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Posts posted by nickelshark

  1. Here we go.....

    DE has improved on the new player experience and junctions were a part of this. However, there are loads of things that are poorly explained if at all. I feel like DE relies on the community and outside sources way to much. I don't think out right hand holding is needed though.

    It's certainly a lot better than how it was when I started playing but that's not really saying much. I could go on and on about the new player experience and how lacking it is but I will spare you the rant. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Aveu said:

    Mastery means nothing. I've met MR20s who don't know most of the game's mechanics because they grinded at Akkad/Hydron/etc and nothing else.

    I understand that. But that changes nothing about what I said. It's just my opinion that if you are at least mastery 10 you should have enough understanding of the game to know that you can equip mods on a unranked item.

    And hey if they are 20+ and they still don't know what they are doing then that's their fault for not taking the time to learn the game.

  3. People should be taking full advantage of the fact that we can now put mods on unranked gear. If they choose not to it's their fault and should face the consequences of not doing so. I don't mind carrying people if they are just bad at the game or are new and don't have the proper gear. However if they are a decent mastery rank which I consider to be 10+ you should know better.

  4. As a long time excal player, I nearly croaked when that listing of all the things you said he wasn't good for.

    Excal has plenty of survivability. His first ability is not only good for movement but makes you invincible for the duration. I only have vitality,flow and QT for my survival builds for excal and I do just fine. Radial blind and slash dash are going to be your best friends in really high levels.

  5. 3 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

    lol, No. I'm saying that the pods are clearly designed to have two functional methods of being seated. One as a bed-like posture, and the other standing upright for various purposes (perhaps efficient storage, or better display, etc).

    Yes in which case they would just have the narrow end towards the floor. They would just have to mount them.

  6. 1 minute ago, 4thBro said:

    Why would one end of it be perfectly flat and have balancing legs, then?

    Design? Looks? If they were meant to be stood up that way then I assume the body inside would be flipped. Also I don't think I have ever saw these cryo pods stood up vertically. Only the rounded ones. I would assume that if these particular pods where to be positioned vertically they would be either mounted to a wall or some sort of support.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Kraythax said:

    Well i am a professional with a life and family and limited game time so being part of a clan probably isnt in the cards, and I am not interested in being caried through every mission so I guess my only option is to solo and frankly that sucks. 

    I would suggest joining a clan regardless. I'm sure there are a lot of player's in a similar situation, me being one of them, and a lot of clans are very lenient with their activity requirements usually being around 20-30 days of inactivity before a kick.

    Also, you'll miss out on a good amount of content such as clan exclusive weapons, frames and archwing gear. I also found while I was clan hopping that most clannies are helpful. Even if you don't want or need others to carry you through missions they can help you maximize your farming for the time you do have.

  8. Excalibur.

    Love the basic look. It's simple but great.

    He is also my starter frame. The reason why Excal is my "main" goes way back. When I started playing Warframe ,early U10, he was very much seen as a pretty meh frame, being a one trick pony with radial blind. I liked how he was bit of an underdog compared to the powerhouses of that time like Nova. I took him into endgame missions to prove to others that he could be a great frame if you knew how to play him. Then enter Excalibur prime. When I had learned of the founders program and found out that was the only way to obtain Excalibur prime, I had to make a decision. Do I actually want to put money into this game? Keep in mind that I have never spent any money on a F2P game prior to that so it was a big deal to me at the time. I decided I was enjoying the game enough to warrant putting some money in the game to get Excal Prime, so in that way he was also my first purchase in a F2P.

    I had stuck with Excalibur for years, eventually becoming the go to for anything as far as builds,advice and techniques for Excalibur in my clan. Of course I spent a lot of time playing other frames for decent periods of time, such as Saryn, who is still one of my most played frames, Rhino, and Ember. Eventually I started to play more and more Trinity along with Excal as well as Mag. Trinity may be my profile picture, and honestly she is a VERY close second to excal as far as favorites. Infact I would say that they are both my #1 faves. ( I could go on and on about her as well and where my affinity for her comes from but I won't. Actually screw it I will.)

    As far as Trinity it's a bit of a different story. While I was still very new to the game I was running trough some void missions with some clanmates. The Warlord was running Trinity with the aura helm. I honestly had no idea what she was all about but I thought her and her abilities looked cool. Shortly after I picked her up from Earth and built her. Fast forward a bit and a Trinity main joins our clan. He was our go to Trinity for missions, but he eventually stopped playing WF due to real life obligations. I decided to try and play some trinity, since I have always loved playing support in games. I loved it. I remember setting up in a hallway targeting heavies with WoL and EV while keeping blessing up. I found it so satisfying to make a clutch save and prevent players from going down. That was fun but Trinity only got fun when they had gotten rid of the invincibility mechanic. Now, I would wait till me, a team mate or even my sentinal was low enough to get the maximum damage reduction. That was loads of fun and got me playing trinity even more than I had before. However, there was a time that I would not bring Trinity to any public games. I never fancied the EV spam build and wasn't my style. I was just getting so annoyed with people constantly complaining to me about not having energy to spam their abilities, that I avoided bringing trinity to pubs and mostly use her for solo play now.

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