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Posts posted by Slashz

  1. yea i have no idea what changed recently even the login it takes a while, to try to login into the game once the game launch keep giving me that the login info is incorrect even tho it's correct, i have to keep spamming the login until it goes through, on the website i login right away but in the game it takes a while i have no idea what's going on.

    i tried restarting the router and all that but doesn't help is the same problem i think they need to investigate that. 

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  2. Please look into Thermia throw with the new auto weapon switch having no secondary gun only primary and melee you lose your ability to aim the Thermia throw but u can still throw it without aiming using the keybind however it's fairly weak throw than the normal one which you end up missing your mark.

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  3. Games lock you at the end of the railjack mission if you try to enter a crewship before it disappear and it disappear exactly while in the entering animation (can't escape or recall to railjack even if the host navigate to dojo and wait for timer you are still locked in place, you can see the reward screen but can't do anything beside abort mission)

  4. So many good feedback, yes the main question to ask when deploying a new UI is to ask "what do users look for and need to be displayed for them without having to open up more UI elements" i know a lot of the screens you posted are just place holders.

    So for example players would like to see rare loot/prime parts they got at the end of the mission so the loot should be sorted by rarity, prime parts/ rare mods...etc not just a mix of items or icons.

    Also it would be nice to have the railjack map switch next to the nightwave button for easy switching while having the world state panel opened and maybe add a hide button for both or individual.

    You can utilize the star chart for icon navigation so you can have special effect/icon for each event like plague star or ghouls / invasion project boss that indicate that this plant got an event going on, something like the kuva red cloud for liches but a bit more clear (the red clouds are cool but need to be more defined around nodes) and also the mission type for the kuva lich tend to be wrong on some of the nodes that require some fixing 🙂

    The end screen can be implemented better (overwatch style) show off the fashion frame then after 4 sec it show up the loot/rewards and stats window in full screen.

    The Resource extractors system kinda need a rework to be honest (you can add something creative to it that you can go into a resource extractor mission to hasten the process and get extra resources type from the planet that is deployed to) but for now it would be nice to have a collect all and repeat button (and a check if the person doesn't have the same type of the extractor when clicking repeat it would give a warning message).

    The Mastery rank icons the current one looks good but if you want to remodel all of them again to a cooler one would be nice if we be able to see samples and vote, but the ones in the preview you posted doesn't look better than the current one also that should be reflected in the new end mission with the squad you previewed so it would be cool to have the player glyph bordered with their mastery rank icon.


  5. Yohohoho Yohoohohoo
    Yohohoho Yohoohohoo

    On the way to deliver our bounty
    Space debries blowing as it pleases
    Riding the void

    Beyond the stars, the void hole rejoices
    Stars are painting the fabric of space
    Farewell to my Dojo
    Farewell to my Orbitor

    let's all sing out with a bang as the Railjack sets path
    Waves of Grineer and Sentiant dissolve into matter
    As our Warframe cut and maim

  6. Ok here is all the bugs i encountered playing Railjack

    Most of the bugs usually happens when you get into a laggy host
    Things that occur is usually the same as the normal warframe bugs like (not being able to open doors, or unable to use any interactable buttons like consoles,exits...etc)

    Railjack specific bugs

    • If someone destroy the crewship from outside (using ordnance) and if you are flying the crewship, you will die on the ship and then get sent into space, when you rez back up you will lose your archwing but still be able to fly in tenno mode and will be able to use your normal guns but with your archwing abilities. (rare happened to be few missions only)
    • If you do a close railjack recall while on the crewship right before it get destroyed there is a chance that the game will bug and you will get kick into space and then teleport to the railjack with archwing equipped inside. (rare and also require some timing)
    • Dying on the crewship while it explode might send you into the "black abyss" below the space map with the ship wreckage and you will get stuck in some falling loop until the game stop you from falling then you can sprint back up into the "space window" space map again to get back into the game map. (Happened quite few times early on not so much lately)
    • Using the side guns on the railjack sometimes you get a black flickering or the actual ship texture to block part of your view when you are panning your camera around. (Gunner phantom eye)
    • Host migration can sometimes render the railjack with less avionics stats than intended also you still use the host ship not the migrated host ship. (had a host migration and the railjack had way less hall HP than before)
    • Trying to repair a railjack component while returning from a mission into a different dojo than your own, will get your stuck in "please wait" with not ability to exit the game beside Alt+F4. 
    • Zetki Reactor MK lll with minor breach repair have a tool tip duplication bug.



    There is quite more but these the one i mostly remember. happy fixing 🙂

  7. I encountered a bug today in the defense sortie with the NPC, i only had one weapon equipped (Kitgun) while activating the Primal Fury and giving the side arm to the defended NPC, the Primal Fury activation get buggy sometimes it will be permanent activation without any mana cost drain and sometimes it get deactivated and you get stuck in the staff pose and unable to attack.


  8. Notice this with the latest mesa's butt hotfix 😏 that there is weird line appearing and shadow/lightning flicker while activating her peacemaker doesn't always trigger tho but happen quite often not sure what is the cause of this 
    i tried verifying the game files but still happens


  9. yea i just got this bug today with mesa

    more explanation:
    If you deploy your archwing weapon and then press your peacemaker ability you lose your archwing wepaon and you get stuck in peacemaker mode (constant drain of energy) with your normal weapon and the effect of mesa augment "Mesa Waltz" without the mod being equipped, and you can't get out of it pressing the peacemaker ability again doesn't disable it.

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