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Posts posted by OverlordMcGeek

  1. 24 minutes ago, Shade-Nightclaw said:

    Yeah no kidding on the unplayability, ive checked my computer and internet for a god damn month and everythings working fine, its blatently obvious that there is several isolated incidents for random players that are horribly laggy to the point where its unplayable, i can say it is not effecting everyone but the people it DOES effect it makes the game unbreakable, it does things like extended freezing, sounds and voice acting get delayed then all the sounds catch up  at once when the lag spike ends making a horribly loud sound of all of them at once, it also does things like kick party members, splitting game instances where im still in the game and so are my friends but its no longer the same game , it does things like having 5 players in a game then itel kick a random player so hard theyre game freezes to the point where my computer actaully locks up from the lag and i cant do anything untill the spike ends,and i know its not my pc because i can play the newest doom on ultra with zero lag, so i dont know what the hell the problem is but something needs fixed already

    I'm one of those people. I have fiddled with the settings with no progress in stability.

    And if that didn't help. I got a brand new computer about 2 months ago and even then I get freezes when joining and leaving sessions.

  2. *breaks into thread with crowbar*

    *looks around confused*

    watz. this spezia spasch. nu neeeed at browken in. loooooooooooooooovee here. hiyah peeps!!! who dat feelz wit hoaridaiz stils in da body? more drink plz

  3. 21 minutes ago, Stalker_Cake said:

    i really want nidus so i can open that door ;_;

    Dangerously close to using my money to get plat for it. But then again. How much does tigris prime without the bp go for?

  4. 21 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:

    *sprinkles leaves over your head*



    *punches mirror out with bare hands*

    *throws shards of glass everywhere*



    *throws bloody shards onto you*


    *runs out door frantically*


    *chants meecop*

  5. Makes me wonder. I knew R2S had limited god-modding as long as it 1. Made sense to at least some extent 2. Had the stories move forward 3. Had a period of time before posting to be considered 4. Was Sky, Noa and myself 5. Was encouraged immediately by the 3 aforementioned

    What about here? Well...

    God mods my way to THE last post of this thread. Gimme my mooney.

  6. 30 minutes ago, RavenousPartyLibrarian said:


    Urmagawd! Hi!

    1 hour ago, AerinSol said:

    BTW don't you guys have jobs? I have time since gyms get slow frequently.

    Work from home.



    1 hour ago, TheMetrocop said:

    *constantly bowing down and doing trivial tasks*



    *hands tremble and twitch*

    Yesh. I dub thee Medic-medic.

  7. 15 minutes ago, TheMetrocop said:

    *inconspicuously plays act of 'non-omnipresent god worshipping'*


    *legally /licks by meeting you in the Vatican*

    11 minutes ago, heskaroid said:

    you can't.

    only @Noamuth and i think, @OverlordMcGeek can do these sorts of crap

    sky did one. and beeoverlord(that 1000 page bet is still valid if it isn't closed)

    10 minutes ago, Stalker_Cake said:

    defy them and become more than them

    *eats you*

  8. 17 minutes ago, AerinSol said:

    I'll prove it.1BE5FD9532050AEF12A82FA52FDB6175C5A8B163


    How in the hell do you have a excalibro prime icon?!

    BTW noodle disciples. Been busy as hell. Remember that business my cousins asked me to help out in with the numbers? It blew up a bit with that 'phone calls' idea they came up with. Been annoying mostly since it got busy enough to actually hire someone else to help me out. I have never thought anyone so I have been winging it teaching them what to do.

  9. On ‎12‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 8:26 AM, Snyphurr said:

    you have just activated my trump card lel fgt


      Reveal hidden contents



    *burns you with scorn that even tartarus can't shield you from*

  10. 1 hour ago, BrownStalin said:

    Item #: SCP-?????

    Object Class: Keter

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-???? Is to be kept in a 5x5x5 meter room monitored 24/7 by 4 night vision capable HD cameras in 4 corners of the room. Two sound sensitive alarms are to placed directly next to SCP-????. Access to SCP-???? will require Level 4 or higher authorization and personal must wear Mk4 Anti-Sound Hazmat gear. Personal shall also be equipped with 1 high powered stun rifles, 1 electric charge baton and a copy of the movie "The Bee Movie". If SCP-???? is able to activate, insert the copy of the movie into the optical drive and it will enter into a stunned state which would allow it to shut off. If containment fails and it enters it's "Jerry" mode, all internet devices and providers will be forced to turn off. After about 10 minutes of lock down, all computer files shall be searched and cleaned. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT NO DEVICE CONTAINING CLASSIFIED CONTENT SHOULD BE NEAR SCP-????.

    Description: SCP-???? is a Computer containing a MSI GTX 980, 8GB of DDR4 RAM, a motherboard of unknown origin and a Western Digital 1TB of HDD. The Computer was discovered after a user by the name of ██████ complain that the computer created more space for it's 3.3 TB files. SCP unit "Chan4" investigated further and obtained the PC after the unexpected death of ██████. The body of ██████ showed no signs of damage and further investigation found that the insides of showed the organs had an unexpected stop in function. If this death is related to SCP-???? is unknown.

                          On random intervals throughout the month, SCP-???? will automatically turn on and start playing an episode of Seinfeld. If the episode is allowed to complete then SCP-???? will enter what is called the "Jerry" mode and will play the theme of Seinfeld in a volume high enough to to break the human ear drum in as little as 20 seconds. If this continues for 10 seconds then all biological entities will suddenly collapse in a radius of 3 meters. After this has been done the device will then repeat the phrase "Jerry" 4 times before entering the last stage. In this last stage, all device that has the capability to store space will slowly start being corrupted with a file named "The Seinfeld Chronicles" that once opened will activate a memetic kill agent, causing heart failure and lung collapse.

                        The danger of SCP-???? is that any device corrupted by this file will then start spreading this to other devices and if no other device is available it will start emmiting large amounts of gamma radiation in a short radius.Once emitting the radiation, SCP-???? will shut down and be reset. Another danger is how random the intervals are. In one scenario. After the first attempt to spread was stopped quickly, personal left the area. While all personal was absent, SCP-???? reentered it's "Jerry" state and managed to complete it. The aftermath caused the death of █ personal and the loss of SCP-████ file.

                     Further research has also shown that once SCP-???? has corrupted a computer, all space will be transfered to SCP-???? by unknown means.




    I should write one myself. Anyone know the interview process to join the internets Freemasons?

  11. 14 hours ago, Noamuth said:


    2 hours ago, Skycook3y said:

    Until I saw a picture of Overlord I pictured her as Skrillex but female because someone mentioned her looking like that in LPW or R2S back in the day.

    What are you guys doing with me in my absence? Also is Aerin replacing me? BTW got the reference from the Blue Sword series.

    and you messed up the name. It's Aerin-Sol, as in "Sole" heir to the throne.

    Got a Grinlok Riven. I almost exclusively use the Snipetron Vandal or the Vulkar Wraith.

    Edit: Pretty sure that was Shiroboner that said that of me.

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