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  1. Korrudo is just now a shadow with energy channels attached to it.
  2. I have noticed two melee weapon skins that will break your animations for your melee: The Tequihua Polearm Skin, and the Yamex Tonfa Skin. This happens as a result of heavy attacking during a specific combo, it seems. In the case of the polearm skin, its the walking forward into heavy attack, and for the tonfas its for the neutral into heavy attack.
  3. I noticed this as well. Have you made a bug report? It's on the Warframe's left, but our right.
  4. Lol, that's fair. I was entirely unaware it could disarm through overguard tbh, same with the others before they were patched. I just sort of assumed they wouldn't.
  5. The real problem health tanking has overall is that a lot of frames don't really gain great benefits from slotting armor mods due to poor base armor stats, and flat bonuses that are added on top of your current armor value are just a lot better value for those who like to build into armor. Adaptation is a conditional separately stacking DR bonus that while nice, will eventually start to fall off due to the curve of enemy scaling. I don't think mods that convert shields to armor etc would really fix anything or make health tanking that much better. I mean, old decaying key isn't a thing anymore. All of the keys now are actually just detrimental, and it should stay that way.
  6. Yeah. Exalted haven't gotten a lot fundamentally done to them as opposed to stat sticks. Stat sticks get incarnon stats, rivens, melee arcanes, etc while exalteds get tennokai, they still can't use blood rush or weeping wounds. The lack of an arcane slot really just adds insult to injury. Just really disappointed with the state of them overall. What's really interesting is that Garuda's Talons teeter on the edge of a normal weapon and an exalted. They can use blood rush and weeping wounds, but lack an arcane slot. Just frustrating lol
  7. They said specifically that they fixed Halikar disarm as well as counterpulse working through overguard when addressing ability fixes they missed with Dante Unbound's notes in Deep Archimedea's patch notes. The section addressing this can be found in the notes or in the original post in this thread.
  8. Yeah thats fair. It also just further cements my opinion that mirror defense is pretty eh. Can be hard to keep up sometimes and the health pools of the defense objectives certainty don't help much. Generally as a game mode its just pretty slow and its rotations are pretty bad even with the recent one(tome mods). Hope that gamemode gets some overhauling because I really want to like it.
  9. There aren't many modes where they spring a ton on top of you. The only ones that come to mind are conjunction spawns(thraxx) and deep archi with that modifier which to be honest is a bit nuts lol. I really only find the deep archi modifier to be problematic for frames who have a more cc-centric kit. As for eximus at large, you can still bubble them to break their overguard fast as well as prevent them from shooting at you. Mag is a really great versatile frame, I really enjoy her as well. Speaking of weapon jamming, I would really like it if they did something against enemies that don't have weapons to jam. Many enemies on the new tiles aren't effected at all which is a bit of a bummer. Mag has been a go to choice for the new tile, specifically netracells to help hasten along the flow of enemies. Sometimes they get stuck in the door and I just find the kill bubble to be a little small at times. There is already a limit on many activities that directly correlates with squad size, perhaps a wider implementation of that would help.
  10. I just feel like the definition of CC has evolved from what it meant 8 years ago to what it means right now. Like I said before, its really just damage mitigation vs damage delivery depending on the flavor of crowd control you choose to have nowadays. Muzzle flash? Damage mitigation. Mag pull? Damage delivery. Etc etc. The reason CC used to be king was due to a culmination of reasons that really came down to the fact that it was the best tool at the time for dealing with enemies, just as damage may be now. Crowd control is pretty supplementary to damage but I don't think its outright as dead as many players have convinced themselves honestly. I do think no matter what CC will continue to be supplementary but I dont necessarily view that as a bad thing. I genuinely don't think that just because 4-6 enemies at a time in a map that I am constantly running around destroys my ability to use a frame effectively or make it a useless frame. There are plenty of tools every update that become popular that do have CC. Take Nautilus cordon, elemental sandstorm inaros, kullervo with ensnare/similar cc, the rework to mag's pull, are just a few I can name off the top of my head. All of those synergize really well with damage tools we have been given over time. Now, is that to say that CC can't be better than it is? Of course not. I think there is a way to middle ground this. I just think a lot of people either play so low level content where CC will generally always matter less or have convinced themselves that CC as a whole is just absolutely never useful. I also think that generally speaking, a lot of CC tools have overlap in how they function. Primarily being, slows, disarmament, confusion, ragdolls, suspended, or pulling enemies together. I don't think this is a bad thing however, just merely an observation.
  11. When CC was the more popular pick, it was for different reasons in some cases just due to circumstantial stuff regarding the game in terms of weapon balance etc. CC back in the before times, when raids were available, was also just a way for people to entirely ignore enemies. It was why frames such as Vauban were so popular for some. Cover the map in bastilles and don't engage with the enemies that are stuck so that more don't respawn. As for defensive type missions, I think the isn't even necessarily a CC issue. Its that enemies scale so exponentially that it becomes difficult to manage many defense objectives that don't have very good scaleable health to measure up with the damage they are taking. For example, I don't think a lot of the qualms with mirror defense had to do with CC at all. It had to do with a poorly scaling HP objective coupled with it just being slower than other endless activities while also having worse rotations. I still find CC rather useful as a way to mitigate damage or to just make the majority of enemies flow to where I am so I can kill more enemies.
  12. This happens with synoid gammacor as well, and any similarly themed items. Just a weird channel.
  13. As a Sevagoth main here, you can definitely tell the difference between having a 95% slow and not having it against most enemies. x)
  14. Yeah, was definitely not an intended interaction. I never relied on it for stomp at all, but I know many did and are upset at its removal. Its kind of unfortunate it was a bug that took so long to fix.
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