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Everything posted by ShakariPsy

  1. The encounter is as bugged as the original mission, lack of crystals, unable to avoid untelegraph attacks, spawn point in thin air and no platforms nearby. Really wish this would be sorted out... its been what years now.
  2. When logging on in the forums it is showing the login/already have account signing button in French rather thean english, Shows everything else as english. Note: not from france or using anything connected to the country.
  3. The current nighwave missions randomly fail to show/annouced the reward when checking the nightwave rewards screen it just silently skips to the next reward. Where as it should highlight and annouce when a reward is earned.
  4. I use either that and I do love it but the Torid I think is better as you only have to aim at one thing and the rooms clear lol it positively melts the steel path zariman missions lol and even the normal fire mode is good in the steel path zariman missions.
  5. Currently acolytes in the steel path are a oddly bugged they can see the player through stealth when firing, moving/jumping etc does not stop them hitting you each time they attack have had this repeatedly on all the acolytes they behave as if they can see the player.
  6. Since last patches Ivara's sleep does not work on animal captures since the last few hotfixes they start the sleep animation but imediately wake up so its a bit broken at the moment.
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