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  1. Well, that was disappointing to watch. I personally would rather have the range reduced and LoS removed than keep that mess around.
  2. It baffles me how they can say they listen to feedback and yet, ignore the overwhelming feedback to revert the nerf, but instead double down on this LoS nonsense. LoS has always been unreliable. It makes the game and frame inconsistent and no one enjoys inconsistency.
  3. It is insanely frustrating to see a good frame on release only to have him nerfed because DE was too eager to react and overdid it in the process. All they needed to do was to tweak the overguard on the squad as many had already stated. It's getting tiring to see DE stating over and over again they listen to feedback when they actually don't.
  4. "Slight tweaks" they said. Nerfing the whole frame into the ground. He was great the way he was. I just don't get the nerf.
  5. Honestly, that felt more like an "we mentioned it now hush"-statement. Very disappointing they didn't dived deeper into the concerns stated in this thread especially with fomo and the accolade situation.
  6. Why making the hard decisions to address the actual complaints when they can simply sweep it under the rug with some plat? Worked last time when Prime Resurgence and Regal Aya came around. Seems like this is the only lesson they have learned from back then.
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