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  1. Sunk cost fallacy, is the term I think. Yeah, the Necramech grind can be really frustrating. You can buy parts from the Necraloid syndicate for standing. The mining can be tedious though.
  2. It sounds to me like you don't like the game anymore. Which is understandable, it has changed a lot from launch. So why keep playing if you're not enjoying it? Serious question.
  3. High player engagement, players seem to be mostly happy with the direction. So why should we go back? If you don't like it, that's fine, but you don't get to dictate to the rest of us.
  4. Co-op is optional and has been for a long time. Only certain game modes, like Interception, benefit from a full squad. Warframe is not the same as it was in 2013.
  5. Have you checked your dojo decorations? If you earned the gold, the statue should be available to build.
  6. MR is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. The only real benefit of being MR30 or above is not worrying about mod capacity on new gear.
  7. Your gear has as many points available as your Mastery Rank, double if it has a reactor/catalyst installed. For every rank gained with the gear, an additional point is gained. Which is doubled if there is a reactor/catalyst installed.
  8. This is the information you are looking for. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010426932-Negative-Balance-Help
  9. They are removing MK-1 weapons https://www.warframe.com/news/abyss-of-dagath-coming-october-2023
  10. It's finally downloading, for real this time.
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