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Posts posted by NuclearCoffeePot

  1. 15 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    The game doesn't say this. It says it's random, when you view the ability description. i just now noticed, out of curiosity why you would say such a thing.... and in the "tips" is where it mentions enemy types.

    That's not my fault, that's DE's fault for messing up the description.

    The fact is though that even knowing this you still refered to it as RNG in this post, Why not make a post asking them to update their descriptions to avoid confusing players. 

  2. 3 hours ago, zhellon said:

    No matter how low the energy drain is. It blocks energy recovery, which means that a frame that has no energy drain can have constant +5 energy recovery per second. That is, where another frame can safely spam abilities, you will experience a constant lack of energy. And this is solved only with the help of crutches, such as arcane energize and rage. But arcane energize doesn't work when someone isn't killing for you because you're not capable of doing it effectively. Rage does not work well because you have weak protection. As a result, it's easier for you to do without razorwing because you'll constantly have the energy for abilities like Latern, which, if you spam, makes things a lot easier and boosts the AoE weapon. But Hey, Nidus does the same and has a good defense for rage.

    A fair point-Hence the wellspring buff- with enough energy pickups you could be set- I for one, while playing titania often have no problem with energy without the use of arcane energize, Since zenurik gives bonus base energy from energy orbs it is possible to stay in razorwing and sufficiently cast tribute to gather your buffs without running so low that you cannot remain in flight- Nevertheless if that is a core problem then A. the proposed wellspring buff could assist B. a mechanical workaround could be put in place, ex: using abilities in razorwing will sacrifice razorflies both dormant and active if possible to supplement energy costs of base 3 abilities, or : energy that would be gained over time without the drain block from razorwing will be stored in an energy buffer that your abilities will draw from before it draws from your main pool- thus razorwing relies on the pool while abilities can bypass the drain block by making drained energy available to them but not razorwing

    4 hours ago, zhellon said:

    t still won't be as effective as if I just took lackspur to razorwing. 

    The second point is that if all abilities will depend on strength then you just further limit the builds. I don't think there are frames at all that depend on one statistic. OK, Inaros exists, but it's not the best example because it can use ability stats, just nobody does it.

    Your limitation point is an excellent one- I would love to make it so Titania can be useful not only building strength as a damage dealer but also as a utilitarian support when building for range or duration, hence why the buffs do not scale with power strength and instead with level which is gained by killing enemies in lantern radius, thus increased duration and range will be an option- especially with dust bloom and ephemaral mode buffs to stay alive outside razorwing

    3 hours ago, zhellon said:

    And I'd rather Dex Pixia become an archwing weapon that I could use in Empyrean because slash status is very effective against ships.

    On the other hand, no one cares about the fate of archwing melee.

    In any case, my suggestion for wing selection is still valid. Razorwing would be a good source of damage in archwing mode and would already rank higher than Itzal, Odonata, and Elythron. In my opinion, this will be the most effective for rework, but DE will never go for it.

    Your point about how Titania's Dex weapons don;t shape up compared to other archguns and thus should be able to replaces is both correct and faulty in mine eyes. 

    Point 1- Yes, they are poor weapons and deserve to be altered to boost them

    Point 2- If the weapons count as archweapons then you must grind archwing missions for archgun/melee mods- torture for any player

    Point 3- Her weapons are exalted and a part of her kit, you wouldnt say the same about exalted blade or peacemakers, because they are good and have been balanced for a purpose- the fact that they are part of her kit should mean something, they shouldnt feel like they could be interchangable- not to mention Titania is the only frame who has two seperate exalted weapons- that should be significant

    Point 4-Her weapons problems-In my mind with all the things listed above it is clear, in my opinion, that she should keep her weapons but have them changed so as to make them viable in a build- All current exalted weapons besides hers have one of two things- A. aoe attacks that can hit and effect multiple enemies or B. a unique mechanic that balances that out

    ex: balefire charger deals a simple aoe explosion at the target area, Exalted blade,staff, and divine winds hit multiple enemies- Peacemakers are single target but have ramping up damage, speed, and an autoaim function

    Changes to the weapons I think could be made for better gameplay- With the other ideas for a rework in her kit including the bonus crit and status chance plus bonus crit and status damage from razorfly marks, the inclusion of spawning razorflies with status and crit's they are already set up so that crit and status stat changes are not significantly necessary- the big deal is that both dex pixia and diwata are single target- with a reach diwata can technically hit a few enemies, but they must be close and diwata sucks anyway- So- Diwata can keep it's dash but increase it's hitbox so that instead of dashing up into an enemies ass and poking them you come within a couple feat when slashing them, this way you can at least see their health bar- in this way we can also let it hit multiple enemies- next- Both Diwata and Pixia have the passive Thorns- on headshots from Pixia and Crit's from Diwata the weapon will cause thorns to fly from the struck enemies location, hitting all enemies within a 5-10 meter radius- potentially based on range- these thorns deal 50% of the weapons damage and proc status or crit effects from the attack as well as a guaranteed puncture and/ or slash proc- this means applying status and crits to large groups with the same mechanics the weapons were meant for- Diwata is meant to be a crit melee and Pixia a status proc dealer, This could also open the avenue of using corrosive/heat to reduce a groups armor with pixia and striking the lot of them with Diwata to deal with their flat hp


