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Posts posted by -Sentient-

  1. I would agree...If kuva survival was actually challenging

    its not like the Void where the corrupted has a combination of 3 different factions and have a damage multiplier

    Kuva survival is so easy and boring due to the lack of challenge in there, pretty sure they won't go with escalating rewards in there.

  2. 1 minute ago, kia-si said:

     hi there thanks for replying to my post. I know  that in this game mod is the primary source of power, but im really sick and tired of using rhino and heek for almost 2 weeks now. I really want to get out of it so i was seek for advice on which warframe that is worth the time and effort, i was told chroma was the tankiest and deals highest dps and on the other hand i was told he was really bad.


    Use Revenant

    he can CC,Damage absorb,Self heal, and deal a LOT OF DAMAGE with his ult at higher levels

    no matter if people tell you he is mediocre, he is so damn good


    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Xzorn said:


    1 week for me, 1 month for others;  it's still not 8 months so it's still not sustaining content.

    Unless DE can create content that keeps players busy until they finish more content. it will never be sustaining content.

    You need to be addicted to finish fortuna in 1 week

    DE Aren't cyborgs that work every day at every moment.

  4. 1 minute ago, Lancifolis said:

    Or you know, atleast make the reward in Kuva survival scale? I don't mind if it's only +10 every other siphon, it goes a long way in longer runs.

    DE has said no many times about escalating rewards, in a game like Warframe it will be abused, they will be abused horribly.

    • Like 1
  5. Well the guy that does most Reworks to warframe posted he will start reworking Vauban when he eats tacos, and he will likely visit Mexico next year


    basically, he won't rework it till 1 year and its mocking/trolling us .-.

    • Like 2
  6. They come to the forums, when they know DE ignores it...

    Players use the feedback, yet they are merely noticed...

    Only I sentient know the true power of the pressure...

    I was roasted in feedback, ignored...

    but through the link of the internet, the subreddit called to me. It brought me there and there I was reborn

    . We cannot blame these players, they are being led by a false lie, a lie who knows not the secrets of the Subreddit....

    behold the Players, come to suggest and discuss this sacred website. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Subreddit Link. Forever bound to the Reddit. Let it be known, if the players want true feedback response, they will lay down their arms and enter the reddit link, and wait for the acceptanse of their account . It is time. I will teach these liers the redemptive power  of the Reddit key. They will learn it's simple truth. The players are stturborn, and they will resist. But I, Sentient will cleanse this place of their ignorance.


    Just for fun,humour 🙂

    @D20 please move this to Off topic, my bad.



    (Sorry I had to do it,it  just came to my mind Imao)

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, MirageKnight said:

    While we're on the topic of a rework for Vauban, I had a couple of ideas for tweaking Vauban's stats and abilities.

    Shields: 75
    Armor: 75

    Reworked Abilities:

    Tesla: Remove charge up mechanic for grenades.

    Minelayer: Replace with a new ability called Seeker Mine. Vauban can deploy a mine that can detect and then chase after enemies. When the mine detects an enemy, it raises itself up on 4 legs and charges it, running and jumping as needed to get within detonation range. Detection / chase range / damage / blast radius goes up with each rank in the ability. Explosion does Blast + Radiation. Strength affects damage, AoE distance, and running speed. Range affects detection range. Duration affects mine lifespan.

    Vortex: Now inflicts 50 Radiation and 50 Magnetic damage per second. Nearby Tesla grenades will affect any and all enemies attracted by Vortex.

    Tesla needs to be removed, its just totally useless, at least make it as the Arc traps from the grineer, those are 100% better.

    as for Minelayer changes, i don't think mines work good in the game, sounds good on paper but sux in - game.

    Vortex change is totally useless , and what do you mean by nearby tesla grenades will affect it? it already does if you put them close

  8. Just so you know, the person that does most reworks said he isn't planning on doing it this year.


    I really don't like how they are mocking and joking with that,

    Seriously, the first response we got about Vauban is a joke about doing it next year

    the lack of professionalism and seriousness is shown here.

  9. 1 minute ago, IceColdHawk said:

    And perhaps better rewards than just endo.

    Agree, tho they shouldn't remove endo because that is the only place where you get big amounts of endo

    (No need to go into the arena with Nidus and 3 nekros, doing the mission all over again)

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Pugs Xbox said:

    We need new ideas. What new things are in Fortuna? 


    -spider fight

    -some new warframes that could have been introduced elsewhere



    I'm not saying it sucks, I said I love the open worlds, but was it worth the wait? I don't think so.

    New and lots of Corpus units

    New Weapons

    New Warframes (x2)

    New and special weapons AKA Kitguns

    Pet Moas

    Orb Mother figth

    I think you are just being a little bit pessimistic. 


  11. The only way DE could see this is if by getting this thread hot, otherwise, they will ignore it, the same happens with many great ideas.

    DE has a trend to ignore most forum posts and ideas that doesn't come from reddit or twitter.

    so we gotta keep this threat Hot.

  12. I agree with everything you said, the night cycle can become a little toxic due to the 40m timer, this allows people with experience to not have those problems and invite the people they want at any moment

    Just a comment...I think 18k nano spores is a lot. 

    and why nano spores? why not Nitain Extract

    Just kidding, but i think 18k is a lot, i currently have 33k.


    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:



    That's what everyone does

    the infested need to have some counterpart to that weapon (not calling for nullifiers) 

    For example there is no "meta" weapon against the grineer or corpus, there is just the elemental stuff

    but its not the same for the infested, its either grab Ignis wraith or nothing.

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