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Posts posted by Maria_Steele

  1. Rivens are too costly to get from other players, and the entire process of getting one through a sortie is...ugh. It can be thrilling sometimes (albeit very rarely), a snoozefest on other (even rarer) occasions...

    But usually, it's more frustrating than it's worth because I don't have any rivens for anything I actually use and am good with. This means stage 2 and 3 of sorties are one hell of a doozy more often than not. And the sparse few rivens I do get from sorties, I can't use because it demands MR20+ and/or won't use because it's for a weapon I don't like to use or is in fact for a pretty crappy weapon. I still haven't been able to figure out what to do with my useless Cestra Satitio aside from selling it...for credits just to get it out of my inventory. The relationship I have with RNG in this game is one of mutual hatred. 

    Thus, getting a riven I'd actually make use of has been a nightmare to do, and I hated every second of trying to do so. People ask for outrageous prices and I can't really afford that, and again, the whole sortie process is a bit of a slog for me.

    It's not a system I like to tussle with at all, so I normally don't bother and just do other things. Things I actually like and enjoy. Stuff that doesn't feel like I actually require a riven to do.

  2. 34 minutes ago, SyBuhr said:

    I think you are missing my point, and misconstruding it as a means to say this is a non-issue.

    No one is arguing "Beggars can be choosers". That is mis-representing the issue at hand.

    The issue is the lack of readily available information for Buyers, which can lead to getting conned. If this wasn't an issue, it wouldn't have been addressed by the Developers.


    Yes you can paste buy/sell offers. But as anyone who has spent any amount of time in trade chat will tell you, it moves fast, and your "buy" message is likely to get flooded out in seconds. Meaning that you will need to be diligently pasting that buy/sell message whenever it is off Cool-down, which is approx. a minute or so. So do you mean to tell me you are going to stop playing the mission you are in, just so that you can paste in a message? No, you won't do that, and most people wouldn't.

    Waiting for prices to fall is fine, but remember: the community has no way of currently aggregating the trends. Hence why I suggested an Auctionhouse in-game. Tell me, what professional source of Statistics are you basing the falls and rises in prices? Just the chat alone is not sufficient, because you personally cannot over-see it 24/7. I'd even argue that the Developer's current aggregator is not sufficient, though it is in phase 1.

    Again, it isn't about effort. I've stated that I've spent 20 hours straight in trade chat. It's hell, and I'd wager the community agrees that having a means to aggregate all the trends (ALA World of Warcraft's auction house) would be a very desired addition. Again, this is all about trading-transparency. Any schmuck out there can slap "GOD-TIER" next to a riven, and sell it for 1k+ to someone unwitting enough, or someone who isn't savvy enough to find said information.


    Edit: It might not be obvious, but I am not stating an Auctionhouse would solve every issue. It'd expedite the buying/selling process, and allow for players to quickly reference all available listings for certain items for trade. This would mean less time actually spent trading and more time actually playing the game, again akin to World of Warcraft's AH. Would this prevent inflation of item prices? Probably not. But it would help in allowing players to identifying outliers, or identifying pricing trends in order to make informed decisions quickly, without having to wait what could be days/weeks. I am all for the free-market, but the trade-chat does not aide players, veterans or new-comers, in making rational trading decisions when it comes to rivens (although it could be argued generally as well) in a timely fashion.

    This right here, this is something I agree Warframe rather desperately needs. This is why I only ever use warframe.market, because that's the closest thing we really have to any kind of auction house for now...and even then it's iffy sometimes.

    It'd make trading a little less overwhelming to some newer people like myself, and less of a damn hassle to those who know what they're doing.

    • Like 4
  3. 9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

    No reason to think that, when it is 100% confirmed official.

    Well, I didn't know that. Hence why...I thought it. And, you know, wasn't sure of it. You mind giving me a source, though? I've never once seen anywhere, wiki or in-game, this mentioned. Not that my two months of playing the damn game means anything on that regard.