    Now- all these things I am saying are my opinion, you don't have to agree and honestly it's better that you stick up for your pov to better assist in the creation of a better Titania, this whole post to begin with is unlikely to be implemented anytime soon as DE has even stated they wish Titania just didn't exist- I do not want arguments to spring up in such a way that it becomes unhealthy to the wellbeing of this post, thus I won't argue to fervently after this one lest I feel a point made is complete bonkers. I really want to continue working with you on this forum as you clearly have a lot of experience and ideas and your feedback so far has been phenomenal, with that in mind based on your perspective, in order to better further concepts I would like to request of you the creation of a concise breakdown of your own rework ideas ability to ability- in this way I can understand what you want from my posts and reach a compromise 🙂


  3. 2 hours ago, Annnoth said:

    Thats not really the problem some people have with him though. The reason why some, me included, want to see some more changes to him is because hes arguably as one note as it gets. He was effective from the start and I personally found the buffs he got not really improving thaaat much.

    The real issue is how all that makes him good in later levels is a single ability. It can delete a room, costs a relatively small amount if used purely offensively with you never really holding enemies, and provide a temporary buff i suppose. What else in his kit is good? Well nourish spike is good damage for sure but I already 1 shot everything using feast without it so I cant say i use it often, and nourish energy is honestly only good because he drains energy so much that even buffing hunter adrenaline by 50% feels like its almost not enough if you intend to use anything but his 1 as a quick nuke. If theres anyone in your party who can restore energy they already can do it at a high enough rate that, while interesting idea for a buff, is ultimately meh in my eyes.

    Nourish armor is bad, regurgitate was useless even before the shotgun was added because it doesnt have any of the reasons feast is so powerful, and pulverize is impact with no way of dealing with armor and locks you out of everything except nourish. Not to mention the controls which are honestly made worse with nourish's speed boost in my eyes since the physics are still the same and moving at higher speeds just makes you bounce further off stuff.

    So all in all I think grendel needs a ton of work. Yeah, hes useful and effective, but as whole he basically has 1 ability which does everything and another which is just meant to offset the harsh penalties he has. Also heal a bit.

    For reference, hes been my goto for when i want to play a brainless tank. I like his destructive capability paired with just being a machine of damage soaking. So i say this out of love that grendel is a powerful frame in a mediocre state overall.

    I do not disagree with your points, the proposal I made there was in response to another individual talking about including armor strip for killing enemies more effectively. I still disagree however that grendel deserves reworks more then others, frames like titania, nyx, frost, zephyr, banshee, hydroid, and even nekros and mag. Some of these frames mentioned are to weak in most roles to do anything especially at high levels, fail at all roles, excel in one role when built right but are not useful(zephyr cc is great but like old vauban thats all she is, and cc is beaten out by death), some frames like frost or hydroid have one core ability or mechanic that they are played for or else all in all have mechanics that make them boring and not fun to play, and then their are frames like mag and nekros who while not inherently bad have potential that they do not live up to and could deliver on their themes in a more interesting way. 

  4. On 2019-12-18 at 10:58 AM, zhellon said:

    You can always create 4 Laterns and ally will not be able to use it.

    The problem being you must expend energy enough for 4 lanterns just to place one that is guaranteed to be stationary

    On 2019-12-18 at 10:58 AM, zhellon said:

    Problem number 1 is energy. If the ability were to absorb energy as it does now, it would still save the problem of dumb builds for razorwing only, because Titania is only played for razorwing and it's not up for discussion.

    Problem number 2-weapons. If the weapon remains tied to the strength, it will save the problem of dumb builds for razorwing only, because you need strength. You need a lot to be at least at the level of a good conventional weapon that requires nothing. And it's not an AOE weapon, which means you'll be worse at most things than a player who uses kuva ogris.

