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  1. user4302

    Rename Lotus

    Like the title says, rename lotus. There's many articles saying why we should be allowed to rename lotus after the new war, and also some saying otherwise. But if we can change the appearance of lotus to look like natah, lotus or marghulis, then it only makes sense to allow a name change as well. The only reason I chose marghulis is cos we finally have a face for the lotus. And it was supposed to be a "permanent" choice. But we can change the appearance of this permanent choice? That's not very permanent. So I could have. Just selected lotus and changed the appearance to look like marghulis.... Something that wasn't obvious at all when selecting a new persona. The warning could have at least been more specific and mentioned that the name is permanent and the appearance is not, cos this is very annoying. I want lotus to be lotus, but now its just marghulis. Please consider a name change using platinum at least.
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