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Posts posted by Raso719

  1. Post melee X.whatever rework I'm astonished anyone has complaints against any melee weapon. My Poopycyst could put in work before I even got a Riven for it, and that gnarled stick has consistently been made fun of for being pretty bad since it first came out.

    Nearly all melee weapons are viable if you build it right.... heck most are viable even if you build them wrong.

    • Like 8
  2. As I "low key" walk though a Grineer tile set trying to unlock a Riven it dawns on me......

    The doors know. They know I'm there. They can see through my void magic. My god, what if they were to tie the door sensors into security? 

    • Like 6
  3. Story outline for the Ubra Nidus quest:

    Charger was the best boy. He was a Kubrow who severed his Dax loyally. They fought many battles together and neither had more trust in any other entity than they had in one and other. That's why when the Dax told Charger to get into the escape pod he felt so utterly betrayed. Why was his master getting rid of him like garbage? No, it must have been a mistake. The system of have malfunctioned, that's what happened.

    Charger went on a grand adventure to sneak back onto a transport to get back to the Void Tower his master served on. However he found only military transports were heading that way. When Charger saw the station from the portal he was shocked. The infestation had attacked! He felt horrible, like the worst boy. He wasn't there to protect his master. When the bulkhead door opens Charger runs out barking, calling out for master (alerting the infestation to the presence of the Orokin demolition team leading them to be utterly wiped out). He fights past hoards of infested, biting and clawing his way to the familiar scent of his master. When he reaches his master, Charger is weak. He lost so much blood but would not yield. He claws open a storage locker to find his Dax master... dead. His corpse desiccated from the changes in the atmosphere he still appears alive to Charger, just weak and sleeping. He must be cold and lonely hiding in there for so long. 

    Charger is cold too.

    Charger lays down besides his Dax master and closes his eyes...

    Then something-something Ballas shows up and he's livid this dog thwarted his demolition operation and allowed the Infestation to claim something the Dax hid away on Charger and turns the Dax into Umbra Nidus and Charger into a walking Zit.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    What needs to happen is to get the damage calculation right - if you shoot one guy dead with a sniper rifle, and get a gas proc, enemies in the area need to die as well after a few seconds.

    This. An AOE is great and all, but if the damage is marginal then you may as well be spreading butter, not damage.

    Personally, I think the way it worked before was just fine. If they want to make it it's own damage type they should make it work how it use to and just let gas proc it's own DOT independent of Toxin.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Physio7 said:

    That's something that i'm trying to explain in this post x.x, maybe it's me that it's a bit difficult to me to explain as english it's not my first language, but you said exacly my intention with this post, would this warframe have it's own personality, gender or identity? Could DE give it any gender or a singular identity? I love how many theorycrafting could create this warframe theme , but it seems like a few people has not understand what i'm trying to say and they misunderstand me 😔

    I didn't read the thread.... did it turn into a mess with people virtue signalling and people who don't care about gender yelling at people who might care about gender instead of a philosophical debate on what it means to be you and how we identify the self versus the aggregate of parts that make up a whole or game lore?

  6. Just now, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It’s not as good as each pellet having 100% status.

    The whole justification was “oh well stacking status procs will make up for it”. But they don’t. They very much don’t.

    So then I am fully understanding the complaint... people want to stack like 30 status ailments with each pull of the trigger because often having 2 or 3 procs from your 6 - 12 pellets isn't enough. Because a million procs is not as good as ten thousand procs. 



  7. Kitguns are great not just for MR but in general.

    My personal favorites are my high crit Rattleguts and high crit Gaze. My Gaze would have orange crits if I maxed out my Primed Pistol Gambit (haven't yet because I'd have to Forma a bunch of other weapons) but Hydrolic Crosshairs and Arcane Avenger work just fine along side it.

    I never got into the Catchmoon love. It's boring, IMHO, but it IS effective. Make sure to guild and to grab the PAX Seeker Kitgun arcane for those explodey-head-heat-seekers!

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Teljaxx said:

    Its not so much wanting Dark Souls to be Dynasty Warriors. Its wanting Lords of the Fallen to be Dark Souls. They are both the same "soulslike" genre, but one is far superior to the other. And why would I play the inferior one when the superior one is right there?

    This is why I keep comparing Railjack to Elite Dangerous. They are both a similar genre, but one is clearly superior to the other. Elite has plenty of huge cumbersome space fortress ships in it, too, but they are actually fun to fly. They feel as huge and heavy as they are. They feel like they could shrug off a supernova. Some of them even have deployable fighters, like Archwings, that are also much more fun to fly. DE clearly wants Raliljack to be like that, too, but they haven't managed it. As it is, whenever I play Railjack, I always find myself wishing I was playing Elite instead.


    I think the main reason why so many people are upset about not being able to solo Railjack is that you can effectively solo almost the entire rest of the game. Sure, as you said, you do need good gear to do so in either mode, but its just yet another way that Railjack is completely out of place compared to the rest of Warframe. It also doesn't help that, early on, DE promised it would be playable solo, but they haven't delivered the parts that are supposed to make that happen yet.

    Also, your suggestions of how AI would simply take over whole tasks so you don't have to worry about them at all? That would be dumb, because removing whole mechanics from the game mode isn't going to make it any more fun. We would just go from having too much to deal with, to not enough to do. But, I also think that the command Intrinsics will most likely do just that, unfortunately.

    Even if you compare Lords of the Fallen to Dark Souls the thing is, Lords of the Fallen was it's own game still. Critiquing the game from a technical stand point, ie how buggy, how smooth combat is etc is all valid and can be done fairly objectively. That's not what I her for the most part. What I hear is people don't want Lords of the Fallen (Riljack) to be it's own game, they want it to be just like Dark Souls (Elite) in virtually every way. 