    Did you type save instead of HAVE?- I agree with the second- the first I'm not sure of what you exactly mean, could you clarify? to me you are saing that because it is a drain or at least because the drain is so low it means people only consider using razorwing because it is so easy to stay in it or that her other abilities cost to much to be a viable alternative-

    Problem 2- The "thorn" release on Diwata concept could also apply on headshots/crits/status procs with dex pixia- this can solve the aoe problem to an extent- the range of the thorns can be increased with power range so that power strength is not the only possible build- though the alternative is to make all abilities scale to an extent with power strength so even when fully built for strength you still have alternatives to razorwing


  5. 5 hours ago, lawgnome said:

    I like the idea of making razor flies more important to the general kit.  That said, I think the main thing that needs to be done is to make any spells cast by Titania require little to no accuracy.


    In her current state, her spells require me to directly target my intended victim.  However, if I am taking the time to line up the crosshairs exactly on a target to cast a spell, it is easier to just shoot them instead.  That is the main reason I don’t use anything besides razor wing.  I love flying around and shooting things, so I am happy so long as that stays, but I am never going to use the other spells so long as using them just makes it take longer to kill something.

    Hence the proposed change to spellbind in a prior post- by making it spawn razorflies( # based on power strength plus % flies in nest)  to seek out enemies and apply a duration based suspendng mechanic(esentially current effect) when they attack an enemy- they focus on attacking one enemy per razorfly- in this method you can lift large groups of enemies no matter their location by building pretty standard stuff for titania with some power strength- synergizes with the two ability that lets active razorflies detonate to deal large damage to the nearest enemy- since razorflies will continue to attack the initial enemy they lifted you can deal consistent damge even outside razorwing- 

  6. 13 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    When you say knock up, do you mean lifted, or just floating?
    ...and should floating count as lifted?

    Enemies knocked up by zephyr's abilities float suspended rather then promptly falling down. Idk about lifted, since her main damage towards airborne enemies will come from 2 and 3 there isn't as much eed for the lifted effect as there is on say titania spellbind. However lifted could work for it since her toggle 2 would let her hit knocked up enemies with normal melee

  7. As some of you may have noticed I am trying to tackle warframes who I, and others, feel need reworks the most. I have already covered Hydroid and my ideas live on spiritually in another creator. I am also working on Titania as she is the most in need, at least in my opinion. This post is a quick rework concept for another frame who has fallen into a desolate state, lacking in effective mechanics and abilities and having a theme that she just doesn't go that extra 1 up to fit. These are some quickly thought up ideas I want to throw out and let you guys discuss. After getting your feedback I will return and make this post more in depth and update the concepts to fit what the community likes best


    Passive-2 parts- not unusual for many new frames

    1st- current gravity and friction reduction while airborne+ aimglide lasts longer w bonus control

    2nd- After casting an ability Zephyr coats herself in a shield of turbulent air, knocking away a % of projectiles- this % scales up based on the number of recent ability casts


    ability 1- Wind scythe- Tail wind moved to 2- airburst replaced by this in effect-  wind scythe propels a wave of slashing winds forward in a cone and can be cast within a combo window up to three times- when reaching the third strike it has a narrowed cone, deals impact, and instead knocks enemies up and holds them suspended in air for a duration 

    better damage- 3 casts means passive shield buildup and knock up enemies for 3 

    ability 2- tail wind- 2 modes- tap cast and hold to toggle

    on toggle Zephyr gains flight, gravity's effect is near completely negated and she can freely move in the air, increasing in speed the longer she moves in a straight direction-

    on cast- Zephyr dashes in the target direction in a similar way to current dash- If cast from the air while targeting an enemy Zephyr will dash towards them and unleash a kick before rebounding into the air, this ability deals additional damage to enemies who are airborne- staggers enemies near the target

    Easier flight control- more birdlike with the swoop ability on tap

    ability 3- turbulence- turbulence now deals an instance of damage to all enemies who are currently airborne and applies an additional airborne duration to them

    Synergizes with tornado and 1(and allies)- makes her theme of total control in the air more belieable

    4- tornadoes- it works- with some qol it works- There is more potential but right now her current 4 is okay- I always thought it would be badass though if she created a massive tornado around the cast location to pickup enemies who enter and redirect projectiles from outside

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, TKDancer said:

    the 1 shotgun makes regurgitate mostly pointless and pulverize having no means of dealing with armor is bads

    regurgitate needs smth, dealing true dmg would be an option, adding armor removal(a big ammount) that applies before dmg would be another solution

    pulverize also needs some way of dealing with armor


    Regurgitate- now reduces the spit enemies armor by 10% per additional enemy within his gut on cast- this is applied before damage is dealt and applies to enemies at the explosion radius before they take damage

    Pulverize- Pulverize reduces the armor of enemies hit by pulverize or within his stomach during ground slam- this effect starts at 5% base- ramping up to 25% the longer pulverize lasts, ramp up speed based on mods- power strength or duration-  keep in mind this is on every instance of damage- 4 ground slams will reduce enemy armor by 100%- and if you make it scaled to power strength it will be even better- 


