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Posts posted by -Sentient-

  1. Wouldn't it be good that instead of goin into Hydron and leveling gear all over again,we could bank our affinity and use it on stuff we want? lets say all affinity you gained goes to the bank and with that affinity you can choose a level 0 warframe or weapon and level it up? 

    What are the cons?

  2. I Always wanted DE To expand simulacrum and make it Sanbox-Style

    where you can pick diferent locations (capture scenes) and  have these NPC Battles (Gmod styled)

    And have more options (Ex "Ignore Player,Fly,Etc)

    And least but not less important - adding the missing Units (especially big bois Like Daddy vor)

  3. Passive: Mark the zuccberg wont get detected in Spy and will get 50% crit chance everytime he hacks and alarm


    Zucc - mark the zucc will suck enemies and eat them,after they are eaten zucc will deploy them and be friendly

    Data Steal : mark the zucc will steal data from enemies from 100 meters away and exposes their weak points,shooting a weak point will trigger another data steal

    Battery charge below the zucc butt: Zucc will invoke an exalted battery that will increase energy by 100 

    ShapeShift; reptilain : zucc will convert into a fearless reptilian that will get 50% crit chance and 50+ attack speed and inmune to status effects

    health 200

    robotic shield 1000

    armor 100

    energy 666


    gimme ur thots on this wf

    meta or non meta¡?

    • Like 1
  4. I made a thread about this but in a meme way,now Imma do it on a serius way


    Enthrall: This ability got a lot of uses

    - Is that Bombard,Heavy gunner,or that Energy leech giving you trouble? Enthrall

    - Are you being shoot by lots of dudes? Enthrall and distract them with your minion (better than loki Decoy)

    - Low on health? Enthrall and Reave for doublé HP.


    Mesmer Skin: Can save you sometimes,its maybe a weaker versión of Rhino Iron skin but still gives Revenant survability,plus the entrall stunned enemies at no cost is good.

    (Needs casting speed buff)


    Reave: a Life Saber,if there is no Trinity or HP Pads,this can save your life (Bonus: if you reave on Allies with Mesmer skin active,the ally will gain 1 Mesmer skin charge)


    Dance Macabre: Spin 2 win? Maybe,but its one of the few abilities that can kill enemies at level 120p (Use reave to fast travel while dance macabre active)


    In Conclusión: Revenant may need some Buffs and its Augments,but Revenant is an example of a Frame that can CC,Self Heal,Survability,and Deal a lot of damage.


    PS: I Heard some people say enthrall needs to go an be replacede by some Eidolon styled laser,that means it will be a generic Ability that escalates way bad just like Oberon's Smite


  5. Vauban rework is something that people has been asking for a long time

    The last changes they did to him were memes and completly useless (Only good thing was the passive change)


    Tesla : This thing Jesus christ,it needs to go,it does nothing at high levels,and if you charge it slowly with the cost of 40 energy it does the same thing as Bastille but worse

    To make it usable make it 50% status without any strength build,a remove the 39 seconds durability and change it for number of charges so then the ball will dissapear when the máximum number of charges are done.


    Minelayer: Mines sounds good on paper but play VERY Poor in-game due to recent warframes and their Press 4 to kill everything

    Shred: Totally Useless without strength build,and I doubt you will sacrifice a Range or duration mod for strength

    Bounce: Pretty much an insult,after the changes to parkour and the addition of bullet jump its totally useless

    Concuss: The only useful one due to its radiation proc making Enemies figth each other,this one should stay but increase its AOE Effect.

    Triplaser: Good/Bad - Bad..Why? because Vauban can do this and way better with its bastille or Vortex

    The only one that should remain is Concuss


    New Toys could be: Tool Layer

    Shield Dome: Vauban will hold 2 and Deploy an 10 meter dome around him that will give damage reduction and inmunity to status effects,the dome can be destroyed if enemies shoot to the Small drone that is creating the dome (Similar to Nullifilers).

