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  1. I was not Yareli, but Citrine. However I'm assuming since I was kicked out of the necromech, as it's time limited in that mission node, it's very similar to that issue though.
  2. Hmm, I'll try that. Thank you. It's such an odd bug, I don't see how glitching out after the timer ran out on the necromech would affect the affinity and loot like that. But I know how weird programming can be.
  3. Was doing conjunction survival on Circulus, in the last 5 minutes from an hour I deploy my necromech, time runs out and I go to operator mode. However I'm now immune to damage and can't hit 5 to go back to my warframe as it says "invalid target" and when I hit esc or P nothing showed up. Didn't think much of it until I get to my listet and my weapons are where they were before I did the mission and no Vorunna helmet, or other loot. Cool bug.
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