    Even with his current flaws I still stand firm in that he does not require an immediate buff as he at least fits a role and performs it, he tank, he provides some minor buffs, and when it comes down to it he deals damage- compare to other frames who havent recieved REAL changes in extensive periods and either serve one role but not as well as any others do to outdated mechanics and stats, or serve no place as they are designed as generalist's but fall short enough that they can't do much of anything(poor titania), then you have frames like nyx, who, while fan favorite's are relics of an older game with slower paced abilities(absorb), lackluster mechanical implementation(mind control) and overall subpar delivery on their themes( Ember and Vaub had these probs, Rev, Nyx, Titania, Frost, and Hydroid are the new kings and queens of the DEsolate forgotten rework DEsert)

    While Grendel could be better with a couple hotfixes and minor changes other frames need entire mechanics and abilities removed and altered if they want to be viable. While Grendels issue could be solved in the bottom of a patch note's as an afterthought without any big hubbub others require entire pages dedicated to how they need to be changed and could easily be considered big news. If Grendel gets a fix i go meh, but if DE says they are finally going to wipe the dust off of their abandoned baby Titania tons of people would be hyped for them

  9. 2 hours ago, TheKurtiStryke said:

    i agree wth you, but in here i'm talking about grendel, even more so if he's new and was released 2 months ago, he should get changes and qol changes after his release, just like has happened to  garuda or or khora.

    Mk. He did get some early on including his damage blast and others. Currently DE is kinda wrapped up in all their roadmap nonsense but we will prob see something early next year after DE finishes their christmas break

  10. Aight- Titania 3.0 conceptual rework- 

    Passive-Nest- Same spawn functions- on crit or status proc % chance to create a dormant razorflies that can be summoned to attack enemies with ability usage-

    Razorflies count as sentinel's and therefore can mod their body and attacks seperatly using melee mods and sentinel body mods

    Razorflies have two modes-

    In normal Mode- Razorflies grant all nearby allies a max shield increase based on the number of razorflies present

    In razorwing- Razorflies mark the first enemy they attack to take increased crit and status damage from all further attacks for 10 seconds- cooldown of 15 seconds per enemy

    Mode buffs last for x seconds between mode switch(based on duration)


    1- Spellbind- To solve spellbind's core aoe radius problem I am changing the mechanical aspect- on cast spellbind summons x razorflies- 6 base x power strength+ 20% of available nest meter- Razorflies each select one target and charge them, attacking them for some damage and applying the lifted status effect for x seconds based on duration mods-

    Enemies effected by spellbind tether together and float towards lanterns when lanterns are present

    In razorwing razorflies proc a guaranteed status proc on their targeted enemy

    razorflies- continue to attack their initial target for the lifted effects duration or until the target dies

    Spellbind will send a razorfly to allies afflicted by status procs to cleanse them and make them immune for x seconds


    2-No Name- Command all active Razorflies to fly to the nearest enemy(prioroty list : Spellbind/ Lantern/ Heavy unit/ High level) - they then detonate on impact with enemies and deal their base damage x power strength to the initial enemy plus less damage to surrounding enemies

    In support mode- Razorflies that die heal all nearby allies by a small amount- doubled if the flies are within a lantern radius

    In razorwing- Razorflies who proc status or crit on explosion create a ghost razorfly for 6 seconds to target the enemy and attack them- enemy will be distracted by this razorfly- razorfly takes no damage

    Casting 2 will cause active buffs to instantly boost their level for x seconds

    Augment-Rather then instantly self destruct razorflies massively boost attack speed for x seconds and lose hp on every attack


    3-Lantern- tap cast lantern to cycle between 4 available buffs- holding then casts lantern at the target location becoming stationary- Allies who pass into the lanterns vicinity will recieve a smaller lantern that follows them- 

    Buff mechanics- The buff you choose on your initial cast will be instantly applied and maintained for the duration of the lantern at level 1/2/3/3- all buffs can be stacked up to 4 times-  The buffs work on a cycle system- The lantern has a selected buff at all times, killing an enemy in it's range gives the allies tethered to the lantern or in the lanterns radius the buff and the lantern cycles to the next buff- buffs at max stacks will be skipped in the cycle until they lose a stack

    Buffs are as follows

    1-Dust Bloom- Grants all allies in the radius invisibility while not attacking and delays the reaction time of enemies in the dust by x seconds- increased by buff level

    2-Wellspring- Grants bonus chance for enemies to drop hp and energy orbs- increased by buff level

    3-Ephemeral Spirit- Allies generate x stacks of ephemerality when they proc status or crit chance- ephemerality stacks work as follows- if you would take damage instead consume a stack to avoid the attack and all that follow for x seconds(based on buff level)

