because they have "nothing to do".

  2. 6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    That is easy. done it so many times

    Bring banshee and 3 to 4 specters

    Activate fourth while capturing a point, drop a specter, make it hold position.


    You only need to capture 3 points..

    On the other hand, this is my latest (impossible) riven:

    Synthesise a semaris with hobbled key on, without using powers, nor trap nor getting damage


    It's pretty easy. Just use rhino and activate Iron skin at the start of the mission and keep it up the entire mission. For the target bring a weapon with a large slam radius like the orthos to keep it on the ground to make it easier to scan it.

  3. I'm going to agree with @4thBro here. They have been working on PvP for the past few years with nobody ever really complaining about "muh PvE". Why? Because PvP has ZERO effect on the PVE aspect of the game. They had been working on PvP, introducing balance changes and tweaks while working on The Second Dream. They managed to drop a slew of conclave changes and improvements on top of dropping a massive update. I think y'all are severely underestimating DE's capabilities here. Sure let PvP take a backseat for absolutely enormous updates like PoE, but otherwise it seems like they are more than capable of handling both.  Refer to these build notes:

    If they were to improve the PVP could that draw more toxic players? Of course, but so will the game gaining more popularity anyway as we have seen a bit with the PoE. At the end of the day it's more players, and more players means more potential paying customers. DE has a prime chance to steal some of destiiny's PVP community with how bad the crucible is now, and they should take it.

    I personally want Warframe's PvP to be good fantastic. I have friends who like PvP games but it's hard to convince them to play Warframe with me due to the lack of a good PvP. I also enjoy PvP games a good bit as well, and how cool would it be to get my mass destruction and wiping out entire legions of enemies and my PvP itch in the same game? Pretty cool. And again with the potential toxicity. It could happen, it might not happen. However, it's really up to the community as a whole as to whether or not the toxicity thrives. If we try to fight fire with fire of course it's not going to help. But if we just be the community we have been for years then the toxicity will only feel out of place and largely ignored and will eventually put itself out.


  4. I try to pick a colors that compliment each other and make each other pop. I'm currently rocking a black,white,purple, and light sky blue. The order depends on the frame and skin I run it all my frames. I like to have a uniform color theme. I would suggest finding a basic two color combination you like, then finding another two color combination that also compliments the other.

    I did it like this:


    Light blue/dark purple=nice

    Black/light blue=also nice

    white/dark purple=nice

    Try each color in your planned scheme to make sure they all go good with each other. Then blend them into the frame, maing sure one color doesn't overpower the rest. some skins and frames make this hard, but attachments can help with that.

    Here are few random frames:

    Warning massive pic dump below



  5. 4 players is already very powerful as it is. I understand that you might want to have all your friends in one group but that's just how it is. It's kinda like going to the amusement park with your friends and being the odd one out who has to sit in a row on the roller coaster by themselves or with strangers.

  6. Maybe a return of the candy cane skins for scythes. I still have mine but I wouldn't miond seeing more of them.

    Also more than likely a festive color palette for 1 credit.

    Also some festive skins for some frames or weapons would be nice.

  7. Honestly early on the best thing you could do is go for a balanced build. Running continuity, intensify, stretch, streamline, flow, vitality, redirection and fleeting expertise if you can get it. If not then a mod of your choice.

    With a nice balanced out build you will be ready for most if not any situations and will allow you to utilize all his abilities equally.

    Another suggestion would be to drop redirection for quick thinking as it offers more survivability, but it is also a rare mod.

    I mostly run a balanced build on my Excalibur and never have ran into any real issues.

  8. The problem I see with these weapons is not so much the self damage, but how they scale. Most of them rely on just high damage rather than crit or sustained status.

    Look at the best explosive weapons. The tonkor and the lenz are both crit based while the torid has high sustained status.

    The rest do well up to a point but flat damage can only take you so far thanks to the infinite scaling of both health, but most importantly armor.

  9. Frost prime hands down. Was also my first prime frame. He used to be such a massive pain to farm back in the day.

    Ember also gave me quite a bit of trouble too, though not nearly as bad. Special mention goes to rhino. Regular rhino not his prime. Back when blueprint drops were physical drops, there was an issue involving the jackal. 

    He used to come up through a hole in the floor but they changed it to how it is now. However they just covered up the hole and items could fall into it. Long story short, BP's would drop into the floor and if you didn't have carrier or if carrier wasn't even a thing yet, tough luck.

  10. If you go to upgrade the mod you can select the level you want to upgrade it to to which not only shows how much Endo and credits you'll need but also shows what the stats on the mod will be brought up to.

    As far as keeping the mod it really depends on how much you like the hind. It's not a crit based weapon so the crit chance stat is kinda useless though multi shot is nice.

    I would suggest holding onto it in case you like the hind enough to get a better roll. Otherwise it's just taking up a riven slot which is limited so yeah.

  11. Yeah I don't understand the comments on how it's a bad gun. It's essentially a synapse but... better. It's a pretty good weapon and a lot of fun to use.

    A amprex vandal would be pretty sweet imo. I wouldn't mind sinking another 6 forma into the amprex again.

  12. I personally enjoyed both the old system and the new one. I particularly liked the old wall running way more than the current bunny hop. Flying across rooms with a single spin was also loads of fun. I personally don't see any issue with adding a mod like this but DE did say that they didn't want coptering to be a part of the game anymore so why they would bring it back idk.

  13. Do you not know that Nekros is a master sashimi and sushi chef in his spare time. What do you think he does when you put him back in the arsenal or logout. He can get more out of fish than anyone else.

    On a less serious note. I really don't know if it does work or not since I don't fish.

  14. The cyst can be used on a kubrow egg to get an infested companion.

    To change your avatar Esc/start-----profile----glyph.

    Also I don't know if it will change on the forums immediately. I changes mine to a different Trinity one a while back, but it still shows Trinity Prime here even though I have logged in and out of the forums many times since. Might have to clear cached data or something.

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