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Posts posted by nickelshark

  1. Rhino is an excellent choice as well as frost. Both are very versatile and scale well into late game content. Rhino has good support and cc along with one of the best self defense abilities in the game.

    Frost also sports a lot of good cc and has one of the best team oriented defense abilities in the game.

  2. 14 hours ago, TzXtetriC said:

    I would restrict Poe to who hasn't done tsd and tww. Follow the story and then jump to Poe with your operator.  It's supposed to be end game content so at least do those 2 quest to get ready and raise your Mr to use more powerful weapons.

    I agree with this. New players should be focusing on the main game anyway instead of PoE since that's where they make the vast majority of their progress.

  3. I'd say it depends on the weapon. For some weapons crit stats are completely useless. I would say it's a good roll that compliments that weapon the best with a negligible negative effect. So for example maybe a vectis riven that has + crit chance and crit damage with - projectile speed.

    Honestly though I'm pretty sure it's just a token term used by traders to get people interested in their stock.

  4. 1 minute ago, Shadilay said:

    I'm not okay with PA armour being exclusive because I can't get my friends to play as they say cosmetics play and important part hence, p2w.

    Warframe always diverted this by having a good trade system and tradable premium currency.

    The better way to do would be making prime access armour salvagable and sold in trade. Or make them into blue prints that are from baro or accessory relics then, make a sink for the enormous resources hoarded by some players.

    Then you need to educate your friends on what p2w means. These cosmetics have zero impact on game play. Does it suck that they are exclusive to prime access  yes, but this is a F2P title after all and they need to push players into spending some dosh in some way.

  5. I mean they technically already have....baro has had primed accessories before and a prime set was given away via twitch promo.

    As far as concerning the ones that where available via prime access, I don't think they should. I think it's a fair way of them making a profit w/o sacrificing game play *cough* EA *cough*.

    Also don't forget you also get 90 day boosters as well, 

  6. Playing that sorties exterminate the other day was Soo frustrating. I died so many times to these things switching me into a group of enemies. Getting switched by these in higher levels is basically a guaranteed death. 

    My biggest problem with them is that there is no way to avoid it except to kill it before it can. But with a napalm, eximus and a slew of other high level threats picking these guys out can be a problem.

  7. No we don't need primed stretch. We have a killer parkour system for a reason. Imo alot of the primed mods were highly unnecessary such as primed flow or continuity. Adding primed stretch would only worsen the ever growing power creep. 

    I also think that if ability range is in fact a problem in PoE then it shouldn't be fixed with a bad aid which DE has done far too many times as it is. If we add primed reach it will just make regular content that much more trivial.

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:


    Honestly I think they should have made the founder's stuff timed exclusives at least for the frame and weapons. Although I don't know how much that would've affected the sales overall. I would've still got it but who knows how many people purchased it due to the fact that it was exclusive and would never get another chance to get em.

  9. For me it just isn't one frame anymore. I have my main 3, Excalibur, Trinity, and Mag that I always go back to, although it's usually more often Trinity.

    I'm just most comfortable with them then anything really specific at this point. I know that I can do anything with these frames easily like sorties or trials. There have been times were I have been sure that a new frame would take their spots ie. Chroma and equinox, but it never happens. 

    Chances are if you ever come across me in game, I'm more than likely will be playing Excalibur, Trinity, or Mag.


  10. 6? Forma on my Excalibur. Might be 7. Not sure. He was my starter and therefore was the first one I started to experiment forma with. On top of that cramming all sorts of buildson him over the years and readjusting them for the changes over the years.

    Synapse has 7 forma on it. Have a killer riven on it. Same for the buzlock.

    Secondary is my vasto prime with 5 forma. Again riven.

    Melee most likely my orthos prime. Has 2 forma. Might have been the regular galatine which I think had 3 forma from melee 1.0. melee generally really don't need forma due to stances.

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