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Posts posted by OverlordMcGeek

  1. 1 minute ago, Skycook3y said:

    Why does Shicka have a bow? And how is the world of warcraft connected to all of this?

    It's a complicated story. Just know that Shicka is angry and again, armed with a bow.

  2. 1 minute ago, AlendasNaro said:

    Ah... Well I don't like to say this but it is kinda awful truth to say. It is their problem not ours if helps is asked for then we offer that if it is pushed away we accept that. Can we now stay in the topic?

    It is on topic. Part of it is random conversations that spawn out.

    But yeah. Let's move on.

  3. Just now, AlphaPHENIX said:

    I...will not ask where the hell you founhd that from...

    Kurias are souless, we are like cephalons yet we are not. Olemedi made us, trapped a mind inside the kitten prime statues and so we were scattered around the systems.

    Thanks for the info.

    *simply does an aggressive upload of your conscious to the body*

  4. 2 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    Kurias are invurnable to all kinds of damage, displacement and etc. It is our blessing and our curse. 

    *lathers you in heska roid crème*

    You strong kuria now.

  5. Just now, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

    Can I have some of what you're on? That's the only logical conclusion I could deduce for someone to be that delusional.

    It's an off-topic thing.


    2 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    You accidently banished my cookies too :(

    nom nom

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