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Posts posted by 9tailboy

  1. Hi glen

    I recently saw this in the devstream and think that this is good for scaling, but I have one problem.


    Recently in my t4 defense missions, I have been bugged to where after vor appears, not only do enemy spawn number increases, but the spawn duration is so long to where its impossible to fail.

    To make it simple, enemies are spawning just too slow to where it takes an hour to finish 20 waves(where it should take half the time).

    I hope someone already reported this and you guys checked the code so its not so bad, anyways, if you read this, thanks.



  2. o stealth :/

    Well its hard to say because if you want stealth, you gotta upgrade smoke screen, which doesn't have high duration


    Guess add intensify, primed continuity, streamline, transient fortitude/stretch, vitality, rage, primed flow, and redirection.


    Aura should be energy siphon(require forma) if you are patient for and efficient for them stealth runs, otherwise go for steel charge because your high health+rage will give you plenty of energy.

  3. What a sniper needs:


    -Insane damage to counteract the slow fire rate and 1 shot thing

    -Capability to use heavy calibur without missing

    -Punch through

    -Better scope



    If DE fufills this, snipers will once again popular in warframe other than possibly pvp

  4. Try disabling your Color Corrections and Bloom option. In some tilemaps, the blue spots were overexposured by the glows from target's body, added with the color shift from CC options.


    I can see the synthesis points in the picture still they are marked with a blue shade as usual just not as bright as usual. I haven't been having any problems myself in scanning them other than trying to single them out as a horde of enemies goes streaming by

    No i get this bug sometimes as well, it sucks a lot because you require another teammate to help you out

  5. My friend...


    did over 20 1 hour+ runs of T3 survival, he almost went crazy and decided to trade for it


    you're struggle is not enough



  6. your argument is correct, but its horribly flawed


    1- Nerfs is what balances the game, I like that, keeps players from using the same warframe over and over again

    2- There is a point where a nerf can be terribly wrong, such as ember you speak of, but players still use her a lot in speed extermination runs, shes pretty good, saryn on the other hand

    3- If the game constantly gets buffs and no nerfs, what will happen? You will end up with super obesely powerful warframes just duking it out on each other, noone is gonna have fun, warframe will turn into a whole draco ceres itself, and then you will wonder why you even play if its too easy



    "Leave squad"
    Yes it is.

    Well, some people actually like to stick with their squad, just someone has to be the killjoy, instead of overpowered nerfs or buffs, I wish DE helped make matchmaking for random public more interesting. Its not our fault we got stuck with a spammy saryn and we don't want to end up doing the mission all over again, and some newbies here don't even solo because they're too weak.

  7. A long time ago, DE promised or at least said they will be bringing back charge attacks for melee weapon, now as of right now, some stances use the hold button, so it will be difficult, but the main thing I wanna post is charge attacks should have a special function on different melee weapons.


    For example:
    Charging whip attacks should be able to grab enemies at a limited range and throw them similar to ripline, charging the whip to a surface should pull the warframe towards it(like an extension or just like ripline).


    Swords/slashing weapons would probably have a regular charge attack like it used to, but when wall running, holding the melee button stops the player and sticks the melee weapon onto the wall, sticking the player to a fixed position, draining little stamina over time(i think parkour 2.0 has this but if not, it could really help).


    Fists/sparring weapons should be able to grab opponents, allowing them to throw them in whichever direction


    Polearms/staves should allow higher vaulting, mixing with a drop kick and slam at the end


    Daggers should be throwable melee weapons when charged, and you can pick up right after, the type of damage they deal should be critical.


    Leave a like or reply on what you think.

  8. After anima/animus is released in U17  tomb of the sentients, can we have a mythological based warframe? One that takes the form of mythological beings such as monsters, gods, and demons? Similar to chroma, this warframe will have elemental damage and effects based on their color scheme, additionally, this will be one of the first warframes to use abilities that are toggled. Here is my rundown summary of it:


    Name: Mythos

    Health: 125

    Shields: 125

    Energy: 150

    Armor: 100

    Sprint speed: 1.2



    #1: Spirit path(25 energy cost)- Creates a area that gradually heals and removes status procs on allies over time, and boosts allies damage according to element. Enemies on this path will take additional damage and will proc based on elemental effect.

    #2: Beast path (drains 1 energy per 3 secs)- Turns Mythos into a beast that wil have 2x sprint speed, but shields and health by half, beast path will attack only through melee, and will act similar to a kubrow(same attack stats but no regular stats), beast path deals 2x melee damage of according elemental.

    #3 Akuma (drains 1 energy per 2 secs)- Turns Mythos into a demon, lowering armor and speed by half, but increases shields and health, Akuma releases a radial aura that makes enemies constantly take damage of according element. Akuma will use ranged attacks by casting energy balls at enemies using melee button(damage is based on power strength and elemental type).

    #4 Deity (Drains 1 energy per sec) -Turns Mythos into a god! All allies including mythos has 1.5x armor, sprint speed, health, and shields, as well as dealing additional damage of based element. Using melee button, Mythos casts melee strikes on enemy(using a exclusive stance for warframe), as well as each melee strike throws a ranged attack based on element(electric=lightning bolt, fire=fireball, cold= ice ball, toxin=gas cloud). Deity is similar to exalted blade if you want to know.


    Leave a like and reply on what you think. 

  9. So this is not about the way the tilsets are laid out per say but mainly the locations of them. Like how Venus is the second planet from the sun yet....it has ice?? I know Warframe is unrealistic at times but you need to draw a line somewhere! Even if the Corpus or Orokin found some way to change it to make it Icy...it's still the second planet from the sun and it's just not possible. On top of that basically any planet that comes after earth should be freezing and icy while the planets before earth should be hot as Godzilla eating a chilly pepper during a sandstorm. It's a small thing and it doesn't bother me THAT much, but still I have always wondered if anyone else is bothered by this? 

    its called science fiction

    get it? Because in fiction, anything illogical can be made logical

  10. Not sure if "disciple" is a good theme for this warframe :|
    wouldn't corrupted make more sense?

    also fix that 2nd ability, doesn't make much sense, would be much more interesting if it corruption was a ability that just starts deteriorating(slowly killing) the linked enemies, and turn into specters that fight for you


    This warframe could work, give it a excalibur look though, but don't make it look like shadow(umbra) excalibur, or too much like regular excalibur...

  11. I too really hope everything china gets(new founder package and nuchucks) comes to global build, its kind of only fair since global build came before specific china.


    If I am correct, the entire package(kunai prime, nikana prime, excal umbra, etc.) is about $50?
    If so, I'm definitely getting one :)

  12. The answer is pretty simple

    If mesa peacemaker is OP, then if we were to buff everything to that level of OP, how would you compete if everyone became insanely strong?

    Unlike the game you were talking about, a warframe's powers are different within each one, some you only need to press a button, others you can hold, and then others are toggled, don't forget that they are all different. Each skill has its own set, you can't simply balance it by just buffs.


    But if we were to compare to the game you mentioned, like a weapon getting a buff, supposedly like the boltor prime, it would be fine because thats what DE is probably doing best right now, such as the named shotgun buff coming, that could really help since shotguns are a small category and need help, same for hoping snipers get a good buff.

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