    4- Beast Soul/wild rage-Grant allies and companions increased status and crit chance increased by buff level-


    Titania can see lantern's through the environment and cast 1 while targeting them to cast spellbind on the lantern

    Lanterns spawn razorflies to attack enemies in range, 1 per second increasing per enemy in it's range- capped at the number of enemies currently in lantern range

    Lanterns allure enemies outside their range, drawing them into their radius and causing them to attack the lantern if they have been alerted- 

    Dustbloom limits the range of razorflies to the max lantern range and razorflies do not alert enemies in the dustbloom to tenno prescence


    Augment- Allies tethered to a lantern recieve bonus melee damage 10% times cumulative number of buffs stacked from lantern- math's thats 160%



    4-Razorwing- base qol changes for flight- Changes to Dex Pixia and Diwata 


    Diwata- crit chance and status chance raised by 5%- on crit apply a guaranteed status proc to nearby enemies

    Dex Pixia- base crit chance increased by 5%- Dex Pixia can now utilize two of several unique modifications to alter it's mechanics in game- 

    1- Crit and status weighting are reversed-

    2-Status and crit procs have a high chance to refund ammo cost

    3-Shots fire in a spray, 5 at once innate multishot

    4- Bonus max ammo- reduced recharge time

    5- Shots fire in a burst- 6 shots in quick succesion fired two at a time

    6-Shots fire faster with reduced accuracy


    When casting 4 summon 50% of your current nest to surround you and attack any nearby enemy- cast 3 while targeting an enemy to draw razorwings to focus that enemy

    Augment-Razorfly blitz- Diwata thorn passive now effects razorflies and Dex Pixia headshots with reduced effect from all three



    (this is all conceptual, Please give feedback)

  11. On 2019-12-14 at 7:08 AM, TheKurtiStryke said:

    So, i presume, De forgot about our bug guy, since after his release, he got only few small fixes, and not even a single Qol change, nor buffs.

    tremendous energy drain, hard to know and understend what bonuses are active or you're activating with his 2, bad..really bad maneuvrability with his 4, varius bugs that affect the already bad energy drain.

    I hope I don't seem pissy with this comment but, Titania exists. The forgotten one? grendel is the latest frame released- Titania has existed for over a year and all she got was an okay qol change along with nyx who got the same deal. Frost exists. Rhino is practically unchanged. Grendel has been out for 2 months, I think we can wait and focus on other frames getting changes before our dad bod god

  12. On 2019-12-14 at 7:14 AM, Acersecomic said:

    Doesn't kinda make up for the fact that Grendel just has no place in ANY game mode or any purpose. He is just... F tier.

    My dude. No offense but grendel has plenty of tankiness and effectivenees and his shotgun blast is very effective. Check out Triburos vid and you can see,

    • Like 1
  13. On 2019-12-14 at 1:31 AM, zhellon said:

    I liked the way you implemented Latern, but I was suggesting something different that is more gameplay-friendly for Titania. Latern objects that can be picked up as Volt shields

    The problem I see with this idea is as follows, while volts shields are pickups they are fundamental different, the shield provides direct damage blocking and boosted damage. If we make lantern a stationary object that works as a pickup the problem comes when you want one to remain stationary but an ally picks one up and leaves with it, removing your source of cc on that point etc- therefore I have two ideas -1 lantern can be tapped or held- tap casts it on all ally's in the range- holding creates a stationary lantern or 2- make it work like wisp motes, stationary lantern, allies gain their own mini lantern on entering the radius.- if it is a pickup for allies then you have to recast it whenever an ally wanders away with one if you want it on that point

  14. On 2019-12-15 at 6:13 AM, Andele3025 said:

    Thats called modding.

    Yes. modification in a sense. The difference is that these change the core stats and allow you to focus on different things. Because her exalted weapons count as exalted they do not have full access to the mod roster and are weakened as a whole. The point is to edge her weapons up a notch without removing a limiter on all other exalted weapons.

    On 2019-12-14 at 11:52 PM, alseltas said:

    Sounds good if it comes to real. Hard to achieve due to how much cost it takes to develop and adjust with the fact DE always has been refused making “Revisit” of her. Arch gun seems more practical way to go.

    While seemingly practical I have a few hard gripe with the archgun usage in dex pixia. (1)- Dex Pixia count as exalted, If you let her switch to archgun weapons, do you then make dex pixia count as an archgun, if you do this there are another two problems, one you need to grind archwing to get all the mods you need to make it effective, two, players who have done profit taker have access to archguns using the deployer, and they can use any frame while doing it. 2- if you keep dex pixia as exalted why then let her just scrap what is meant to be a specal part of her kit for another gun. Thats like letting excal just be like, glowing sword of light, nope, me and my veritux are life partners. It is part of his kit, not an easily removable component. This comes with it;s own issue, since it is exalted it already cannot use all mods, and is therefore less effective as a whole, especially since because she uses two neither are quite on par with other exalted weapons. Rather then remove the exalted component or let her switch it out, the kitgun aspect of dex pixia will let her get an edge by modifying the core stats and mechanics of her dex weapons to supplement it's core flaws. While yes, more complicated to implement, it is what I think best for her.

