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Everything posted by HunterDigi

  1. Please DE, host migration fails should never happen. Always fall back to migrating solo so the player at least has a chance to finish the mission, rather than being forced to fail it and lose all progress.
  2. Auto breach is a mod too so I wouldn't use those names interchangeably. Aside from that, I use Perspicacity on every single sortie spy with Wukong, and it worked fine yesterday for me, so it must be some kind of combination of frame and/or inputs being pressed that mess it up... it had something like this when it was first launched, doing some kind of movement while casting would not actually finish casting xD I recommend recording a video for devs to see exactly what's going on, as this isn't a 100% occurrence.
  3. I did try spamming use while flying towards it, but did not work. After host left and it migrated, archon appeared on the floor and could be interacted with, but did nothing.
  4. HunterDigi


    The game lately has some several-second freezing at some points, I've no idea what causes it but it might be related to a player's equipment/cosmetics, because it happens in regular missions that I've played before. Had at least 2 of these since last update, and this was the latest one that happened just now upon joining ESO: This was after I just joined and could move and shoot for about 2 seconds until game absolutely froze then just vanished entirely (no crash submit thing, might've been because I clicked it and windows force-closed it or something, I've no idea). I forgot to check the log and back it up, forgot even where it is and now looking there there's not even a "previous log" thing, let alone date/time'd backups xD you guys should really keep at least the previous log because people would want to join back ASAP after any sort of crash, and not fiddle about with logs.
  5. Is this fixed yet? :P Especially now that enhanced is default and classic is getting retired (I didn't see a date tho).
  6. The problem is when you can't react - either being AFK or still in loading screen. Force voting is not really useful in public squads, it shouldn't be allowed.
  7. I'm talking minutes after any ability was finished, not during hold-4 or anything. I could walk around at normal speed, aim, shoot, melee. But couldn't jump/slide/crouch/bulletjump. If I fell off a high place I could jump midair and it would wake up sometimes, or sometimes triggering one of the abilities would give me back the jumping, it was extremely disruptive, I very much doubt this is intended. And no it's not a combination thing from another program. I don't use powertoys and I also don't use shift to bulletjump =) It was only this one time where I played Garuda, every other frame I played with in Circuit ever since it launched hasn't had anything like it. (apart from the slow-motion thing with that decree which I hear was fixed)
  8. I've had this with Garuda in circuit, couldn't find a reliable way to repro. I did have the augment for her 4 and it seemed something with that and maybe 1, not sure, either way that's the only frame I've seen it with so far xD
  9. Where would I get the stats to state such facts? :P of course it's anecdotal, it's my experience progressing in the game. I also sold stuff because I couldn't properly see any of their capabilities. Modding it was more limited, no catalyst of course because they were more scarce (before nightwave), and the mod capacity was reduced until it was max level, mixed with wanting to progress starchart and doing sorties and such, instead of playing low level missions where these weapons would even function, just meant I'd have a reliable meta weapon with 2 rankable ones that ended up labelled as MR fodder, mostly wrongly. Circuit gives me the unowned weapons fully modded so I can properly test them without having to invest into them and then feel like I wasted my time. The change seems like a small step in the wrong direction for the mode.
  10. Well, no. It means they didn't have room, that's the main reason people sell weapons. I re-discovered a bunch of neat weapons during this which I've rebuilt, but I guess it's only lowered and not entirely impossible to get them, it just means I'll never pick them because higher chances to get a good known weapon instead xD
  11. Oof, the very first bounty objective we got in duviri experience was "find hidden chest", we found it and it's not interactive xD please fix :( at least add a trigger around it if we stand in it it for 5s self-opens
  12. You could open %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Warframe\Launcher.log and see what it's saying might be wrong.
  13. It's a steelseries account issue, not a warframe one. Contact their support which they even offered in your screenshot.
  14. Same, I'm at level 12 too on PC and I think I did everything, I don't see any restored ones.
  15. Another issue was if the dude with the coin is present, you must get rid of him for the candidate to spawn, not sure if they fixed this one tho xD
  16. What is the game doing after closing it? I ask because I feel compelled to end-task it and worry I might break something doing so. And I'm pretty sure it reads/writes to pagefile because I have OS and warframe on an SSD, but the pagefile is on a HDD because I don't want to waste SSD write cycles and I also want to be aware when it's being used by the sound the HDD makes, which it makes a lot of it when warframe closes =) I also looked at task manager and memory usage was going up. This takes a few minutes to do whatever it's doing.
  17. Going into attachments submenu in customization while having a voidshell skin shows the "Random materials" button, clicking it would randomize the materials on the frame skin :/ lost my customization on this frame because of it.
  18. I barely could use Yareli because some shader is leaking oil over my screen in a very persistent manner, even if I look away from whatever started it. A few shots I gathered in quick succession, and incidentally it just went away on its own on the 3rd: And this is not the only frame that does this, I've seen it with Protea, Vauban and a few others :/ Let me know what details you actually need to reproduce this.
  19. The removal of the status mention made me think it it was nerfed, is it really that big a deal to mention it? "Critical Hits deal an extra hit with X% Cold Damage & Status" Doesn't have to be complex, I can assume here that the status is guaranteed, if it's missing then I can only assume it's not happening.
  20. You can also check in esc -> abilities and hover 4th ability to see its current stats, affected by other people's power donation or any kind of strength buff they might give you... as it is possible you were heavily buffed by them xD Did you also check arbitration's current buffed frame for you? Maybe it's Nova =)
  21. So I was playing wukong sortie spy, I entered a new-corpus-ship vault where there's 3 moving laser-walls along a C-shaped corridor, I cloudwalked to the vent as the laser passed me it was about half-way accross the room behind me then I pressed attack to get my bow out to shoot the vent but I got instantly knocked down by the invisible laser and alarm went off. Wasn't a big deal for me, but I'm reporting it as people will be unfairly punished for something they did right, dodging the laser. I don't think I spawned mid-game or anything, I joined a squad during the lobby, and I don't have a video, I did F6 screenshot at extraction if you want the mission metadata: But that's not the vault itself xD In the next mission I also noticed nullifier bubbles not shrinking or vanishing upon shooting them, I am hitting the character itself so the field should've been gone, not sure if this helps gauge what sort of network reductions might be there xD
  22. The "Zariman Bounty Hunter" from nightwave does not seem to count bounties properly. It went like this, I first played an extermination right before a new rotation started, then I played armageddon, flood and then cascade, then I played another exterminate in the new rotation and it's still 3/4 :/ And yes I did in fact do bounties, not regular zariman navigation, they had those extra things to do on the left side like interact with 2 void thingies or kill a void angel while in exterminate. Now, I frankly very much dislike this kind of chore for NW, it's always unclear what is or isn't different and there's no way to verify which ones counted and which ones didn't. Please just change it to "do <N> bounties for <HubName>" and let people do whatever types they want :P
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