    That said, there argument that it needs to be solo-able also breaks down when you consider that nearly 95% of all content in all MMOs is solo-able (either at level or when over leveled) but still have Raids and other modes that require teamwork to complete. They are designed from the onset to wreck anyone foolish enough to try and solo the content. Like, mathematically impossible due to combined DPS, EHP, healing rates and what not. The same argument can be made here that all WoW Raids need to be solo-able and that they are poorly designed because they are not, can't it?

    Like WoW or Destiny, Warframe is an online Co-op game. Squads and clans are built into the fabric of the game's design. I understand the critique being levied against the game mode (and there is valid critique to be had) but by and large it seems people are mostly upset about a co-op mode in their co-op magic space ninja game.


    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    1) You mean with the current system?

    2) What are you referring to here? My suggestion, or your idea?

    I mean with using the same kinda Radial menu as we have for the Gear Wheel or Emote Wheel (my above idea). Repeat casting (quick cast) can be done with a tap. Holding the ability will bring up a Wheel (like the gear wheel) where you can either click on the ability or hit a numerical hot key, It's like your idea but it used existing assets and maintains a consistent visual language and style across the UI.

  10. 11 hours ago, AltairFerenc said:

    that's a fist of the north start reference 😛

    It's obviously a Dragon Ball Z reference. 😛


    But yes, more voice and personality types would be great. I've gotten the same oafish man-child for all 6 of my liches. Kinda old.

  11. 1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

    Intention tho is not always a good thing, if you wanna go deep EA and Ubisoft intent you to play slow and boring so time savers are more tempting to use aswell, it is intenteted aswell so it is ok that way? Not saying it is not rong here what DE intents but, it is a heavy jump from a game working mostly in pugs and solo to suddenly expecting you to work in a team as a full time job basically.

    Railjack isn't just a completely different game mode, it's a completely different style of gameplay. I'm not saying it's perfect, or that it's not unbalanced or that it can't have alternate means of progression that allow for a streamlined singleplayer experience..... but fundamentally the game mod is built around team based, co-operative play. It's not FTL where you are some ethereal overlord micromanaging your team with infallible impunity, you're one member of a multi-person crew. You're part of a team.

    And I think that's what rubs people wrong the most. People don't feel like the "star" of railjack. You're unique but you aren't special. You're one of several heroes. You depend on others for safety and functionality. That's a little antithetical to the message of the rest of the game where we are magic-space-ninja-god-children. That's my observation, at least.

    • Like 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, Teljaxx said:

    Sure, that's how DE intends it to be. But intentions don't matter if the end result isn't fun. Like how all the grinding in this game is intentionally unenjoyable so you will pay to skip it.


    I mean, to an extend. Try and play Dark Souls like Dynasty Warriors. The intent is to be slow, methodical and careful, not run forward and mash X to kill army. If you're not happy with Dark Souls because it isn't Dark Souls then, as you so succinctly put it play something else.

    Railjack is a cooperative, team mode. It's a crewed gunboat not a snub-fighter. That's the nature of the gameplay. AI crew would be sweet to allow for solo play (and I hope we get it) but the biggest complaint from everyone seems to be that a team based game mode requires a team. Like, how do you imagine single player mode to be? You just do whatever you want and at any given moment the AI takes over does whatever you aren't doing? So no managing of time, no deciding to ignore a fire or to press on and order a teammate to handle it. Your choice in how to deal with a crewship is trivial because your bases are already covered.

    If they had a super fast, agile fighter to the game that lack the robustness of a full on gunship that's sweet and I'm totally down for it. But that's not what Railjack is. And while I do look forward to AI crewmates I'm concerned about how much that will take away from the Railjack experience.

    But asking that Dark Souls play like Dynasty Warriors instead of just playing Dynasty Warriors is silly.

    • Like 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Azamagon said:

    That could be ANOTHER alternative, yes. Upsides to that are the complete removal of miclicks and repeat-casting, but the downside is that it's not as fast for changing your abilities (which is one of my biggest gripes with multiple-in-one abilities)

    Repeat casting can be achieved by pressing to quick-cast vs holding to cycle cast.

    I think since people are already familiar with the radial menu (ans since the code is already in th game) this would be an easier to implement idea.

  14. When I take Ol'Booben into SS I focus on locking down Grineer ads at the entrance to the room node with Vortex and Fletchet grenades. I throw Overdrives at my allies. I set up tethers, Nervos and Fletchets in the Sentian spawn pit to get the damage buff.... Don't use the big bad space laser much.

    I basically run around the room tossing 'nades and going operator to keep my energy up. I support. Because there's always 2 guys in the team carrying by insta-popping the Condrix and locking down the entire room as Limbo so I'm just there to look busy and have fun so I feel like I'm contributing. 

  15. Railjacks are (oversized) gunboats, they are not fighters. You can't dogfight with them. That's why they are covered in guns. You should pick your own course and let the fighters have to come to you rather than chase them. In this way you can sort of corral them. 

    That said, in the absence of a full crew you kinda of have to kite fighters, use battle intrinsics and launch yourself into enemy crewships. There are also some intrinsics that will put out fires and seal hull breaches. Those are useful.

    Railjack progression starts with you working as a team and building up your ship and core skills before you can really go out and solo. Even then until you get some OP battle intrinsics you're soloing experience will be best served over leveling for lower level encounters. That's just the nature of soloing group content.

  16. Would have to have something that sets them apart from dual swords and dual daggers. 

    So the Nikana is a Katana (basically) but we don't have a Tenno Wakizashi. I feel like that's what we would need for dual Nikana weapons. Maybe alternating between wide, powerful attacks with the Nikana and rapid attacks with the "Wakizashi".

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