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About --K--Sharkfin

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  1. I usually use vazarin school for high level. one dash (Sling) keep your warframe/companion invulnerable for 5 seconds. best thing about it is that it can be reset whenever you dash (Sling) again. And it heals a lot too (100HP/s stackable).
  2. Back when I got my first lich in day1 patch, I let it steal my stuff for over 2 months of active gameplays. When I decided to kill it and take back my stuff my game froze for more than 10 seconds before the reward screen loads all the stuffs dropped by the lich. I almost thought the game crashed. And for your reference I got back like 2k Steel Essence, and 4pages of 4~7 figures resources. It was fun.
  3. Stropha is most effective against Aerolysts thanks to its heavy attack having innate punch through and very wide angle shockwave. Despite short range (within 15m), player simply need to aim the heavy attack in general direction of the Aerolysts and boom all canisters are gone. Don't even need to aim for the canisters. Of course stropha is not the only option, but definitely a no-brainer one.
  4. game should allow trading relics in bulk imo. Back when I need to trade my relics to clanmates it took us a week to trade only 1/10 of my relics. I still have like 5k to 6k relics lying around after month of trading my relics
  5. Coming back from mobile games and tbh I found warframe cosmetics are pretty cheap comparatively. Talking about the tennogen stuffs, not prime accessory/regal aya stuffs (they are overpriced unless you see the value in them). In the past I would pay for plats. But now I have all the available ways to earn plats more than I need so it's no longer a problem. Now I would pay for unique and cool cosmetics. Planning to buy the Risen Heirloom Collection just to say a little thanks to DE for bringing me core memory in the past years (took a long break from 2015 to 2019 ).
  6. years of playing saryn in public match taught me to neglect the way spores gonna be accumulated. As the spores are gonna go away soon anyway if there's a killing machine in the team that kill the spore attached enemies faster than I could spread them. For your issue, I guess if different saryns can only burst their own spores it would be a great solution. This was brought up countless times ever since saryn is out but it was never addressed so I guess it wouldn't neither in the rest of the time.
  7. Tbh a F2P game that made a gamer stay for more than 3 years is pretty amazing and quite worth it. Many move on to other games within a year if not half a year these days. Personally spent almost 6k hours in WF since 2013 and the past year I am just doing weeklies occasionally to earn cosmetics (especially NW), despite techniqually now we won't miss out anything permanently. Would love to see myself take a break from time to time and only enjoy the game when I see fit (after large story updates), I trust DE for keeping WF alive for another 10 years.
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