  15. 20 hours ago, zhellon said:

    If you're worried about the concept, I'd suggest making The Dex pixia and Divata the default standard weapon, like the Garuda did, and giving some quality-of-life improvements when using it.

    One idea I had that i am tinkering with is to keep Dex Pixia/Diwata in place but giving modifiability to there mechanics ala kitgun style. THis way someone doesn't need to grind for and get an entirely new archwing weapon if they want to play her effectively. Switching out parts for different effects like fire rate, ammo capacity, damage types, the payload delivery(aka how the damage is dealt, explosive form, simple bullet, beam weapon, other)- in this way someone can customize dex pixia and diwata in whatever way they feel most comfortable while achieving the same effect as equipping another weapon

  16. 20 hours ago, zhellon said:

    Using archwing weapons does not hurt the concept, because fairies have a lot of concepts in mythology. The first fairies had nothing at all to do with beautiful little women with wings. They looked more like little trolls

    Im aware of that- the point is that wealding a gun doesn't feel right for a frame themed around a creature that are traditionally recognized as innately magical, and natural. You wouldn't wander into a forest, find a fae creature and expect it to whip out a glock, would you

  17. 6 hours ago, (XB1)KnightSlayer411 said:

    His 3 still needs its energy cost reduced. Even with rubble giving energy after being at full health, the truth is that that won't be enough if Atlas keeps consuming 75 energy per Petrify cast.

    Your type of rework will only increase his Petrify use because we want more energy, but we both know that the energy that rubble gives will never be enough to sustain a 75 energy ability.

    And given the fact that Atlas need his rubble to heal and that the only way to get said rubble is through petrified enemies, then we would be at the same scenario of not having energy to cast petrify in order to get full health and start getting energy from that point foward.

    Mk- So with a base energy cost reduction on petrify and alternative ways to gain rumble with the energy regen idea- Perhaps with the increase in status and crit we can have enemies drop rubble on being status or crit procced- Amount of rubble dropped will still be increased on combo counter- this way you can harvest a lot more- 



  18. Passive- Rubble can now give energy- increased if he has full health and the rubble is granting armor

    1-boosted crit and status- lowered energy cost

    2-Ech- Not a big fan of the wall but it fits conceptually

    3-Petrify- Rubble number dropped now increases based on your current landslide combo multiplier- since it increases to 4 and if an enemy needs a lot of bunches this means with the passive you return more energy and gain more survivability with armor and healing

    4-Nope- Rumblers are not much of anybodies cup-o-tea. While they draw aggro nicely and you can keep them up with petrify spending energy on rumblers isn't effective enough as an ultimate ability-

    3 concepts

    1-Garden of stone- Petrify nearby enemies and turn all petrified enemies into temporary rock soldiers like sand shadows- more enemies- more aggro draw- less maintenance required

    2-Fissure- Stomp the ground to open a tectonic fissure in a straight line, opening the earth for magma to spew forth- enemies are staggered and take heat procs


    3-Iron Clad- Atlas draws out and manifests minerals from the earth, enhancing his abilities with the strength of iron-

    Rubble grants bonus armor with a slower decay

    landslide now coats your fist's in iron, altering damage weighting to slash/puncture

    Wall gains bonus armor(if the wall even remains an ability)

    Petrified enemies release shards of metal on shatter, hurting all other nearby enemies


    Other potential changes- Landslide into staggered or cc'd enemies performs a finisher, causing you to punch several times for no extra energy cost


    on hiting an enemy with landslide and not killing them atlas has a combo window to hold 1, performing additional punches with ramping up speed, damage, status, and crit chance


  19. 8 minutes ago, CTanGod said:

    Ever since her Prime got released I have been disappointed that we can't play during missions as her combined form, I think the combined form of the Prime is the best looking form and I'm probably not alone here.

    I know it's not a priority but it would be nice to maybe have the option of locking the form we want to play as in the appearance menu or maybe we can get an augment that lets us play as the combined form for a while (where abilities have the effects of both forms).

    It's kind of a shame since probably a good amount of thought and work went into making the combined forms but they feel like a wasted effort when 99% of the time you can't play as it.

