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Everything posted by 3XOUT

  1. Reduce the range, remove LoS and make it as before. Like people say. Makes no sense compared to many other frames. Make us mod for it, and still position around the map (felt like I did that before too, but hey). Heard that many ppl don’t even mod range on him. With that being said, he felt “fine” the last time I played him after the nerf. It just felt unnecessarily really annoying at times. And if that's the only diff, and some people say he is just fine still - then why change it at all and would it matter to the people who feels the complaints aren't valid? Also, why should Dante enjoyers be punished for giving the squad OG and being called Disruptive? I didn't even know he did that b4 the nerf. Take it off then, and make it an Augment or part of the Passive we then could turn off (can we turn Passives off yet?). Also heard DE called him auto mode? How? Never pressed as many buttons on any frame as I do on him. Not that there’s none out there - I just didn't care to really do it before (as a main). Also, I have like fully decked him out to get him where he is for me. Not everybody can do that. Not cheap. I can still be killed quite easily if not ACTIVELY playing. Don’t think I’ve seen any Dante just standing around pressing 3, 3, 4. Unless a small tile in a low-level defense.
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