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Posts posted by OverlordMcGeek

  1. 1 minute ago, AlendasNaro said:

    Drugs are only for those who have diseases that can be temporarily eased with them and use of drugs if you are healthy is quite stupid and just throws you huge distance backwards in your life. Heck putting alcohol and drugs side by side makes me say that I would rather prefer alcohol. If I would drink alcohol in first place and as I don't use drugs. I say that I prefer to stay fresh. No smoking, no drinking, no usage of drugs. Life is already quite short to spend time on those.

    I meant sell them.

  2. 8 hours ago, Buzkyl said:


    No, no it isn't. Perhaps if the "petrify" rate was capped at a single value vs all enemies and not differing vs heavy and light units. It's short, locks me out of weapons and slows him to a crawl. It like spectral scream is not giving adequate benefit to the restrictions it is placing.

    Now with path of statues, Landslide does a better job petrifying than petrify.

    Yes it is. If anyone uses it to waste time actually petrifying an enemy they are insane.

  3. 9 hours ago, AlendasNaro said:

    Well... I would if I would have a cat. I just don't know how much it would love to live in apartment that is 25 square meter big. Although I have had been looking at website pages of animal shelters for a cat but I still need to improve my money income by finding an actual job. I like dogs more but cat is nice too.

    Drugs or construction are the easiest to get into. Unless you got the bod for stripping.

  4. 12 hours ago, JSharpie said:


    I don't know why but the term NEET really makes me sad, mostly because I don't have a job because no one will take a chance on a twenty year old outside of your basic retail or fast food chains. 

    Don't know why it makes you sad. It's an actual classification. Also, construction always has people getting in. At least it's temp and gives the impression of being ultra-hard working.

    12 hours ago, Noamuth said:

    Not sure what NEET means, but retail, fast food and security is a decent way to break into the working world but you can also work with a temp agency.

    Seriously, I went from medical coding to warehouse work with the help of a temp agency.  Granted the only requirements were "can you count past 10?  Do you steal things? Do you speak English? You start at 8a"

    Google it...no wait this is the internet people are lazy.

    NEET: Not in Education, Employed or Training. 

  5. I love my Seer pistol. Why can't we have more weapons of this aesthetic?

    Mutalist Quanta has too much potential if they just tweak it. Not even OP changes just simple QOL changes.

    Sheev. I for one like the design. Was the best dagger until the Rakta Dark Dagger nice passive.

    You can see that my opinion would be a bit skewed but oberon is OP to me. Limbo just makes my brain hurt with it's quality maintenance gameplay. Lecta has always sucked for me since I love the Scoliac too much.

  6. Just now, Trichouette said:

    I agree on most of things you said, to me atlas is part of the "they gave him these abilities because it looked cool" problem.

    Once again, he was advertised as a brawler and he has 1 (and maybe the golems...) combat related ability.

    Even his conclave augment for his rumblers are more "brawler" than these golems.

    How is this "reliable" when it takes so long to cast and 1 or 2 punch ragdoll enemies instead of just "blinding" them ?


    Still, I want to be able to perform jojo poses as Atlas, that's something missing in warframe !

    Long? Just tap the key. And you don't ragdoll them in the first two punches.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Snyphurr said:


    My sister came to me with this vitamin to get rid of scars and it really works but it's a sticky vitamin that you have to wear while you sleep.


    Sleeping with this thing on is like having thousands of little nails craving into your skin.

    Talking about sleeping, I have to leave at 5am.

    It's currently 3am and I haven't even thought of my bed yet.



    1 minute ago, heskaroid said:

    i got a surgery to take at like 10 am and a half so rip

    I would be torturing you guys like my sisters.

  8. just noticed that it's not like HG/SS where I can just skim to see if they are shiny...I have to engage in the first battle...this entire day wasted!


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