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Posts posted by (NSW)T3hYoshi2

  1. So anyone have any info on how long its gonna take for 23.8 to hit switch or an alternative oxium farm that works before the defense/interception oxium osprey buff? My clan needs like 10k oxium to finish research so we dont have to spend 10 times as much later :l

  2. Not sure if it happens to everyone or just me but whenever i shoot with the atomos my audio glitches out pretty badly and after a few minutes warframe crashes. This happened in a void fissure  elemination mission on ceres.

  3. Anyone else having the issue of no vomvalysts spawning on the switch version unless you start fighting the teralyst? The issue with this is you need to farm vomvalysts to get an amp to fight the teralyst to do enough damage to make a vomvalyst spawn.

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