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  1. SnoozecoopYT


    Just wanted to ask the community, has had anybody noticed since the release of Abyss Of Dagath that Nezha's Warding Halo become so weak? I main Nezha for years and years, and I just noticed that since the release of Abyss Of Dagath, one tiny explosion from a barrel cuts Nezha's Warding Halo's health to almost 0 and sometimes it totally just destroys my Warding Halo to complete 0, I got 9k base Warding Halo health and back in the day Warding Halo's health doesn't just completely turned 0 when a barrel exploded. Just wanted to know if anybody is experiencing the same issues or I did DE nerfed Nezha. I don't watch dev streams anymore so I am not so up to date with the latest buffs, adjustments and nerfs not unless I read the news section from my orbiter. Thank you.
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