    I had an idea as a sort of balance rework to change equinox- it is jus an ult change but this makes me think- heres the idea


    4 is ow- Penumbra/eclipse- Ecliplse create's a circular area centered around the cast location- In Night form- Allies within the zone gain increased dr- enemies who cross over into the zone are put to sleep after a period- In Day form- allies within the zone gain increased dmg- enemies who cross into the zone take slash proc

    -in addition- casting penumbra will revert equinox into her merged form while she remains inside- what effects this has is up to you progenitor of this post

  20. 4 hours ago, zhellon said:

    The problem is, that they much weaker, than the rest mobs and die very quickly from allies. On the other hand, if they die, then you don't need DR, but I can still see that this buffs system is very bad. As you said, the banal fact that you just jump gives you so much more. But that doesn't give DR to allies or guards as does the tribute. I'd prefer it to be 30 seconds, but more reliable. Or, as I suggested, to bind him to Latern objects. I just need a thing that I control, not mission or spawn system.

    Fear Not zhellon, I am almost finished with a concept rework, I should be updating the original post later tonight

  21. 12 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:


    Hey, I think we worked on some ideas in a previous thread.
    If I'm not mistaken, my idea for Pirate Mode's 2, Tentacle Arm attack mode, was inspired through your suggestions. 😃
    As well as the multishot on Pirate Mode grapeshot, as you wanted a far more hostile and aggro Hydroid.
    This maintains both ideas, taking them to new places with the suggestions and concerns of others.

    To OP, I wish I could get into your Idea for your 3, as it does have merit..
    But I absolutely adore Undertow. Cannot imagine losing that ability. Hope you understand!

    Thanks for spreading the tide meter idea round 🙂 -glad it made enough impression to wind up in other threads

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  22. 1 hour ago, zhellon said:

    At this point, I can identify three useful concepts that can be very powerfully developed. This is Titania 2x forms, razorfly control and latern support. Speelbind effects and tribute can really be conveyed by razorfly and latern. And I really like the idea of the Lantern, as the lantern which we were carrying on a mission of survival to make the infected vulnerable. This has a very good synergy with archwing mobility.


    1 hour ago, zhellon said:

    If Laterns are fixed in the air, it will create a powerful CC and can be a buff zone. In that case, we may need a Wukong cloud so we can place them safely. I mean the part that hides us and makes us invulnerable. We have razorwing, so the flight is already realized.

    Thats a great idea. Here is my spin of it. 

    Including the first two abilities from the example idea I gave here is a changed 3

    Lantern-Lantern creates a lantern that taunts enemies into attacking it and reduces armor- the armor reduction is increased the more damage the lantern absorbs- enemies killed while effected by the lantern are absorbed into it and a % of their max health and armor will be channeled into allies to heal and buff them when they enter the area. Tap cast lantern to spawn it at a target area or ally- if it is spawned on an ally the lantern will hover above their head- Hold cast the lantern to spawn it above titania with an increased range


  23. 1 hour ago, zhellon said:

    Have I offended anyone? If so, I apologize. But I don't see him getting personal. There's a problem I'm pointing to. Or how should I criticize the design without criticizing the design? 

    I understand you were simply pointing out issues. You made many valid points and constructive criticism is not a bad thing. I just want to ensure we aren't just arguing and are instead working towards a compromise to better suit all our opinions.

    1 hour ago, zhellon said:

    I can say that I like his idea, it really is, it could close a lot of problems. But it does not work alone and it is not as necessary as it may seem.

    If you take the revenant mesmer skin, you can find a lot of things that makes the ability in addition to protection:

    1) In conjunction with the first ability you get additional charges. Plus the first ability distracts the enemy, which gives more protection. Plus free castes 1 ability to. That helps too.

    2) With the help of 3 abilities, you impose mesmer skin on allies and objects. That might help, too.

    3) With 4 ability, you gain damage accumulation even when the damage significantly exceeds your EHP.

    Revenant has some tricks for this. So I'm trying to figure out what tricks Titania might have? Why mesmer skin? For example, Nezha's halo, which is also quite a powerful protection due to the mechanics of DPGate. Also, there are mechanics of evasion, which can be improved and it would give a lot for Titania and razorfly. On this my main question, why mesmer skin? 

    Indeed. The most important part of a kit is not each individual ability but how they synergize together to be most effective. Mesmer skin is a fantastic ability, though i feel the concept of the razorfly dmg redirection is more like nezha's 3 or Trinity's dmg link. Both you and Schokolade make good points and concepts will always have ups and downs. For example the idea of creating razorflies on bullet jump or slide is an interesting idea and filled with a whimsy that makes sense for a fairy frame. However Titania spends most of her time within razorwing and therefore is not often bullet jumping or sliding


    On 2019-12-08 at 5:57 PM, zhellon said:

    If you want to play it in the butterfly master, you need to think about the whole control system. For now, razorfly are just a free distraction of the enemy. It is sad. But their concept is very strong and they could have more features than now. In principle, if you think about the concept correctly, you can do something more than butterflies that attack enemies. Questions you should be asking:

    1) How butterflies will be useful for the other abilities?