    Sentry Turret : Vauban will deploy an automatic turret that will fire and inflict 300 Damage,throwing Teslas will add Electric damage,and Fully charged tesla gives 100% status chance on turret (Limit of turrets will be 3 and can be increased by Strength mods (Turret will have 300HP by default and can be increase with strength mods)

    Trap Laser : Very Similar to the Death orbs from the void but smaller,Vauban will deploy a death orb that will shoot in 360 and rotate,enemies that contact will the laser will trip down and recieve Magnetic damage.

    Concuss : Same as it is rigth now but increase its AOE effect.


    Bastille: I think its great as it is,removing its enemy cap will make others abilities of his useless


    Vortex:  Some people say its a worse versión of Nidus 2,I disagree,it Works very well with the augment or without the augment in defense with a good duration










  6. Entrall = some big boi like a heavy gunner or bad boi attacking u? NU PROBEM! enthrall them and their done

    Taking HEAVY FIRE? NO PROBLEM! = Enthreall

    (who neds a nyx with dis)


    Mesmer Skin : being swarmed by a bunch of boiso? no problem,activate that ding m8

    (who neds a safezucc nezha with dis)


    Reave = stuck in some bois with butchers? low on health? no problem! SUCC DEM HEALTH

    (who needs aa TRINITY with dis)


    Dance 4 Win : KIL 



    (who neds saryn 4 dis)


    In Summary : Revenant is GOD good.

    • Like 2
  7. I believe their effects need to be reduced,because otherwise you have to put effect intensity to 0 and make everything look less Cooler

    The Staticor exaggerated AOE effect can hurt the eyes of people if seen so much

    Oh and lets not talk about one of those kitguns that act same as the arca plasmor but worse,it even looks like when workers are Welding

    Same goes to arca plasmor unless you color it dark,which breaks Fashion frame at some point.

    Btw they also Decrease FPS sometimes.

    • Like 2
  8. Title sounds strange,but what I mean is that baruuk can not only CC,But also Deal damage and Damage Reduction

    Vauban has no survability kit  at all, all of its abiliites are pure CC which makes him squishy unless you sacrifice Duration/Range mods for Health an Armor

    And about his abilities...

    Tesla : The fact that to have a 100% proc you need to slowly charge  and consume a lot of energy to have something worse than bastille is pretty awful,and uncharged is just a Meme in level 30+ levels.


    Minelayer: Mines concept is neat on paper but poor and useless in a game where everything is fast Spam 4 and kill everything,this would have been diferent if the mines actually dealt a lot of damage and have an Big increase on their AOE size.

    Something diferent to this could be an Exalted Drone that can protect you,Heal,and resupply Ammo

    That is how Vauban will get more survability and use.

    Other idea is to have an Exalted Turret that so many people want,but one that can actually Kill or atleast Shock enemies.


    Bastille: Probably the only reason to play Vauban,this Ability could be perfect if it wasn't for the "limit" it has,a lot of abilities very similar to Vauban are way better,and the augment is God damn awful, Why? because why would you want to sacrifice a mod to put some bounces after the limit hit the dome,when you can literally spam other Bastille in the same place? a replacement to that Augment could be to have Magnetic damage affect enemy over time.


    Vortex: This one is good as it is,people compare it to Nidus 2 and call Vortex trash, but they both have diferent usages, You want to use vortex in a corridor to get the enemies Trap,and it Works way better with the Augment.


    The only ocasión I say "Oh,I need Vauban" is on Interceptions, thats it

    • Like 1
  9. No Life Support

    No Rewards

    Diferent Enemies (Sentients,Corrupted,Etc)

    Only a score that will tell you how much you were able to stay

    This would be kind of fun,not only because you do not need to care about life support,but also because you wont use Octavia and spam crouch in a room


  10. 1 - Add an option for the mind controled target to "Follow" and "Stay",similar to other allies 

    2 - Make Chaos Recastable

    thats it tbh,the rest looks pretty good.


    OH I Forgot,add a 2 second invulnerability after absorb ends,because otherwise they will just kill you lol.

  11. Something I would like to see in arbitrations to make it more Fun and challenging is to have like 10 or 15 Sentients spawn at round 10 - 20,Minute 10,and diferent rotations of their respective Mode,I dont see why anyone would oppose to this


    As for the "Why would there be sentients in these planets",Well aren't we in a simulation with Simaris and The Hexis drones?

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