  4. You cut grass with a scythe? Are you stuck in feudal Japan or something? Get with the times, old man!

    Jokes aside, I think the way the game classifies speed is different for each class of weapon. That number might be specific to that weapon's class, rather than just being a measurement for all of them. Explains why some weapons have 1.x speed but feel sluggish, and others have 0.8 and feel quick. Plus, as someone else mentioned already, stances also have a part to play in it.

  5. Honestly, something's being omitted here. Either you actually said something that was less than polite which got you banned, or the moderator in question is one of those kinds of people that I've heard so much about.

    Both are equally likely, to be frank, and either way your best bet is to just wait things out and just not use region chat.

  6. I wouldn't see anything wrong with a toggle being there. I would never ever use the first person because I don't like it, but a toggle for it being there wouldn't hurt anyone either. Some things, though, would need adjusting to make it work, and it's those adjustments that would concern me.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Stalker_Cake said:

    really now? yea... windows updates are kinda like this

      Hide contents

    *knock knock*

    Win10: Hello, here is an update, when would you like me to break your door?


    That's a pretty good summary of it, only eventually it just stops asking and goes for the throat. 


    2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    How? Phones only have a lifespan of about 10 months.

    ... Maybe that's just mine.

    I dunno how, either. It's survived a lot of abuse, which ranges from being dropped in varying liquids to being thrown full-force at a wall because someone thought it was funny. Its screen's cracked, but otherwise works fine somehow. And I thought Nokia was known for indestructible devices...

  8. 1 minute ago, Stalker_Cake said:

    atleast you don't have to worry about your phone getting sabotaged through updates

    It still updates every so often! It usually just waits until I restart it, though, so at least there's that...unlike Windows 10. Why must you push so much, Windows 10?

  9. 4 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Have you done any sort of endurance mission over 7 hours? If so, you are automatically trade banned for 2 weeks just based on length alone and nothing else. It is an automatic system. If it was not that, I would just wait for support to answer.

    I don't doubt the capability to go that long...but how on earth does one not get bored for going that long and staying in that one mission nonstop like that? That's nuts, impressive.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    So Doors were never meant to be responsive, as they were efficient, until today, only when you were host or solo ?

    Bullet-jumping always broke Prowl when you're client because there is a small latency, so before the game understands you're jumping, it records you running for half a millimeter, thus breaking Prowl.

    This I didn't know. A rather interesting little tidbit, it always felt buggy because of how inconsistent it was. Now I know why it was actually inconsistent.

  11. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    I just want to question “energy intense nature.” Because Prowl lets you steal energy from people.

    If anything, prowl is actually positive for your energy economy.

    It's not a guaranteed means of replenishing energy. Never was. You're just stealing loot from the enemy, and that loot isn't always an energy orb.

    So when you're not getting that extra energy, you're losing energy. Therefore, it isn't entirely good for your energy economy, especially if you move around a lot. Standing still, then yeah, Prowl's okay. But if you move about a lot while in Prowl, your energy usage more than doubles. This is not very good if you rely a lot on Artemis Bow like I do.

    Quick edit: If I do end up needing that invisibility in a pinch, I settle for Cloak Arrow anyway since unlike Prowl I can regen energy in there. Combos nicely with Energizing Dash, which helps with getting back up to that Prowl usage if I need it.

  12. I'm neutral about it. I don't use Prowl much as it's energy intense nature makes it less than ideal for some things and a Cloak Arrow does the job nicely. On the other hand, when I did use it, it was under specific circumstances that I knew would only use Prowl briefly. Otherwise, Sleep Arrow spam is good enough for me.

    All that aside, basic parkour ability should be allowed in Prowl. It doesn't alert enemies or anything unless you move or land right in their field of view, and movement in general drains energy more quickly, so that in itself balances Prowl nicely as it is. Feels dumb that Prowl breaks whenever you try to do X thing that makes you move remotely faster than the slow walk they seem to want you to go by.

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