    2) If butterflies connect with allies, how will they help them? Or will they broadcast your abilities? Then what will these abilities be and how will they help the allies?

    3) If they attack opponents, will they weaken them? If so, how? If your butterflies will spread your abilities, what effects will affect the enemies?

    4) How exactly can Titania exercise control over them? It seems to me that the HUD of butterflies and the marks of their location are mandatory for the concept.

    I have nothing against Mesmer skin, but it's a very boring ability. I would prefer temporary invulnerability and invisibility with disabling all functionality, as is done at Wukong cloud, only much longer in duration and having interaction with abilities. In fact, suspending the game for a while to think about tactical possibilities would be much more fun if Titania had tactical possibilities. And butterflies just can become these tactical opportunities.

    You make a very good point here. Titania feels like razor flies should play a much larger part in her kit. And while the idea of a tank titania with the razorwing dmg redirection is nice if we wanted it to fit her theme she would be gaining invisibility and playing tactically. Like other frames that are coming out, first with baruuk, then hildryn, now gauss and ember De is really plaing around with resource management as a mechanic for frames and it works really well. For Titania micromanaging razor flies can be her shtick, and using them as proxy;s to cast abilities and apply effects is a great idea.

    Example idea-

    1- remains spellbind

    2- create a cloud around titania that makes her invisible while not attacking and marks nearby enemies with buffs that they drop on death

    3- Razorfly swarm- Cast at a location/enemy to have active- non ally bound razorflies to teleport to the location and rapidly attack all enemies in the area

    For every ally in a mission a razorfly will fly to them and sit on their shoulder or else fly around them- when titania uses 1 the razorfly will activate and fly to whatever target the ally it is effecting attacks and apply the spellbind effect to them. If razorfly casts 2 the cloud will appear around allies and grant them it;s effects. If using three she can select a razorfly on an ally(she can see razorlfies through the map and hovering your cursor near these marked razorflies will enable you to cast 3 on them) casting 3 will send a swarm of razorflies to surround the ally, deaing damage to nearby enemies and absorbing damage. If a razorfly dies the ally will recieve a random return of health, energy, or overshield

    In this mock up idea(not serious this is just an example) a razorlfy will stick to every ally within your squad or perhaps affinity range, you can then use them as proxy's to assist. granting a squad invisibility and buffs, enabling them to kill enemies more eazily with a targeted cc, or saving an ally caught out by a group if enemies with a swarm of damage reduction flies that drop health, energy, and shield restores on death. Giving razorflies synergy to enhance the supportive fae aspect of her kit would be phenomenal. Obviously the idea above is not some idea I strongly believe in. It doesn;t touch on managing razor flies like a recourse or the split idea you proposed which I want to talk about now.

    On 2019-12-07 at 8:57 AM, zhellon said:

    Titania has some concept problems that can be solved with Equinox mechanics, dividing Titania into two forms (normal as support, archwing as aggressive damage. DE don't want players to only play archwing. Players only want to play archwing. 2 forms are a compromise of this, as if changing the form will not expend energy, then for maximum efficiency you will need to maintain your support abilities in normal form, and therefore constantly change modes. This will work much more efficiently than a simple energy restriction, which can be ignored in highly specialized builds, but which breaks Titania as a whole.

    At first when I read this I thought you were talking about the equinox split clone and I got confused but it made sense when I reread it 🙂

    The idea of splitting her kit into two parts one for a more supportive role, the other for a highly aggressive damage role would be very interesting. Harkening back to razor fly management that can make it all unique, you can split razorlfies between use as damage or support assistance. Or perhaps they work in the opposite of what she is in. If she is in support mode her razor flies will become a passively active aggressive force to protect your vulnerable self, and when you enter an aggression state they form up to replace you as the team support by going around to allies and assisting them. I don;t know if I like splitting the ideas between razorwing and normal state. Perhaps allowing her to switch between a supportive razorwing and an aggressive razorwing mode. 

    Let me know what you think

  24. 13 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    In THE DEEP, we could have a movement like a slower experimental flight archwing.
    Being under water would be disorienting, but it's sort of an optional place to be.

    Yes. I intended that hydroid would swim rather then using archwing or anything like that. 

    13 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

    I imagine THE DEEP as a "Room" with enemies able to collide with a boundary like a shallow Erlenmeyer flask,
    roughly 2x the size at it's base of your Undertow/Whirlpool.

    That was indeed the idea. Naturally the environment needs boundaries.



    Also I'm going to edit my original post soon with a new set of ideas based on what we've talked about here 🙂 

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